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= Family Line =
Rhonin Tapperhet is the youngest in the long line of the Tapperhet family. His parents were Oddmund Tapperhet (Father) and Kjellfrid Tapperhet (Mother). His grandparents, Helge Tapperhet (Grandfather) and Freya Tapperhet (Grandmother). His Great Grandparents, Njord Tapperhet (Great Grandfather) and Eir Tapperhet (Great Grandmother). All going back to the first recorded Tapperhet, being Sigurd Tapperhet. Who, after his parents passingdeath, had changed his name to Stigandr, meaning Wanderer.
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== Rhonin's First Encounter with Valors Hall ==
Although after the incident he was more hesitant to go exploring, about a year later, upon hearing some rumors among the other children in Freeport about a ruined castle-like structure out of town a ways, his interest was piqued, and he decided to go out to see it that night. Packing up some supplies, he snuck out of his house, and made his way in the direction the children said it was. After walking for a while, he finally laid eyes upon the ruin. Cautiously stepping up the staircase, he noticed an old wooden sign posted between the two massive doors, reading: "Valors Hall". Stepping to the side and pushing one of the doors open, he peaked inside but could see nothing. Lighting a lantern he brought with, he walked inside, taking in the massive room he just stepped in to. After finding a doorway on the left side of the main hall, he entered a small room that had bookshelves, lecterns, and stacks of book all over the place, most of which appeared to have been burned to a crisp. He opened the firstonly one hestill sawintact, being one on a Lectern, that had the title; "Tapperhet opphav og historie" and began to read. As he read, he realized the significance of the building he was standing in, and the history behind it. Grabbing the book and stuffing it into his sack, he began walking back to the main hall, when he noticed there was two extra lights coming from the main doorway. Extinguishing his lantern, he ducked behind a pile of books where he had a view of the main hall. Two men, wearing dark clothing and carrying weapons, had entered the ruin, and begun looking around, talking to each other as they did. (For simplicities sake, I will mark who is saying what)
'''Soren''': "I don't know, Yarx, are you sure you saw someone come in here?"
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'''Soren''': "Well, now that you mention it-"
'''Yarx''': "Shut it, letslet's check the library."
Rhonin knew he would be found if he stayed where he was, so, grabbing a nearby book, threw it as hard as he could to the other side of the library, behind one of the bookshelves, just before they got closed enough to notice what he was doing.
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Both Yarx and Soren ran into the library, looking to the left side where Rhonin had thrown the book. Rhonin, taking this as his chance, sprinted out for the back doors in the main hall, quickly running through them into the War Room. Yarx turns around and catches a glimpse of Rhonin as he sprints away.
'''Yarx''': "There he is! Come on, letslet's go!"
Yarx and Soren both run after Rhonin, who by this point is out of the War Room and into the main stairwell. Seeing a metal door in front of him, he remembers what Soren had said about some kind of treasure, but hears them coming toobefore quickly for him tocan do anything. Looking at the stairs, he runs up them towards a main living space, including a bar, and dives behind it. Just as Yarx reaches the same room.
'''Yarx''': "Hurry up, Soren! He's in here!"
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'''Yarx''': "You know, it's pretty dangerous here, we don't want you to get hurt."
Rhonin hears his footsteps getting closer, and closer. Finally, he reaches the bar, and looks over it, to find nothing. Rhonin, holding his breath and crouching down under the counter, stays completely still and silent. Yarx looks around for a second and walks back towards the stairs. Rhonin lets out a sigh of relief, but does so too early, and Yarx takes notice of the sound.
'''Yarx''': "Ah, there you are."
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'''Soren''': ""
Rhonin, now at the bottom of the staircase, looks around in the room he is now standing in. Dozens of large sacks, presumably filled with loot from different raids, is scattered across the room. Gold coins are scattered about, and on a pedestal at the end of the room sits a Sword made of Netherite. Walking up to it, Rhonin picks up the blade and reads an inscription on its handle that reads: "Valors Dawn". Grabbing a nearby leather sheathe and putting it on, Rhonin slides the sword into it, along with grabbing a few handfuls of gold coins. Seeing a lever on the wall, he pulls it, pulling a shelf to the side and revealing a tunnel. He throws the key back into the room and walks through the tunnel, exiting near where Ardora would one day be made. After running back to his home in Freeport, he shows his parents all that he found. The gold his parents used to take care of the family, the sword his parents allowedput himaway tountil keephe was older, and the swordbook he gave to his father, butwho recognized it from stories didnRhonin'ts letgrandfather told him. playHis withfather itasked untilhim where he wasfound olderthe book, and Rhonin told them he found it in the ruin outside of town. His father told him not to go back there, without giving further reason.
== Valors Hall and Freeports History with the Tapperhet Family ==
Valors Hall was actually the home of the Tapperhet family. Constructed long ago by Stigandr Tapperhet, after meeting the love of his life, Linyive, who, after they married, changed her name to Eyvor, meaning "Happiness" after seeing how happy Stigandr was after their marriage. Valors Hall then became the centerpiecehome ofto athe smallentirety townof the family had made, consisting of mostlyTapperhet family members, while travelersand seekingalso refugeserved oras a smallresting place tofor settle down began coming to ittravelers. The place was called by travelers "Hvilested", meaning "Resting Place". However, it was raided by a group of bandits shortly after Rhonin's grandparents were born, causing them to flee for their lives. Allas whothey wereset leftfire were slaughtered, and Valors Hall isto the onlybuilding. thingAll that remained,were duethere toat itthe beingtime madewere ofslaughtered, solidexcept stone.for His great-grandparents, who fled to a town not far from Valors Hall that was being constructed, called Freeport. There, after finding respite, had a child, a boy they named Helge Håp Tapperhet, Håp meaning "Hope". Rhonin's family never returned to Valors Hall, believing it to be haunted by the spirits of those who had died that fateful day the town was raided.