
Uhovia is a coastal city-state located on the eastern end of the Northwestern Continent. It is currently under construction.


  • white_flare1506 (Ruler)
  • spiceymonkey1349 (Prime Minister)


Uhovia is currently allied with HighTide and Duskenspur in the Alliance of Coastal Cities. Uhovia has no outstanding disputes with any town or nation


The Dirt Bridge Incident

During the night of May 21-May 22, a mysterious dirt bridge appeared between Uhovia and a neighboring city, New Ashina. Both the people of Uhovia and Ashina denied involvement, and the Uhovians started to worship it as a bridge to the spirit world. Ultimately, however, they realized how ugly the bridge looked, and a prominent member of Ashina, Shepsicle, promptly dismantled it.

The First Assassination of White_Flare

On May 22, white_flare1506, ruler of Uhovia, was killed by EpicMasterVic, a bounty hunter from P.I.B., for a bounty placed by an unknown client. Because the two city-states were located far apart, and because Uhovia was still in the process of construction, the Uhovians decided not to pursue the assassin.

The Alliance of Coastal Cities

On May 26, Prime Minister spiceymonkey1349 of Uhovia, King Cody29797 of HighTide, and King MylesDon of Duskenspur created an alliance between their three towns as a defensive agreement against any potential threats from the other nations. They sought the support of OnlySolid of Slavongrad because of his manpower and resources, but after OnlySolid's disgrace and fall from power, they were forced to abandon this idea.

The Founding of Evergreen

On May 28, BentoSet, a friend of spiceymonkey1349, founded Evergreen as an outpost to oversee Uhovia's inland territory. He was given a loan of over $30,000 by LordMonkey1 of Slavongrad, who menacingly stated, "You are in debt to me now," then left.

The Second Assassination of White_Flare

On May 30, spiceymonkey1349 was looking on the map of Alathra, when he noticed VonDaConMon, a member of P.I.B., rapidly approaching Uhovia from New Ashina City. Realizing white_flare1506's life was in danger, spiceymonkey rushed to get on the server and warn his king. Alas, he was too late, for white_flare had been assassinated again and his murderer had escaped.

The Free Cities of Alathra

After much deliberation, King white_flare1506 finally joined the Free Cities of Alathra on June 1, following Evergreen's admission on May 30.

The Wrath of IQ33

After the fall of Slavongrad, On June 1, IQ33, a disgraced member of Slavongrad, began indiscriminately attacking the citizens of Alathra, using dark magic to fly across the world in mere seconds, to instantly appear in unexpected locations, and to shapeshift into different forms in order to evade banishment by the astral beings which governed the realm. He murdered Prime Minister spiceymonkey1349 four times in a row, stealing his armor and using it to assassinate other high-ranking citizens of Alathra. The situation proved to be so desperate, Emperor KnightOfNotch of Ashina, normally a reserved, reclusive ruler, came to spiceymonkey1349's aid, driving away IQ33.

KnightOfNotch's actions helped to alleviate tensions between the Ashina Empire and the F.C.A., who were wary of Ashina's global dominance. Indeed, after reading the history of the Ashina-Lothridge War and witnessing Ashina's defiance against Grandpa_Boob's tyranny, spiceymonkey1349 came to respect Ashina's record of defending individualism and freedom. Nonetheless, he remained vigilant against Ashina's movements, remembering his own duty to protect the autonomy of the F.C.A. and the other nations.