Archive:Zarules: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Zarules was a young boy when it happened. He and his family, his mother and father, flead the continent of Arith in fear of persecution. His family were never fans of the FCA and thought them liars. But they had nowhere to go. And so that was where they went. They had recently heard of an island in the south that was once abandoned but now being rebuilt, Nowhere. And after a rough travel they made it. The town leader, Grim, was surprised to see sudden guests but was deli...")
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Things began to change once again. A new religion was created and resources had started to move into the construction of a building far in Arith. Eventually the time came and Ra'thra made his final announcement at Nowhere. To stay here or to leave with him. Zarules was pulled apart by this choice, his family didn't want to leave and feared Ra'thra. But Zarules was curious and young and wanted to learn more. Ra'thra's abilities were far beyond Isenhiem's. So, regrettably, he said his goodbyes and left with Ra'thra.
He travelled with him to the temple and made his home at it. The temple grew in size and followers. During which, Ra'thra started to teach some of the followers magic. And due to Zarules' training with Isenhiem he quickly learnt more and became the top student. He learned basic and advanced Biomancy, Alchemy, Thurgy, Runes, Rituals and Spell craft.
However, threats from the Silvians started and war was declared. This was the moment Zarules was introduced to the real world and he had to quickly learn to fight. He learned basic hand-to-hand combat and archery before the battle. And when the battle took place he was severally injured. He was one of the few who survived the massacre. He's friends and fellow students where all killed.
He physically recovered but was traumatised by it all. And he soon went into a downwards Spital into dark magic. Ra'thra saw this and took advantage, teaching him dark and blood magic along with other stuff.
To be continued.
