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The '''Vengir''', or the winged and horned species of Fae, most notably follow the '''King of Dreams, Morphakae''', '''Goddess of Nature, Frae''', and '''God of Stories, Lakae'''. They have monthly festivities that follow the cycles of the moon, and are known for their feasts and bonfires. The '''Dark Fae''' focus their religious divinations of the King of Dreams, as most of their magic originates from this deity. Though, all species of Fae are known to share one particular goddess: the Goddess of Nature. There are many names for her, from Frae (the Vengir) to Mathair (the Dryad's version). Another Dark Fae goddess, specific to a small number of clans, is the Witch - a figure of trickery.
Each god or goddess is specific to regions of clans, but there are many similarities within the Patheon. These similarities are coming to light as each Fae species is being called to the Warped Isles, where the Union of Leaves will begin unraveling centuries of history shrouded in time.
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Fae are guides and are often called upon by their gods to assist those who seek out the comfort of the forests they dwell in; but it takes a lot to earn this level of trust. Fae are naturally protective of both their ecosystems and culture, but are typically willing to teach those who show an interest.
===The Vengir Patheon===
'''The God of Stories, Lakae'''
Lakae is the God of Stories. He is known to possess every story that has been created, thought about, lost to time - in a grand library tucked into the safety of his Realm. This sacred space is called the Archives, and he is revered by the Vengir as the Keeper of all things lore. Festivals in his honor typically happen in the colder months, as the comfort of stories around a fire is a huge part of Vengir existence. It is believed telling stories--especially during the colder months--will bring on a bountiful harvest and keep the Vengir clans safe through the toughest snowstorms.
'''Goddess of Nature, Frae - also known as Mathair (Dryads)'''
Frae is revered by all Fae species, though often she has names that vary depending on location. She is the Goddess of the Forests, the one that created the Dryad, that orders the Vengir to be guides to those who seek it. She is the Mother, the Earth, the comfort that comes when one sits beneath a grand oak. Frae is the most forgiving, mother-like god of all the Patheon, with an embrace that warms even the coldest hearts of the Dark Vengir. She has festivals centered around the Spring and Summer, but is often given offerings year-round -- for promises of better bounties.
'''King of Dreams, Morphakae'''
This god is mainly followed by the Dark Vengir. He is their highest revered, and his realm is dream and nightmares. The Dark Vengir’s magic is focused entirely on imbuning and siphoning--so instead of wielding the magic through themselves, the Dark Vengir siphon their own power into instruments (such as weapons and, in Valka’s case, prosthetics).
The King of Dreams is only contacted through dreamwork and meditation, and often serves as a guide to the Dark Vengir that seek him out.
Morphakae is also the most unpredictable of the Vengir gods. He is quick to anger and dangerous for this reason, often harshly punishing those of his closest followers if they are to ignore his call or displease him. For this reason, the main class of Vengir avoid him - but the Dark Vengir have embraced him.