Axel Lionhart: Difference between revisions

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== Biography ==
=== Early Lifelife ===
Born the youngest of 3 siblings, Axel was the last to leave the homestead, his brother before him was a merchant and his sister worked respectively as adventurer. He him self wanted to follow in his oldest brother footsteps and began his adventure as a wandering merchant to go from town to town and get merchandise to sell and make his living this way.
From a young age Axel was good with numbers, and had as his father described a silver tongue. He always knew what to say to get out of the troubles his older siblings got him in. his interest only seemed to have grown when his brother left the house and became a merchant in a large city, he then later got interested in adventures from hearing his sisters story'sstories of the dungeons and lands they covered in a party. With those two as his role models he decided to mix them and become a traveling Merchantmerchant, where his love for adventure and merchants waswould both metbe satisfied.
=== Traveling merchant ===
On the start of his journey he had followed in his brother's footsteps and became a traveling merchant, putting his talents of speech and his charm in use to make enough coin to live a comfortable live and send money to his family in order to support them and thank them for all the years of care they had given him. This is also where he came in possession of ancient scripts of medicine and took an interest in medicine to help people .
=== Becoming a doctor ===