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Like rams and goats, Dryads shed their horns outer layer somewhat frequently. This is caused by the keratin curing from the sunlight, drying the surface layer. Adult Dryads shed their horns approximately every 12-15 years, and every 3-5 years during childhood and adolescence. The shedding is not painful, and is often described as relieving. In most dryad societies, the event is seen as passing into the next phase of life; it means that the Dryad will experience a major event soon. Over the next several years, the outer layer rebuilds. After 6 months they already have regained half the necessary layering of keratin. During this process, Dryads often consume much larger amounts of food. Dryads shed their horns and average of 22 times during their lives.
Like rams and goats, Dryads shed their horns outer layer somewhat frequently. This is caused by the keratin curing from the sunlight, drying the surface layer. Adult Dryads shed their horns approximately every 12-15 years, and every 3-5 years during childhood and adolescence. The shedding is not painful, and is often described as relieving. In most dryad societies, the event is seen as passing into the next phase of life; it means that the Dryad will experience a major event soon. Over the next several years, the outer layer rebuilds. After 6 months they already have regained half the necessary layering of keratin. During this process, Dryads often consume much larger amounts of food. Dryads shed their horns and average of 22 times during their lives.
=== Digestion ===
=== Digestion ===
Like all species in the infernal taxonomy, Dryads are omnivores. However historically Dryads have been an herbivorous people. Because of this, modern Dryads lack the digestive system to consume meat and animal products. The only exception being milk when young. Like most mammal species this disappears after infancy. Their primary diet consists of roots, leafy plants, grain, tree fruit, berries, and cocoa beans.
Like all species in the infernal taxonomy, Dryads are omnivores. However historically Dryads have been an herbivorous people. Because of this, modern Dryads lack the digestive system to consume meat and animal products such as dairy and eggs. The only exception being milk when young, and honey. Like most mammal species this disappears after infancy. Their primary diet consists of roots, leafy plants, grain, tree fruit, berries, and cocoa beans.
Due to the long history of a vegetable diet, Dryads lack the enzymes necessary to even digest and break down meat. Consuming it often leads to extreme bowel discomfort, vomiting, and fever. It is rare that this is fatal, however it is extremely unpleasant. To account for the lack of energy dense foods, Dryad stomachs are larger than most humanoid, and the digestive tract is longer. The pancreas, liver, and gallbladder are smaller, due to them being used over longer digestive periods. As well as less toxins being present in their diets.
Due to the long history of a vegetable diet, Dryads lack the enzymes necessary to even digest and break down meat. Consuming it often leads to extreme bowel discomfort, vomiting, and fever. It is rare that this is fatal, however it is extremely unpleasant. To account for the lack of energy dense foods, Dryad stomachs are larger than most humanoid, and the digestive tract is longer. The pancreas, liver, and gallbladder are smaller, due to them being used over longer digestive periods. As well as less toxins being present in their diets.
=== Lungs ===
=== Lungs ===

Revision as of 19:14, 19 March 2023

Dryads (/ˈdraɪ.æd/;) are a humanoid race of people who currently only reside on the Warped Isles. They are descended from the Infernals on the island of Lesbis, diverging from them thousands of years ago. The term Dryad originates from the old Fae name for the Spirits of the Forest. Although it has come to describe the Dryads by outsiders. They are often characterized by short statures and leafy clothing decorated in beads and jewelry. Dryads also have rough, almost woody skin with the texture of of a sapling's bark. They live in communal societies around and within Great Trees, forming orders. Dryads have become very talented at camouflaging with the forest around them, and can often be mistaken for a sapling in their woods.


The term Dryad originates from an old legend and mythology. It was initially a term used by the Fae to describe Spirits of the Forest. Since then it has come to describe another people. In Fae culture, Dryad still refers to both the Spirits of the Forest and the Dryad people.

