Imperious Siva Republic

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The Imperious Siva Republic
Emrasya Siva Kherşhiva (Sivan)
File:- File:-
Banner Coat of arms
Motto: "Emrasya Imhan & Srauq"
"Empire of Sun & Sand"
Anthem: Beep beep boop boop
The Borders of the Sivan Embrace
The Borders of the Sivan Embrace
The Borders of the Sivan Embrace
CapitalDeğli Taşhlar
Largest city Alzahir
Official languages Sivan
Recognised national languages Sivan (Dialects: Easrar, Jeşhan, Kameşh, Elberazi)
Ethnic groups Sivans (Easrari, Qardic, Jevaşhi, Devaşh) + Adrazi
Religion Isnaçi
Demonym Sivan
Government Colonial Oligarchic Republican-Monarchy
 •  Jadişh Olüm "Fe" 'Usquf
 •  Kodratan Republic Established March 14, 2023 
Population 13


Beginning of the Sivan People & Construction of Değli Taşhlar

The Forming of the South-Adrazi Tribes

After The Great Adrazi Flood the Adrazi race was scattered to migrate into various new lands, those who had to flee south, found themselves in the Skraq ("blood desert"). The Adrazi who found themselves in this land of sand and dirt south of the mountains; unlike the other refugees, scattered into various locations which they deemed most survivable. Thus the Southern-Adrazi/Proto-Sivans where split into various tribes, these clans slowly became more and more isolationist and distrusting of another as the scouting for resources became more scarce. Soon wars and raids would be conducted on another as people were struggling to survive, at first from a flood but now from a lack of water, food, or any necessity. Soon however, these tribes would face a common threat.

Colonization under the Duine Empire

The Duine Empire was an ancient expanding empire from the far west which stretched out into southern and eastern territories of [Continent name]. Although the Duine Empire had a large hold on the continent it mainly was centered in Skraq and the Kame and Devash regions. It's main mission was to assemble a strong Duinesh outpost city on the Mırzak as well as a strong naval port on the coastline. So in an effort to spread it's sphere of influence it assembled the various Southern-Adrazi tribes, either by trading resources for labor or more forceful means. At this point these Proto-Sivan tribes were split into 4 distinct regional clans:*Easrari - The Proto-Sivans native to the south-east coast of the Skraq and the region around the Mırzak, known for their fishing and warring culture, they where also the first and most willing group to be encompassed in the Duine Empire to gain resources and progress in building up a strong settlement for themselves, a decision they would later regret as they became the majority of the workforce for the hundreds of masons who perished while constructing Değli Taşhlar.

  • Easrari - The Proto-Sivans native to the south-east coast of the Skraq and the region around the Mırzak, known for their fishing and warring culture, they where also the first and most willing group to be encompassed in the Duine Empire to gain resources and progress in building up a strong settlement for themselves, a decision they would later regret as they became the majority of the workforce for the hundreds of masons who perished while constructing Değli Taşhlar
  • Qardic - The most rural and isolated natives to the south-west regions, often found in barren valleys or the sparse oases on the western edges of later would be known as Sivan lands. The Qardic people mainly lived hidden from Duinesh grasp however the few people who were found were employed to work as transportation for materials across the desert
  • Jeşhavi - Located in the central Sivan territory, a largely collective and dense population of Southern-Adrazi lived around the Jevash (Opal Sea / Salt Lake) and the foothills of the wild mountains to the north. They were a quite developed and connected ethnicity with various towns on the Jevash were known to be the most outwardly rebellious against the spread of the Duine Empire, however as a mostly peaceful agrarian and fishing society, they could not handle the spreading colonizers.
  • Devaşh - In the North-East chaparral and the northern Skraq coast were a collection of small town-states who were the first of the Adrazi who fled from the Stone Forest to the Devaşh and Kame. They are a mostly nomadic ethnic-tribe group who are highly defensive and independent from the rest. They strongly opposed the Duine Empire in secret as they mostly tried to present themselves as indifferent to the fates of their neighboring tribes, however they put up the strongest defense against the Duinesh spread when they were the last Proto-Sivan group for the Duinesh to conquer. They held for a surprising amount of time but eventually fell once the Duine Empire started to bring magic into war.

Sivan Independence & The Siege of The Red Sky

Beep boop boop


The geography of Kodrata is diverse and beautiful. Kodrata boasts vast plains, lush forests, spectacular islands, and an amazing coastline. Kodrata is located in a temperate region, with warm summers and mild winters.


Administrative Divisions


king and his buddies


