Archive:Union of Alathra Workers

From Alathra Wiki

The Basis

The Union of Alathran Workers is a Psuedo-Socialist Movement in Alathra that primarily focuses on workers rights and anti-colonialism efforts.

UAW Assembly

The UAW Assembly, also known as the Union Board, is the highest rank in the union besides the Chairman. Its duty is to ensure that the workers represented by the union are treated fair and equal, and are adequetely represented. The assembly is voted on by certified union members every two months which allows three elections per six month contract.

Counsel of the Union
Position Member
Chairman Westerian
Co-Chairman N/A
Board LoneWolf51800, TylxrMD, Melevor
Members nugget31, Username_DjM8

There will be more people added as time goes on.

UAW Member States

UAW Member Nations
Voievodat Cresvlitsae

History of the Union

The UAW was founded by Lord Eytelis of Lydoneia, author of the Alathran Socialist Manifesto on a dark night in the Havens Keep board room, in a top secret meeting with several lords from the surrounding countryside. It was established two days after the penning of the manifesto, in an effort to establish the theory in real, political action. Despite harsh opposition, the party persevered and was officially established with cries from only Lord Mega.

Also some extra thoughts expressed by the board member LoneWolf51800: