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= Melphor Xin Fynnsea =
Melphor, Xin Fynnsea, (previously Melphor, Xin Barnes), is a cyan [[Axolian]] with pink hair and fins, blue eyes, and covered in freckles from head to toe. She has multiple discolored scars, (all varying in size) that appear white on her skin from lashings and continuous regeneration of her missing limbs wearing out her body. Her hair goes down to her back, being straight and adorned with either warped roots or roses. Mel is partially blind in her left eye, damaged by lack of care and complications of injury to it. SheWhile hasshe longwon’t butsay neatit nailsto thatavoid seemlooking toold alwaysor haveweak, she commonly has back pain, specifically the spot where a redtrident huepierced toher thembody. Her tail is regularly used as a means to get someone’s attention, slamming it on the ground to(or makethe aother loud, echo-y soundperson). Mel wears a red tunic with an off-white, puffy undershirt and copper-colored jewelry. She has red, velvety pants that puff out from her white combat boots.
Melphor, Xin Fynnsea, (previously Melphor, Xin Barnes), is a cyan [[Axolian]] with pink hair and fins, blue eyes, and covered in freckles from head to toe. She has multiple discolored scars (all varying in size) that appear white on her skin from lashings and continuous regeneration of her limbs wearing out her body. Her hair goes down to her back, being straight and adorned with either warped roots or roses. Mel is partially blind in her left eye, damaged by lack of care and complications of injury to it. She has long but neat nails that seem to always have a red hue to them. Her tail is regularly used as a means to get someone’s attention, slamming it on the ground to make a loud, echo-y sound. Mel wears a red tunic with an off-white, puffy undershirt and copper-colored jewelry. She has red, velvety pants that puff out from her white combat boots.
== History ==
== Childhood ==
Melphor was brought into the world without parents to care for her, and sent to an adoption agency once she was ableold enough to be properly taken care of. Her father had died during a work accident while her mother was proven to be an alcoholic and therefore, unable to take care of a young child. She stayed in different agencies during her early childhood years and was eventually adopted atinto the ageBarnes offamily five intoat the Barnesage familyof five.
Melphor grew a close relationrelationship with her adoptive brother, Andras, who was a few years older than her. She however didn't enjoy her father as much as she hoped. To Mel, it seemed like she was adopted purely to be a puppet to perform as a member inof the merchant industry. Of course, that made her resentful, especially whenever her mother left her father, losing all hope in him as a caring and loyal partner. But she couldn't do anything about it, and ended up living out her whole teenage life in theirthat household, even after Andras moved out to live someplace else. She completely refused transitioningto transition into the merchant business at her father's obnoxious requests, which made her father look more keenly onat Andras, who had accepted his offer in said industry. Proving this further, whenever her father eventually died, Andras got a big portion of his will and his island settlement.
Shortly after she turned eighteen, Melduring ranthe awaymiddle of the night, Melphor ran from her host family‘family’, notgathering evenher botheringimportant topossessions goquickly tobefore herthey woke up that father'snext funeralmorning. She made her way to [[Prsata]] via the Alathran ports and settled in a tribal town where countless other Axolians resided, named Axolia. This town made her feel at home, and she stayed there for many years, gaining close relationships with multiple people, including those ofwith world-wideworldwide respect for the nation of [[Idrolia]]. Her years there led her to gain quite thea reputation in Axolia. Yet her mind was set on enjoying life, and messing around with friends, who she now knew as her new family. But something was amiss. She quite vividly remembered turning down multiple career changes throughout her early life and didn’t know what to do with herself now. What was her purpose?
One day, from a suddenan impulse to travel, Mel packed her things yet again, said goodbye to her friendlyquiet home in Axolia, and dashed into Lake Idrolia, where she swam for miles. During her swim however, she was impaled by a drowned's trident, causing her to bleed out and perish in the lake.
== Resurrection ==
Melphor woke up, her back pained her horribly but her mind was too foggy to pay much mind to it. She could barely remember what she was doing the night before. Her mind was still jumbled and, she couldpractically barelyscrambled to even stand up to investigate her new surroundings. She could tell that she wasn’t in Axolia anymoreor butLake wasIdrolia, morewhich intrigued by the sudden lightness ofworried her body. As she surveyed further, she ran into a few people, one to note being Ines Nicosia. Ines sat her down and told her the story of The Scarred Hallow, supposedly the town of lost souls that died in tragedy or were far too young. But then why was she here? InesThey then told Mel thatthe sad truth that she indeed was dead, but given a second chance at life by The Scarred Hallow’s guardian, Hallow. So many emotions whirled around Mel but in the next few weeks to come, remembering exactly how she died wasn’t the only thing she had to worry about…about.
