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Because of this lack of distinguishing culture, its neighbor and trading partner HighTide managed to develop its own culture centered around the turtles found in the Seastone Isles. Although Uhovians do not typically share the same religious devotion towards turtles as natives of HighTide, they share a general appreciation for the reptiles, having their own native population that occasionally comes to shore to lay eggs.
Nonetheless, Uhovia's primary cultural claim is the pursuit of alchemy. In fact, its flag is designed after the four stages of the Magnum Opus: ''Nigredo'' (Blackening), ''Albedo'' (Whitening), ''Citrinas'' (Yellowing), and ''Rubedo'' (Reddening).
If Uhovia
== Economy ==
Uhovia's main product is sugarcane, with the city boasting the largest farm in the Northern Continent as well as all of Alathra. Used for sweets, brewing, paper-making, and numerous other industries, sugarcane has made a fortune for Uhovians involved with growing, harvesting, processing, and shipping sugarcane. Uhovia supplies many other cities in Alathra as well as Madonis, Prime Minister spiceymonkey1349's hometown far across the ocean.
In addition to sugarcane, Uhovia also has a strong ranching and miningalchemical industryindustries, bothmaking it a crucial factorssupplier of meat and potions for tothe itsFCA's growthmilitary.
More recently, Uhovia has become a major vendor of enchanted books, making a fortune off of selling Mending and Unbreaking books for clientele all across Alathra.
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After the fall of Slavongrad, On June 1, IQ33, a disgraced member of Slavongrad, began indiscriminately attacking the citizens of Alathra, using dark magic to fly across the world in mere seconds, to instantly appear in unexpected locations, and to shapeshift into different forms in order to evade banishment by the astral beings which governed the realm. He murdered Prime Minister spiceymonkey1349 four times in a row, stealing his armor and using it to assassinate other high-ranking citizens of Alathra. The situation proved to be so desperate, Emperor KnightOfNotch of Ashina, normally a reserved, reclusive ruler, came to spiceymonkey1349's aid, driving away IQ33.
KnightOfNotch's actions helped to alleviate tensions between the Ashina Empire and the F.C.A.FCA, who were wary of Ashina's global dominance. Indeed, after reading the history of the [[Ashina-Lothridge War]] and witnessing Ashina's defiance against Grandpa_Boob's tyranny, spiceymonkey1349 came to respect Ashina's record of defending individualism and freedom. Nonetheless, he remained vigilant against Ashina's movements, remembering his own duty to protect the autonomy of the F.C.A.FCA and the other nations.
=== Ashina-Vatican War ===
On June 14, Prime Minister spiceymonkey1349 and Sir austinzhu were part of the F.C.A.FCA force that attacked Vatican City along with Ashina and Fare-Sesso. Both served honorably, with austinzhu dueling with Grandpa_Boob to entertain the alliance and spiceymonkey1349 guarding austinzhu's items after he lost the duel.