Astrian Contact

Once the Fae came into contact with other peoples, namely Astravia, the term came to instead describe the People of the Forest. Over the next centuries, the term was used to describe a specific group of infernals who lived deep within the jungles on the isle of Lesbis. Despite its use by outside groups to describe the Dryad people, the Dryads themselves never use the term. An order instead refers to themselves with the same name as the tree in which the order resides. see also Coraie Order of Dryads


Dryads are often mislabeled as "Tree People", with many believing they are made from wood. Dryads are descended from the Infernals. As a result they share many similar characteristics, and are classified as humanoid mammals. They have four limbs, two arms and two legs, and are shorter in stature, averaging a height of 5'5" between both males and females


Dryads can be characterized by the rough and almost woody skin. Though it is often mistaken for being wood, it is much closer to callous found on humans. The texture evolved from large amounts of time spent around sharp and rough bark, causing a resistance to chafing built up over time. Over centuries, a trait became dominant in which bark like lines became visible the natural patterns, giving the skin the appearance of a young tree. This paired naturally with the camouflage they developed, and the developed patterns were necessary to their survival.


Like all descendants of the Infernals, dryads have horns on their head, which extend from the top of the forehead. They are formed with a bone at the core fused to the skull. This is surrounded by a thin layer of almost spongy tissue that is extremely sensitive to the touch. This is then surrounded by an outer layer of keratin, that contains as many nerve endings as the Dryad's skin. As such the horns are similar in taxonomy to almost any horned animal. Unlike most infernal subspecies, the horns have become much larger in comparison. Modern Dryad horns resemble smaller rams' or goats' horns. Dryads use these horns for a variety of purposes. However their main use is for defense, they serve to block strikes to the head, hence their curled back appearance. While it is not as effective as a metal helmet, it is effective against blows and claws of wolves and wild cats. They are also used as an effective blocker against wooden weapons often used by other Dryad groups.

Cultural Significance

Unlike many mammal species, both male and female Dryads have horns. No recorded difference exists in size, color, or shape between sexes. Culturally, female Dryad horns are often more green than males. This is due to ritual practices in which the horns are covered in leaves, and left to soak in water. This causes the chlorophyll of the leaves to stain the horns, and stays until the outer layer sheds, or excessive bathing cleans the outer layers. This is not a natural process, and has no noted origin. Like rams and goats, Dryads shed their horns outer layer somewhat frequently. This is caused by the keratin curing from the sunlight, drying the surface layer. Adult Dryads shed their horns approximately every 12-15 years, and every 3-5 years during childhood and adolescence. The shedding is not painful, and is often described as relieving. In most dryad societies, the event is seen as passing into the next phase of life; it means that the Dryad will experience a major event soon. Over the next several years, the outer layer rebuilds. After 6 months they already have regained half the necessary layering of keratin. During this process, Dryads often consume much larger amounts of food. Dryads shed their horns and average of 22 times during their lives.


Like all species in the infernal taxonomy, Dryads are omnivores. However historically Dryads have been an herbivorous people. Because of this, modern Dryads lack the digestive system to consume meat and animal products such as dairy and eggs. The only exception being milk when young, and honey. Like most mammal species this disappears after infancy. Their primary diet consists of roots, leafy plants, grain, tree fruit, berries, and cocoa beans. Due to the long history of a vegetable diet, Dryads lack the enzymes necessary to even digest and break down meat. Consuming it often leads to extreme bowel discomfort, vomiting, and fever. It is rare that this is fatal, however it is extremely unpleasant. To account for the lack of energy dense foods, Dryad stomachs are larger than most humanoid, and the digestive tract is longer. The pancreas, liver, and gallbladder are smaller, due to them being used over longer digestive periods. As well as less toxins being present in their diets.


Dryads have much smaller respiratory systems than most humanoid species, including the Infernals. This causes them to be more in danger of drowning, as well as have lower stamina than most humanoids. While many Dryads will train their lung capacity, this is not done by all. As such, they tend to climb trees to escape predation, or humans. The limited ability to breath underwater has led to somewhat of a fear of large rivers and oceans. Even a strong, or trained Dryad can only spend 15 seconds underwater before needing to surface.