Mel had stayed multiple weeks in The Scarred Hallow by now, and had gotten quite comfortable. She built her house, had met a few more people, and hadwas evenaccepted startedinto gainingthe backcommunity her usualquite personalityquickly. During those early weeks, she didn’t feel like herself, because she didn’t even know who she was. But herHer memories of her time before death kept trailing back to her in dreams, andstreams oneof thatlocked-away hauntedmoments herbefore fordeath. theOf restcourse, she eventually got hold of herand life.figured out who she was before death, Althoughbut happiness doesn’t last forever. andAnd that was certainly proven whenever she was informed that the nation of The Kingdom of Guldhir and The Knights of Rot Wud were at war. Mel, wasn’twasn't much of a fighter, and so this worriedmade her anxious. Besides, her culture went completely against war, entirely.
Ines made the impulsive decision to ‘kidnap’ a friendly person of GuldhirGuldur, who called themselves Rit. Mel took a while to warm up to them, oblivious of the fact that they were anything more than a ‘guest’ to The Scarred Hallow, but they ended up becoming good friends. Until Guldhir barged into the castle and demanded that everyone there be detained and taken to court at that very moment.
MelMelphor was put in a cage with Ines, both trying to comfort each other as they waited for what was to come. Guldhir was an old-fashioned ‘king’ based royalty, which made Mel question just exactly what was going to happen to them. Eventually, it was her turn to speak and she spoke truthfully. She had not been a part of the committee that abducted Rit and therefore knew very little, still, she somehow was sentenced just as bad as someone who was there. Mel earned twenty-five lashings, and watched in horror as Ines’ right hand was cut off. Mel had found Andras in the crowd and while caught off guard, clearly wasn’t thinking anything against him, only wanting him to save her, whichor do anything to try and protect his little sister. Which never happendhappened. She she talked to her nephew, Andras’ son, Dino, who she had met after the events of the trial. Dino was quite expectantly, the only one in her adoptive family she appreciated.
Melphor was relieved whenever Ines told her that The Scarred Hallow broke off from The Knights Of Rot Wud, ending the war between them and Guldhir. She of course, still had her grudges, the scars of those past events still bearing affect on her body and mind. ButIt shedidn’t wantedhelp tothat change,Mel perhapswas grownow closerfurious with someoneAndras shemore hadthan pushedever, awayconsidering fromnot foreven sovisiting long…his Andrassister once the war ended. Mel saw him way more than she wanted to anyway during such a short period because Dino lived with them in The Scarred Hallow, which he had to travel too in order to visit his son as well as any talks of business with Ines, which Mel regularly refused to deal with.
Melphor and Ines were visiting Guldhir after a long while of not being there, mainly because of the still rough patches from the war but they got over it, eventually. They had decidedgone to visit Dino, who had decided to stay with Andras for the upcoming week. The two ended up discovering that Dino had been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, which caused him to cough ash and other unnatural substances, showing the decay in his body. Andras and Mel decided that for the duration of Dino’s short life, they would at least try to be a family, wanting the best for him in his last few months. Though that didn’t last long.
