
From Alathra Wiki
Revision as of 00:26, 13 April 2021 by Lilisaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Mjǫðr was founded on April 5 2021 by Salem64. The first citizen was assistant Lilisaurus, many citizens joined soon thereafter like Mockma, BananaMannCo, TheToadstool, and P...")
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Mjǫðr was founded on April 5 2021 by Salem64. The first citizen was assistant Lilisaurus, many citizens joined soon thereafter like Mockma, BananaMannCo, TheToadstool, and P1ge0ns.

Our gorgeous city at night

Mjǫðr is the second-largest city in all of Alathra with 10 citizens. We are a group of Vikings living in an icy tundra.