Archive:The Malecultus

From Alathra Wiki

The Malecultus are the ancient servil of Mephistopheles, his primary fighting power. All are of evil nature, and vary in dangerous qualities.

The Undead

The Undead are the malecultus who do not originate under Mephisophelese's creation, and are instead risen and infected by his wickedness.

The Arthropods

Large eight legged demons of acrobatic nature; some are inheritely poisonous.


4 legged huminoid creatures; naturally camoflaged with greenery. Characterized by a self destructive and destructive self defence mechanism, of which is devistating to infrastructure and human life.


Tall mysterious entities of unknown situation. Most often mearly purple eyes in the night.


Giants are believed to be demigods of Mephistopheles, with the purpose of ruling his disciples for him.