Dino had moved back into The Scarred Hallow and was acting quite strange, like his disease made him unable to respond properly, or maybe it was just him being a teenager. Mel, Andras, and Ines were eating dinner atin the tabledining wheneverroom when they met Waylin Vartilian, who theyhad soonstumbled foundinto outthe tocity beby Kingaccident. Jon’s,Melphor thetook kingWaylin ofon Guldhir,a son.tour Melaround tookThe intrigueScarred into thisHallow, notgiving forInes maliciousand intentAndras butsome itspace wasto surelyhopefully new,go Kingand Jontalk didn’tto seemDino, likewho he’dwas beacting aweirder goodthan fatherusual. ButThough thatthe tour was quickly takenpushed awayout wheneverof shemind waswhen givingMel himsaw a tourfigure andwalking noticedaway something out offrom the cornerfort of herThe eyeScarred Hallow, a pale woman holding a bowl of a golden substanceblood. The blood shimmered, making Mel knewinstantly thatknow shimmer,whose blood it was. bloodShe ofgave Dinochase to the person, otherwisewho hiswas speciessoon knownidentified as Bloma Dodbane. Melphor had a goldknack bloodfor running into her enemies’ families’. ImmediatelyOf course, Mel andeventually thiscaught personup with Bloma, who soonseemed wasunaffected identifiedby asbeing Bloma,‘caught’. ranShe andtook eventuallyher caughtto upHallow’s toprison eachcells otheranyways. Melphor had aA desire to hurt her, orafter anyoneshe really.hurt her nephew lurked in Mel’s mind, Itwhich was new but Melshe didn’t questionlet it thenslide, thiskeeping womana didclose hurteye heron nephewthe afterprisoner allwhile Waylin talked to her.
After a long conversation of back and fourthforth (threats and not) between her and Bloma, Mel turned her head when she heard a thud. Dino was unconscious on the ground, Ines over him, like they had done something, and Andras was looking at them like they saw a ghost (Yes, that was meant to be a joke). She rushed to Dino while Andras and Ines had gone upstairs, either to talk or fight or something but Mel wasn’t worried about that, she just wanted to know if Dino’s life had really stopped right then. Vartilian ended up using his somewhat magical inheritance and attempted to heal Dino and whatever was the matter with him, which worked fromfor the time being but later, they would realize they’d have to go through a lot more to get him through this disease. Though before that, onceOnce Andras got back from beating some sense into Ines, quite literally, Mel got onto him severely for leaving Dino’s side whenever he was vulnerable and might even die right then. She didn’t believe that for what he did, still cared about Dino, genuinely getting angry at Andras, and not because of her own personal family issues, but because he didn’t seem to take his son’s life seriously.
A few days after these events, Mel and Vartilian agreed to go together on a trip to a place called ‘The Void’. Mel had heard stories but just thought of it as a fable. But if that was where the Morrowroot was that could cure Dino’s illness, then she would do anything to obtain it. Vartilian went in selflessly, leaving Mel with the boat to sleep and eat there for several days, awaiting his return with the ancient medical plant. Once Vartilian came back several days later, despite the missing limb and multiple harsh wounds, heMel was able to get him home with her safely, giving the plant to Dino for him to eat. Dino ate it and has been feeling better ever since, no new news has come up concerning the disease he once had.
== A Deal With The Devil ==
The Scarred Hallow was calm for about a month before things started to happen again. Mel had had many dreams showing what her life was like before death but these current dreams were different. Whenever she was in them, it was pitch black, and she felt like something was watching her, studying her motions and how she thought. No, it couldn't be… could it?
‘’ No, it couldn't be… could it?’’ Melphor worried.
There are two main deities that Axolians look up to, The All Father and Oxitotl. The All Father is known as of course, all-knowing and a means of good fortune, as well as life. Oxitotl, is quite the opposite, regularly known for their tricks towards humanity and malicious mindset that they make up for in ‘charming’ personality. Mel, while she wasn’t religious, she did look up to the stories of the two, and even prayed to them sometimes, hoping some good would come out of it. One day, she ‘woke up’ in a dream and was met with this shadowy figure, it took the form of an Axolian but its eyes were round with slit pupils and a pair of fins and a tail that were quite longer compared to a regular sized Axolian. This was not how Oxitotl was pictured in statues, but I suppose things can be deceiving, especially with a trickster like them. Oxitotl proposed they make a deal to settle Mel’s worries about her new family in her new home. And, being the young and naive woman she was, accepted.
