Archive:Rhonin Tapperhet

From Alathra Wiki

About Rhonin Tapperhet (ShadowOfRhonin)

Rhonin Tapperhet was born, raised, and currently lives within the city of Snowport, serving as one of the main builders and as the Director of Civil Affairs, along with being the Mayor of Windhold.


Rhonin's father had served in the Arcadian armed forces, but unfortunately died in the line of duty, leaving only his guitar "Yearing" and his journal to Rhonin, Both of which were stolen from his home. His mother, who lives in Coldfront, is his only known living relative. Robbert has adopted him as his son.

Past Life

Although Rhonin has lived his entire life inside Freeport (Now Snowport), he has always longed to explore the world of Alathra, to learn about other nations and their culture, their languages, their lives. His parents, however, never saw him more than a child, and never allowed him to adventure past the border of the city, even to the neighboring town of Snowpia or what is now Hightower. In some ways, this was good, it prevented Rhonin from aimlessly wandering the frozen plains of the South-Western region of Alathra. Kept him from suddenly falling through the snow into some large icy cavern, or being ripped apart by packs of hungry wolves. Despite that, it only made his hunger for adventure grow, leading him, after his 10th birthday, to disobey his parents wishes and venture outside Freeport. He made it to Snowpia, past Hightower, and into the wilds. Once he made it to the lake north of Freeport, however, he decided to walk out onto the ice, which began to crack under the weight. He didn't seem to notice, and before long the ice broke open, and he plunged into the frigid water below. If it wasn't for the help of some nearby Ice Fishers that saw the ordeal occur, he wouldn't be alive today. After that incident, Rhonin lost his passion for exploration, and as he got older, he began to become busy to the point where, even if he wanted to explore, he couldn't.