Gem Valtara: Difference between revisions

(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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=== Exile ===
Within days of the war against Zydel being declared, Gem was confronted by his cousin, Benicio Valtara, and his bodyguard. Gem was accused of seizing power from Robert and forsaking the oath he had taken to give up the throne. Gem put forth no struggle and willingly let himself be arrested in the coup that became known as [[The Black March]] and was sentenced to exile into [[The Black Maze]], where he remainsremained tofor thisthree daylong years.
=== Current DayEmergence ===
=== Death ===
=== Zydel ===
=== Current Day ===
Currently Gem is The Holy Johnian Gemperor of The Gempire of Zydel
== Titles ==
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=== Prince of Valtara (Former) ===
Gem was declared heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Valtara by his father even though he is a bastard. This title was revoked upon conclusion of the Valtaran Civil War.
=== King of Valtara (Former) ===
Following his exit of the maze and finding the ruins of his old country, Gem declared himself King of Valtara and vowed to restore his once great nation.
=== Gemperor of The Gempire Of Zydel ===
=== Holy Johnian Gemperor ===
== Relations ==
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"He caused the civil war."
"That man had no money. Up and gave it all away."
"I heard he likes gold."
"I think he's broke. He gives away all his money."
"I heard he can get you anything, no matter what you ask for."
"I've been told he was a better ruler than any other Valtaran"
"I heardSupposedly he can get you anything, no matter what you ask for."
"He is a colonizer and a warmonger!"
"I've been told he was a better ruler than any other modern Valtaran."
"Isn't he the grandson of a god?"
"I heard that he's the owner of that one sword relic."
"HeI wonder sometimes if he's a ghost!. ISome swearpeople Isay you can still see him whereverwalking Iaround Old go!Blackthorn."
"Isn'tI heard somewhere that he's the grandson of a god?."
"He's a god! Never before has a mortal been seen with his qualities!"
"There came a point when people began to talk about Gem as if he was a god. He was not a god, he was a man. A man with many great dreams and many failings. But in the end just a man."
"He's just a man. Some nitwits idolize him, but he's just as flawed as the rest of us."
"He's a guru. NoThat oneman elseis matches himskilled in anypretty much anything you can humanthink endeavorof."
"To him we're all just pieces on a chessboard."