There are two main deities that Axolians look up to, The All -Father and Oxitotl. The All -Father is known as of course, all-knowing and a means of good fortune, as well as life. Oxitotl, is quite the opposite, regularly known for their tricks towards humanity and malicious mindset that they make up for in their ‘charming’ personality. Mel, while she wasn’t religious, she did look up to the stories of the two, and even prayed to them sometimes, hoping some good would come out of it. One day, she ‘woke up’ in a dreamblack expanse and was met with this shadowy figure, it took the form of an Axolian but its eyes were round with slit pupils and a pair of fins and a tail that were quite longer compared to a regular sized Axolian. This was not how Oxitotl was pictured in statues, but Ishe supposesupposed things can be deceiving, especially with a trickster like them. Oxitotl proposed they make a deal to settle Mel’s worries about her new family in her new home. And, being the young and naive woman she was, she accepted. Oh, how she’d regret that in the future…
Oh how she’d regret that in the future…
Melphor had completely forgotten about this deal but once she saw that oh-so familiar silhouette, she realized where she was and the deal she’d made. But before Oxitotl could speak, she got woken up by Dino, who had been invited by Waylin Vartilian to come to a friendly gathering. She would be his plus one, besides, since what happened with Bloma, Mel barelyrarely left Dino by himself anyways. They went to Fort Khirom, where they sat and had a good time, until King Jon arrived. Mel respected none of the Guldhirian royal family that had wronged her, only tolerating his presence because his two sons were there. She remembered meeting Elias once before, though notthey hadn’t talked enough to be considered friends. Once the dinner was over, she decided to talk with him all the way home, he even stayed for a bit while they told stories to each other. An odd friendship between spirit and mortician but it wasn’t unwelcome. It felt good to have someone to confide in, one you didn’t have to worry about getting hurt because of his ‘royal’ protection.
Melphor had completely forgotten about this deal but once she saw that oh-so familiar silhouette, she realized where she was and the deal she’d made.
Days went by and there was rarely a time wherewhen they weren’t hanging out, but one day was different… odd even. Oxitotl by this time had quieted in her dreams but their performance on their sleeping schedule in order not to see them was quitenot as exaggerated. Mel refused to sleep a lot, if at all, not even wanting to see their haunting silhouette. But even not seeing them, the influence from them ontoon her mind was enough. She wanted to hurt people…people, badly too. Sometimes it was too much and she’d have to goinggo into the mob-ridden forest herself in order to stop the urges. Though this day was quite incomplete. It was quiet, but the sense of evil was wrapped around the surrounding areas of a certain town, Zethoral. Mel and Elias were together and talking about random events that happened whenever they both felt it, curious nature getting the the best of them as they went to investigate.
But before Oxitotl could speak, she got woken up by Dino, who had been invited by Vartilian to come to a friendly gathering. She would be his plus one, besides, since what happened with Bloma, Mel barely left Dino by himself anyways. They went to Fort Khirom, where they sat and had a good time, until King Jon arrived. Mel respected none of the Guldhirian royal family that had wronged her, only tolerating his presence because his two sons were there. She remembered meeting Elias once before, though not enough to be considered friends. Once the dinner was over, she decided to talk with him all the way home, he even stayed for a bit while they told stories to each other. An odd friendship between spirit and mortician but it wasn’t unwelcome. It felt good to have someone to confide in, one you didn’t have to worry about getting hurt because of his ‘royal’ protection.
They made their way to Zethoral, greeted by a Guldhirian man and Avele who were standing opposite of eachother, both wielding swords. Mel had met Avele once or twice though it had been a while, so she was quite surprised to see her, let alone in the middle of where this ‘evil’ presence was coming from. Avele informed them that the man she was holding a sword up to, had been processed by a deity. Many others had noticed the strange aura and had also come to see what it was about, so Elias and Mel weren’t alone but it felt like that man was going to jump and attack at any time, unbothered by being outnumbered. He ran multiple times away from the group of people, but they all eventually caught up to him and cornered him. Mel, one of the ones wearing armor and having a weapon up to his body, was one of the ones to be attacked. This got her angry and even though Oxitotl wasn’t on her side, they got quite mad that their vessel was being pushed around like this. Mel and this Guldhirian man who she later found out to be called Randi, fought for a long while, and she was quite beaten up. Though Avele savedeventually helped her, healing her injuries after Randi was ‘cured’ of his possessive deity, she felt awful. Mel ended up going with Bloma and Elias, who had gone to a nearby cafe in order to try and calm down after the events of that day. Melphor by any standard, (even if Bloma was trying to help Dino by taking a blood sample for his illness) didn’t like her but put up with her presence while she had Elias there. It was nice to relax after a big fight. But King Jon had other plans…plans. Randi, who was at his side the entire time, took the cup of coffee that Bloma was making for Mel and tampered with it, giving it to Jon after. King Jon then tried to force Mel to drink it, but the only thing that Mel saw in that moment was her own body shaking in fear and the horrid images of a disfigured Oxitotl staring at her, grimly and full of evil intention. Bloma and Benny were there, Elias had left to go somewhere after telling her not to drink anything. Jon, annoyed by Mel not taking the drink, walked off without another word. By this time, she was on the ground, pressed against the wall with her eyes staring at the ground, roundnarrowed with fear. Mel was a spirit… she shouldn’t be scared of death, or anything really. But those hallucinations from her lack of sleep seemed more real than she could say. Elias had walked back in and while Bloma helped Mel up, she ran to him and gave him a hug. A very out of character thing for her to do but what else was she supposed to do whenever she was this frightened? She couldn’t even remember the last time she was so scared.
