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Zarules specialises in multiple forms of magic, however he is most knowledgeable in dark magic and Biomancy. It is often debated in the temple if he is matched or even stronger than Ra'thra.
Zarules specialises in multiple forms of magic, however he is most knowledgeable in dark magic and Biomancy. It is often debated in the temple if he is matched or even stronger than Ra'thra.

Zarules practices the worship of 'The First Father' as he is one of the clergy in the temple. However he has doubts about it. More recently though he has been drawn to the worship of a different entity.

Zarules use to live in Nowhere.
Zarules is highly knowledgeable about magic but is always willing to learn from others.
Zarules saw Isenhiem as a father figure.

An entity known as 'J' has recently been showing herself around Alathra.

J appears as a jester in black with dark red details and gold trims and buttons. Her hat covers her entire head, only leaving the face uncovered, and has two black and white striped tails that end with bells. Her skin is a grayish white and the colour on her face is spit into two halves, one is yellower in colour and the other is red is colour. Most notably her eyes seem to be endless pits of darkness with lights in them that mimic pupils. The one on the red side of her face is yellow and the one on her yellow side is red.

She is also described as smelling of roses, lavender and old books.