Briarthorn Harbour: Difference between revisions

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Briarthorn Harbour, officially the Briar Deichtibier or just Briarthorn, is a province/town of the [[Empire of Styvaria]], located east of the capital. It is ruledcurrently bygoing [[Torlinnthrough Sanuri|Lorda Torlinnleadership of Briarthorn]]crisis and has a population of 20.
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The old Duke of Tiberia, Tiberius Maximus III, returns after about 9 years, after presenting himself to Torlinn, he was granted the title of Duke and allowed to be a citizen of Briarthorn, but is subservient to the Lord.
=== '''The Current Crisis''' ===
Recently, the town was raided by bandits and criminals and Lord Torlinn resigned from his position and left the server. Currently, the future of the province seems uncertain.
