
From Alathra Wiki
The official Flag and Emblem of the Hyotogo Religion and its Organisations

Hyotogo is one of the main Religions in the whole world of Alathra, in which the people believe in the existence of the God Panga, also often referred to as the God of All Elements.The people who founded the Organisation of these religious beliefs of Hyotogo and these who are a member of it are commonly referred to as the Order of Panga. Although there are multiple Orders and Organisations who have the Hyotogo Religion as a fundament to live to, the Order of Panga is the official Order of the Hyotogo Religion itself.

The knowledge of the Hyotogo Religion contains the history of the world, its creation, the teachings and tennants of Panga and the teachings of the 10 Elements. The earliest written practition of the Hyotogo faith was located in the year 112 a.f.p (after the fall of the prisma)(1.8.2023).

The Main Religious Architecture of Hyotogo, the Temple of Panga, and the Headquarters of the Order of Panga are both located in an around the (in development), and can be visited by guests from around the world to convert in or to examine the old buildings and sights of the Hyotogo Religion and (in development).