Archive:Kais Kogong

From Alathra Wiki
Revision as of 02:17, 10 April 2021 by Vasya (talk | contribs)
Kais Kogong in April 2021, taken by Zeddopotamus

Kais Kogong is a harbor town on the southernmost continent of Alathra. It was founded by Vasya on April 4th, 2021. Kais Kogong sits in the gulf of Albir. Notable inhabitants include Vasya, a druid and priestess of the old forest gods, and Riya, a Llama. Currently, Kais Kogong consists of a small waterfront, Vasya's house, and an Inn.

It is a small, idyllic village, home to several spiritual sites used to connect to the earth. The people of Kais Kogong value humility and serenity, refusing to wear diamond or nephrite armor because they see it as a source of pride and intimidation.

On April 9th, a strange custom tree was placed behind Kais Kogong. Its roots went down to bedrock and it sat in a pool of water surrounded by infested stone brick. The grass around the tree is noticeably discolored and it has a beehive, as well as several honey blocks.

The strange tree