Days went by and there was rarely a time where they weren’t hanging out, but one day was different… odd even. Oxitotl by this time had quieted in her dreams but their performance on their sleeping schedule in order not to see them was quite exaggerated. Mel refused to sleep a lot, if at all, not even wanting to see their haunting silhouette. But even not seeing them, the influence from them onto her mind was enough. She wanted to hurt people… badly too. Sometimes it was too much and she’d have to going into the mob-ridden forest herself in order to stop the urges. Though this day was quite incomplete. It was quiet, but the sense of evil was wrapped around the surrounding areas of a certain town, Zethoral. Mel and Elias were together and talking about random events that happened whenever they both felt it, curious nature getting the best of them as they went to investigate.
Elias took Mel home after a while of saying his goodbyes to everyone there, discounting his father due to what he tried to do to Mel. They were silent the whole way back, until they came to the castle. Prior to the odd aura, they were talking about a suppressant for Oxitotl’s actions and influence, and Mel needed it as fast as he could manage. The two agreed to what they both needed out of this dream catcher that would hopefully tear down Oxitotl from the inside, making them weaker and therefore unable to bear any effect toon Mel’s mind. Now, all she has to do is wait...
They made their way to Zethoral, greeted by a Guldhirian man and Avele. Mel had met Avele once or twice though it had been a while, so she was quite surprised to see her, in the middle of where this ‘evil’ presence was coming from. Avele informed them that the man she was holding a sword up to, had been processed by a deity. Many others had noticed the strange aura and had also come to see what it was about, so Elias and Mel weren’t alone but it felt like that man was going to jump and attack at any time, unbothered by being outnumbered. He ran multiple times away from the group of people, but they all eventually caught up to him and cornered him. Mel, one of the ones wearing armor and having a weapon up to his body, was one of the ones to be attacked. This got her angry and even though Oxitotl wasn’t on her side, they got quite mad that their vessel was being pushed around like this. Mel and this Guldhirian man who she later found out to be called Randi, fought for a long while, and she was quite beaten up. Though Avele saved her, healing her injuries after Randi was ‘cured’ of his possessive deity, she felt awful. Mel ended up going with Bloma and Elias, who had gone to a nearby cafe in order to try and calm down after the events of that day. But King Jon had other plans… Randi, who was at his side the entire time, took the cup of coffee that Bloma was making for Mel and tampered with it, giving it to Jon after. King Jon then tried to force Mel to drink it, but the only thing that Mel saw in that moment was her own body shaking in fear and the horrid images of a disfigured Oxitotl staring at her, grimly and full of evil intention. Bloma and Benny were there, Elias had left to go somewhere after telling her not to drink anything. Jon, annoyed by Mel not taking the drink, walked off without another word. By this time, she was on the ground, pressed against the wall with her eyes staring at the ground, round with fear. Mel was a spirit… she shouldn’t be scared of death, or anything really. But those hallucinations from her lack of sleep seemed more real than she could say. Elias had walked back in and while Bloma helped Mel up, she ran to him and gave him a hug. A very out of character thing for her to do but what else was she supposed to do whenever she was this frightened? She couldn’t even remember the last time she was so scared.
Elias took Mel home after a while of saying his goodbyes to everyone there, discounting his father due to what he tried to do to Mel. They were silent the whole way back, until they came to the castle. Prior to the odd aura, they were talking about a suppressant for Oxitotl’s actions and influence, and Mel needed it as fast as he could manage. The two agreed to what they both needed out of this dream catcher that would hopefully tear down Oxitotl from the inside, making them weaker and therefore unable to bear any effect to Mel’s mind. Now, all she has to do is wait...
