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Alathra holds host to a wide range of magic and mystical creatures. Some are givers of life and others bring rot and destruction.

== Types of magic ==
Several types of arts exist and have been displayed in use.

=== Basic construct of magic ===
Magic is split up into four energies. These are:

* Flux - life energy that exists all around the world. Levels of flux can determine how much life exists in a place. Too little can cause a place to become barren but too much can damage the area. It is split into five sub parts.
* Arcane - Pure energy that can affect other energies and subsequently shape them.
* Taint - Energies forren to a world. Often come from other worlds and dimensions. Too much can cause chaos.
* Daemonic - Energies from the Other or similar places.

==== The Elements ====
Flux is split into five parts. These parts are often referred to as Elements. Everything has some aspect to them that causes it to be related to an element. This also applies to people. The Elements can also relate to certain concepts. These elements are:

* Fire - Often associated with destruction, fire is one people often avoid. However it can also represent safety and rebirth.
* Water - Often seen as representing change as well as death. It's often said that a river is what separates the living world and the afterlife and the water from that river comes from a cosmic tree.
* Earth - Earth is seen as representing creation and life. It is neither chaotic nor has order but can withstand the test of time and crumble to the architect's tools.
* Air - like water it can represent change however it can be a more destructive force as storms come from it. However it can give life to the world.
* Spirit - spirit is the most free of the Elements. Nothing physical truly contains it yet one can be surrounded by it. It is often associated with the mind and can heal it or control it.

People are attuned to certain elements. While this doesn't effect the person's personality it determines which element one can weald and manipulate. The Attunement of a person is random but can never change. A person also has another type of attunement that is based on the species of that person. This represents the 'nature' of the species. For example, terrestrial creatures are attuned to earth while aquatic are attuned to water. This type of attunement is called the lesser attunement while the other is the greater.

The lesser attunement can often aid the greater attunement making that person stronger than another. The way this system works can be complicated. The lesser attunement, e.g. Air, aids the greater attunement, e.g. Water. However this works only one way, e.g. Air aids water but water doesn't aid Air. A similar system works with which element is stronger or weaker to another element, e.g. Air is weak to earth but strong against spirit.

Determining the attunement of a person is difficult and is best done with a ritual of revealing on one's self. The only acceptance is when a person is attuned to spirit, be it lesser or greater. This is due to a 'trait' that can occur in these people, however it doesn't occur in everyone attuned to spirit. This 'trait' is the ability to see into the Other, also known as mediumship.

=== Alchemy ===

=== Thurgy ===

=== Biomancy ===

=== Necromancy ===

=== Runes ===

=== Spells and rituals ===

=== Goetia ===

=== Druidic magic ===

=== Blood magic ===

=== Dark magic ===

=== Golemancy ===

=== Metalamancy ===