Like the mythos of outsiders that Dryads are trees, so too is there a falsehood that dryads are immortal. Forest spirits of Fae mythos are immortal. This legend derives from that mythology. Dryads have an average lifespan of 250 years, about three and a half times that of the average human. This life was gifted to them by the forest goddess, they are not immortal. Dryads spend much longer than most humanoid species in infancy and adolescence. Dryad children are considered infants until about the age of 7, at which point they become capable of accomplishing most tasks on their own, and shed the first horns of their lives. Like most humanoid species, children learn to walk and climb between the ages of 2 and 3. Between the ages of 3-6, Dryad children learn to speak. The end of infancy can be characterized by the first shed of the child's horns. These are often kept for use in ceremony. Adolescence often begins at the age of 16, and lasts for 10-12 years. During this time, secondary sex characteristics emerge, as well as the body growing to its adult size. Dryad horns also grow to near their final length during this phase of life. There is no clear and defined end for adolescence; most Dryad's consider the sixth shedding of their horns to be the end. Adult Dryads do not show signs of age until approximately 170 years of age, at which point they aging process is accelerates quicker than humans. At 230 years, they often have the appearance of a 40 year old human. By 240 years of age, they often have the appearance of a 60 year old human. Most dryad elders do not live past 240 years.


Dryads have hair like most humanoid mammals. It primarily grows from the scalp, avoiding the base of the horns. Dryads have little to no body hair due to the time spent living in more temperate environments, as well as their very rough skin. Dryads can also be characterized by a light brown, blonde, or red color to their hair.

Gender Diversification

Dryads have classified sexual dimorphism like any other humanoid mammal. Males of the species can be categorized by slightly broader shoulders, as well as a lack of breasts. Typically males also have slightly longer jaws. Dryad males are often described by humans as small, or feminine in comparison to human and infernal males. Females of the species have breast tissue, as well as slightly wider hips than males. These traits are present in most humanoid females, but are less pronounced in Dryad females. Female Dryad horns also have a green tint to them. This has been discovered to be the result of a cultural practice in which they are dyed with pigments or chlorophyll from the leaves of the Great Tree they reside in.


Dryads require a very specific habitat to survive. They do not survive well in cold temperatures. A frost or heatwave can kill entire orders in only 2 days. Like most societies, they live near water sources. Most often this is in the form of small streams or brooks.


Dryads have very poor thermo-regulatory systems. They are deemed warm blooded, as all mammals are. They do not posses the native ability to manage cold or heat well. Their smaller size and lack of body hair compounds this problem. In cooler environments, dropping below 14 degrees celcius (57 degrees fahrenheit), they will seek sources of heat or insulation by using caverns or hollows. Which hold a much more consistent temperature than the surface.

Great Trees

Dryad orders often make their homes in Great Trees. These are very old trees, often over 1000 years of age and over 100 meters tall. Most great trees in the world are Great Azalea, though many others can be found through the world. These trees often create cavernous hollows beneath their roots over the tree's long lifespan. Dryads will live in these hollows, as well as in the branches and tuft. This often depends on the region's climate


Dryads often group together into orders. These orders will often inhabit a single great tree, and die off when the great tree does.


Dryads primarily speak common. Although they have a native language, it has been slowly merged with common. Because of this many words are replaced with their old Dryadic counterpart. Commonly these are nouns related to materials, objects, or plants.


Clothing is often constructed of cloth and fibers, either gathered from trade with other people, or woven from vines and grass fibers. Traded materials can cotton, wool, silk, or other foreign threads. These clothes often have leaves and plants sewn into them. Dryads take great pride in the collection of leaves they wear. Often being covered in hundreds of leaves. Outfits are often light, covering only the chest, stomach, hips, and upper legs. For Dryad women, the chest is covered with a bra-like piece, with large leaves adorning the front. Often small metal or clay beads are incorporated into the seams. Dryad men will also cover their chest with a cloth wrap, also adorned with larger leaves in the front. The seams are also adorned with small beads, though often much less are used. The hips and thighs are often covered with a weave of dyed cloth and leafs. This cover is asymmetrical in many cultures, and is highly decorated with colored embroidery that the wearer has sewn themselves. However commonly the back of the thighs is covered to just above the knee. Both men and women will wear this, however men will also forgo the thigh covering and asymmetric design in favor of shorter coverings, often ending less than halfway down the thigh.


