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== '''The origins of Zussamennflussberg and its people''' ==
The proud citizens of Zussammenflussberg have traveled a long way from their original home of Tortuga. They have left the village because it’s location so far east was not favorable. Most of their citizens dreamed about becoming a mercenary town and so they urged for adventure. Their path to the promised lands that were to become their new home was not easy though. They left very spontaneously, without preparing any food or tools that are usually required for a journey this long. They had thought that there would be a lot of easily foragable resources along the way. This unpreparedness proved to be their downfall. The gods of Alathra, clearly being angry at Zussammenflussbergers for leaving the fertile lands that were granted to them. But then just as the pilgrims were about to suffer their first casualty due to starvation, they had found a river. Down the stream there was a huge school of salmon cumming towards them. Behind this flock was the standing The One True God. Almakoler. He in his full fishy beauty had raised his fin towards the confluence of the two rivers. The travelers, now full of fish, had taken that as a sign. They would settle there a town which would only thrive under Almakoler’s guidance. They then swore a sacred oath to Almakoler and the religion Salmonism was created.[[File:Minec hotový.png|1000px|thumb|alt=Alkolers is a chad|The pillgrims see Almakoler for the first time.]]
=== '''Selecting the First council of Zussammenflussberg''' ===
In an event that is described in the ''Book of Pufferfish'', Almakoler decided that the citizen with the biggest fishing skills would become the new prophet of the newly created faith. The prophet’s name was vasikpasik1234 and he soon became the first "Fishop" of Zussammenflussberg.
vasikpasik1234 then elected his two trusty advisors Fire_Fox123, for being the most devoted member during the Great journey and Bert2, for he had to be the blessed one, because he brought the most treasure to the settlement. The citizen _Mirime_ was tasked with always beautifying the city to Almakolers vision. Soon after vasikpasik1234 had declared that all non-fish meat was desecrated and forbade any member of the religion from eating it. That’s why every citizen of Zussamenflussberg (ZFB) is vegetarian. The town of ZFB is open to newcomers, but to have the full privileges, you have to become a member of the faith by absolving the ''Ritual of Communion''. This process is described in the ''The Ritual book'', found in Almakoler’s temple.