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=== Early life ===
Born theThe youngest ofamong 3three siblings, Axel emerged wasas the lastfinal one to leaveventure out from the family homestead. Prior to him, his brother beforehad himembarked wason a path as a merchant, andwhile his sister workedhad respectivelycarved her journey as an adventurer. HeFor himAxel selfhimself, wantedthe toaspiration followto inemulate his oldestelder brother's footsteps andignited beganhis passion. Thus, he set forth on his adventureown asodyssey, aadopting wanderingthe merchantlife toof goa fromroving townmerchant towho towntraversed anddiverse gettowns, merchandiseprocuring togoods sellfor sale and makecrafting hisa livelihood livingthrough this waytrade.
FromEven afrom youngan early age, Axel wasdisplayed gooda withknack for numbers, and hada aspersuasive eloquence—an attribute his father describedoften referred to as a "silver tongue." He alwayspossessed an knewinnate whatability to sayarticulate tohimself, getskillfully outextricating ofhimself from the troublespredicaments that his older siblings gotoccasionally entangled him in. As his interestbrother onlyventured seemedinto tothe havebustling grownexpanse whenof hiscity brotherlife leftto thepursue house and became ahis merchant in a large cityendeavors, heAxel's thenintrigue laterdeepened. gotHis interestedfascination inburgeoned adventuresfurther fromupon hearing his sisterssister's storiescaptivating tales of theexploring dungeons and lands they covered in a party. With those two as his role models he decided to mix them and become a traveling merchant, where his love for adventure anduncharted merchantsterritories wouldalongside bothher beadventuring satisfiedcompanions.
With his brother and sister as his guiding lights, Axel chose to amalgamate their diverse callings. This decision led him to embark on a unique path as a traveling merchant—one that harmonized his fervor for adventure and his admiration for the merchant's craft.
=== Traveling merchant ===
OnEmbarking the start ofon his journey, heAxel treaded the hadpath followedlaid inby his elder brother's, footstepstransitioning and becameinto a travelingwandering merchant,. puttingLeveraging his talentsgift of speechgab and hisnatural charmcharisma, inhe usedeftly toengaged makewith people, amassing enough coinwealth to livesecure a comfortablelife liveof andcomfort. sendThis moneyendeavor tonot hisonly familyallowed in orderhim to supportsustain themhimself andbut thankalso themenabled forhim allto theextend yearsfinancial ofaid careto theyhis had given himfamily. This isgesture alsoserved whereas heboth camean in possessionexpression of ancientgratitude scriptsfor oftheir medicineyears andof tooknurturing ancare interestand ina medicinetoken to helpof peopleappreciation.
During his travels, Axel's fate interwove with a significant discovery—a collection of ancient medicinal scripts. Captivated by this newfound knowledge, he experienced a compelling shift in his interests. A newfound fascination with medicine emerged, driven by an innate desire to contribute to the well-being of others. This transformative encounter set him on a path where his merchant skills and his newfound passion for medicine converged, creating a unique purpose fueled by compassion and a thirst for knowledge.
=== Becoming a doctor ===
After a fewseveral years of travelexploring and learninggaining knowledge through his travels, he begandelved todeeper work more ininto the medical fieldrealm, learningimmersing fromhimself differentin diverse cultures and methods of healthcare, he tried to absorb every bit of knowledge presented to himpractices. It took him seven years of travel toHe finddisplayed a placerelentless whatthirst hefor couldknowledge, calldiligently home,absorbing inevery the Commonwealthpiece of Blackthorn,information Fortthat Khirom. working andcame livinghis thereway.
His journey spanned seven years, during which he traversed different lands in search of a place that resonated with him—a place to finally call home. This quest led him to the Commonwealth of Blackthorn, specifically Fort Khirom, where he found both his professional calling and a place to establish his residence. In this vibrant setting, he dedicated himself to his work while also embracing the sense of belonging that had eluded him for so long.
=== Ceyreto-Zydel conflict ===
Residing within the bounds of Fort Khirom, discussions abounded concerning extending assistance to the people of the neighboring nation, Ceyreto. Driven by his profession as a physician and guided by the principles of the Hippocratic Oath, Axel remained steadfast in his commitment to aiding anyone afflicted by injury or illness.
As a citizen of Fort Khirom there was talk of helping those in the nation of Ceyreto, due to his job as a doctor he would help anyone that would get hurt due to his Hippocratic Oath. Axel Lionhart has been present in a few council meetings.
Axel Lionhart's dedication to his calling as a healer earned him a notable presence in several council gatherings, where his insights and expertise were valued contributions.
=== In Blackthorn ===
Upon the establishment of Zethortal, Axel Lionhart made a formal appeal to its builders, requesting the creation of a clinic tailored to his medical practice. This envisioned space would not only serve as his dedicated workplace but also function as a centralized hub to extend his healing services to the populace.
When Zethortal was founded and created, Axel Lionhart requested the builders of Zethortal to create a clinic for him so he could have a workplace for his medical field and have a more central place to help the people, he works daily on finding new ways to cure and help the people of the Commonwealth as well as the rest of the world.
Diligently committed, Axel immerses himself in his clinic, dedicating each day to the pursuit of innovative methods to alleviate suffering and promote well-being within the Commonwealth and beyond. His tireless efforts encompass not only the local community but also extend to a global endeavor to enhance the health and vitality of individuals worldwide.