== Demigods...? ==
A few weeks went by and everything was quiet. Well, that was until Melphor received a letter from an unknown person addressed from Mythosia, a compact settlement inon thea small island squeezed in the middle of the opposite continents. Its vague contents were scattered and hard to read but Mel could understand what it was trying to say. Avele had died mysteriously, supposedly murdered, but the murderer had yet to be identified. Mel informed Ines of this odd letter and its contents before they both set off to Mythosia, where the funeral would be held. They attended the funeral which came and went, though Mel noted that she had to avoid her brother, Andras, who had somehow found himself there as well. And she did, quite well, not talking to him at all during that whole interaction. She did however find and briefly talk with the letter-sender, Aenora, who was now the mayor of Mythosia, since Avele’s murder. Something seemed off but she couldn’t place it. Still confused but not wanting to waitwaiting to go home, she practically dragged Ines back to The Scarred Hallow.
Not even two days later, Melphor was visited by Waylin, who she hadn’t seen since the prior incident before Avele’s murder. Waylin asked her to accompany him on a trip to Mythosia, saying something about how Aenora could help her and her… devil on her shoulder. Mel, though reluctant, eventually went with him and they arrived via boat, walking until they came into the same room where the funeral had been held. As soon as she entered, it was like something was watching her, she felt this feeling often (because it was true) but it was stronger. In the middle of the room was a back-facing Aenora, who at the sight that she had guests, officially introduced herself to them. Aenora revealed that she was a demoness, one that was undercover and specifically here to lure both Waylin and Melphor to her. But before she explained why, Waylin interrupted to ask her to help Mel, who was reluctant to tell this… person, what she was experiencing. Eventually, she did, (through careful consideration), and signed a contract, word-bound, to give her a small fraction of power in order to mentally ‘shoo’defeat Oxitotl awayand his influence on her body and mind. She fainted but inside her mind-space, she was verbally fighting with them, winning by a mile. Though the win was quite simple. Oxitotl practically surrendered, not thinking it was practical or worth their time to try and win Melphor over to their side again.
Melphor woke up, soon stabilized enough to stand as she now waited for Waylin to tell Aenora what he needed. Answers. On the ride here, Waylin had told Mel that his father was alive, which was quite thea shock to her. She had known that he was dead, and was soon filled in through flashbacks that she in fact barely knew anything about Vartilian’s past. Aenora went along with it and got him to ‘open his mind’, letting them and a few others who had wandered into the sphere of memories to see what he was keeping.
Once those horrific flashbacks were over, Melphor went over to Waylin to check if he was okay. He was, though immediately, bombarded by Emilia, who seemed equally as worried, if not more, of his haunting background. Aenora however interrupted thisthe conversation, going on to explain why the two even had these powers in the first place. In a regular contract, you would read the fine print quite clearly but in this case, it was non-existent. The way the demon spoke made it seem as if she knew this would happen, which only made Melphor more and more irritated. She went on to speak about how she and him were no longer ‘mere mortals’, and instead Gods. Waylin was a direct descendent of a god while Melphor had been given quite a bit of new power from the signed contract, and perhaps even her own biological family being god-related. But she didn’t take this news well, in fact, went on a whole rant about how she couldn’t be, because she was dead. Aenora tried to explain to her that the reason she couldn’t ‘control’ Melphor like she did anyone else (besides Waylin), was because she was a spirit but somehow had a physical form, from her abilities. Spirits didn’t have physical forms. Melphor had just naturally thought the reason she had this form was because of Hallow, the protector of The Scarred Hallow’s power, who was the reason she was even standing in front of these two right now. She had to leave before she did something stupid.
Melphor went on a day-long trip around the continents, and even met a new species and settlement that had placed themselves near the dormant volcano on the southwestern continent. She met Zoe, who she seemed to click with quite quickly. She could tell they'd be good friends. But she eventually had to go, and made her way back to The Scarred Hallow. She’d have a lot of explaining to do for her absence but that was the last of her worries, just wanting to curl up in a bed and sleep them away.