Dryad societies also have a love for jewelry and other such adornments. This is shared across both men and women, with no difference between the two. Necklaces and braces are often seen as the most important pieces. Most Dryads will adorn themselves with multiple of these, often received as gifts from other Dryads or outsiders whom they trust. Rings are the least common type of jewelry used, as they are believed to get in the way of more important tasks. Flowers and beads are often woven into the hair, as well as intricately carved pins made of wood from fallen branches. The are held in the hair using either pressed metal traded from others, or natural bends in the item itself. Many Dryads will carry their most recently shed horns on them, most often attached with a vine or fiber at the hip. All horns have a unique sound, and can be heard from several kilometers away. While mostly serving as adornments, they can be blown into to signal to other nearby Dryads.


Dryad clothing is often covered in leaves. This serves multiple purposes; Its primary use is for decoration. The secondary purpose is for camouflage. By using the leaves of the Great Tree in which they reside. As such they blend into their environment extremely well. Dryads will also dye their hair with the natural pigments of the leaves. While this is more of a cultural act, it has the side effect of helping blend them into the woods.


Dryad society is very communal. The main focus is often on making sure the needs of all are met. Often there is head to the order, who's role is to communicate with the outside world. They are the primary diplomat for the order, as well as the spiritual leader.


Dryad society is highly spiritual. Rituals and ceremonies hold a large importance in their society. Most of these practices are done in devotion to the Forest Goddess that blessed the Dryads thousands of years earlier. Altars to the Forest Goddess can be found in every inhabited Great Tree. In Dryad culture, bees are considered the most important animal. They are can sometimes be cared for more closely than the Great Tree in which the order lives. Due to this, apiaries are very common in orchards and amongst the branches of the Great Tree. Honey is the only animal product consumed by Dryads, often only being consumed on special occasions. Most often during spiritual holidays and celebrations. Fire is seen as a deadly and malevolent idea in Dryad religion. This extends to a natural fear of fire and reinforces the belief by outsiders that Dryads are wooden. Candles are the only exception. By using a wick, lighting and maintaining a burning candle is seen as an act of bravery against destruction. As such, beeswax candles can be found in small numbers around Dryad orders, especially near spiritual and religious sites.


When a Dryad comes of age, they bind themselves to the Great Tree in which they reside. While not a lot is know about this process, it is an extremely spiritual and personal experience. Part of this ritual is taking an oath to protect the tree with their life. When a Dryad binds to a Great Tree, they essentially become and extension of it. While they do not become the Tree, they grow a psychic link to it. As a result, they feel much of what the Great Tree does. This can include emotions, pain, biological needs, and for some Dryads memories. Harming the bound Great Tree could cause a Dryad to become cursed, and sick.


Dryads are entirely vegan or herbivorous in their diets. Because of Dryad's fear of fire, food is mostly fermented, salted, and raw fruits and vegetables. Dryads do trade specifically for pastries and bread when they can, as it is considered a foreign delicacy. While being served meat is not seen as an insult, it is seen as ignorant. This is more true if the parties have already met and worked together. The only animal product consumed by dryads is honey. Honey is only consumed on rare occasions, as it is seen as a spiritual food, rather than needed for sustenance. The most common dish served is cut fruits and sugar made from cane and fruit. This often topped with ground cinnamon bark, and a seeds of the cocoa pod. Common drinks include fruit wine, tea made from various herbs and leaves, and distilled spirits made from sugar, spices, and berries; similar to gin.


Music is a very important part of Dryad society. It forms the basis of many rituals and ceremonies. The most common instruments are the shed horns of Dryads, as well as string instruments made with hair, wood, and thread. Most ritual music is described as soft and melodic. Singing is a vital part of songs as well, with singing being a practiced skill for many. Young Dryads are often more involved in music than adults. Though this does not stop adults from participating in the practice.

See Also