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But there was still hope.
One day he saw Ra'thra and a strange woman talk. He couldn't hear what they were saying but it seemed serious. And his thoughts were confirmed by something Ra'thra said. From the small snippet he heard talk of a Demon wanting to return to Alathra. And from the expression on both of their faces he could tell they were slightly worried.
Zarlues at this time was also looking at Ra'thra's forbidden books. Many were unreadable but he was beginning to translate them, even understand some of them. But it was one in particular. It was a small, black book with gold details and patterns on it. he could also see the paper. It was red. And for some reason it was chained down. The aura it gave off was powerful and heavy, it made him feel sick. He also couldn't use spells to unlock the chains as they were warded with powerful magic. But something called to him, the book called to him. So, with nothing else to do he touched it.
Zarlues woke up with news that Ra'thra had gone South for something.
To be continued.