The days following these events were slow and boring. She, Aenora, and Waylin had gained the uncanny ability theto talk telepathically while staring at eachothereach other. Aenora used this power often but this time, had a request for Mel. She wanted Mel to summon Elias to Mythosia in order to do something. Mel had learned not to question the likes of Aenora and compliedcompiled, regretting it as she found out why he was needed. Aenora knew of Elias' magical abilities and although he was trying to help Melphor with her 'demon', he apparently needed to be punished for disturbing the likes of two deities and their work. Aenora took Elias' abilities as punishment and sent him on his way. Mel couldn't take it and left before she did something, avoiding the betrayed eyes of Elias as she left. How could this be... good?
Those next few days were like torture to Melphor. She tossed and turned in bed with the fact that Elias would hate her now, that she shouldn't have even signed the contract with Aenora. However cruel not being able to sleep sounds, Mel was quite used to regularly not sleeping for at least 1-2 days. Melphor had decided to not leave The Scarred Hallow until she could figure out what to do, hopeful to get some clue that would help better her friendship with Elias, and Waylin, who had been strangely silent those past few days. Mel wanted a day to herself but that swiftly was proven to be out of the question as she walked out of her house with Ines to find guests. Guests she had not seen before. After a small conversation, one that peakedpiqued Mel's interest at the newcomer's expression toof one of her species' being here. Axolians were most common in Axolia, Piscis, and the surrounding areas, and The Scarred Hallow wasn't the most water-friendly settlement,; she could understand their confusion. The guests introduced themselves as people of Laplace, a town Mel had yet to hear about but not much information was passed between quite opposite continents. They all sat down in Hallow's common space, exchanging stories. Mel was eager to hear what they had to say but it seemed as though they just wanted a few good stories with new friends. Melphor at this time had forgettenforgotten about her troubles with Aenora and Elias. Well, until she heard a yell from upstairs calling her name. She knew that voice all too well, but the new anger was unsettling. Melphor and Elias argued back and fourthforth about who'swhose fault it was that his abilities had been taken away, but Mel couldn't help but put the blame on Aenora instead. She was the one that technically took his powers, why was he getting mad at her? She didn't know. After a long and heated conversation, Elias eventually left after Mel attempted to promise to him that she would get his powers back, somewayin some way or another.
Melphor needed a trip. A trip to get away from it all. She would go to Lunaria to visit with Zoe but something pulled her to Laplace, or more specifically, Axolia. She hadn't been since well..., she died. And only one of her close friends from her time when she was alive knew she even died. Mel withoutmade priorher knowledgeway ofto Laplace and Hallowmet orwith InesPinepelt, leftand withoutKayvee, aand secondeventually thoughtKhimmy. She carefully pickedexplained her wayworries that had come to Laplaceher once she heard that Axolia may be weaker under a new chief. Only then, thewas tripshe takingtold aboutby halfKhimmy that Noxx had not stepped down as chief, but was rather dead after traveling with Cyrex on a boating expedition. Mel, you can say, didn’t take the daynews ofwell, inand iteven ofwhenever she acted fine, had her own fit once she got back itselfhome.
[W.I.P] This arc is still in progress. [W.I.P]
[WIP] had to go do chores, I'll fix this later, I promise. :]
== Aliases ==
* Wavecrash: A tribal name given to her during her time in Axolia. [Given by Noxx Aquasong]
* Dochan: HerA demigodicdemigod name is shared with Waylin Vartilian. [Given by Aenora]
* OmaAma: A parental nickname. [Given by Bingi BarnesBingy]
== Relations ==
Biological Family
* Mother: Jocelynn, Ann Fynndown
* Father: Samuel, Aryn Deepsea
* Wife: Moon X. D.
Adoptive Family
* Mother: Bethanie, Anise Anderson
* Father: James, Elliot Barnes
* Brother: Andras, Lee Barnes
* Nephew: Dino, Kae Barnes
* ChildChildren: Rio, Bingi Barnes and Ines Nicosia (unofficial but implied)
Close Friends
* Ines Nicosia
* Elias Grimoire (questionable at this time)
* Waylin Vartilian
* Khimmy Kim
* Kim Khimry
* Kallen Boomson
* Zoe De La Luna
Love-hate Foes/Enemies
Line 98 ⟶ 102:
* Jon Dodbane
* Randi [Unknown]
* Aenora [Unknown] (questionable at this time)
