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Melphor Fynnsea-Danl: Difference between revisions

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A few weeks went by and everything was quiet. Well, that was until Melphor received a letter from an unknown person addressed from Mythosia, a compact settlement in the small island squeezed in the middle of the opposite continents. Its vague contents were scattered and hard to read but Mel could understand what it was trying to say. Avele had died mysteriously, supposedly murdered, but the murderer had yet to be identified. Mel informed Ines of this odd letter and its contents before they both set off to Mythosia, where the funeral would be held. They attended the funeral which came and went, though Mel noted that she had to avoid her brother, Andras, who had somehow found himself there as well. And she did, quite well, not talking to him at all during that whole interaction. She did however find and briefly talk with the letter-sender, Aenora, who was now the mayor of Mythosia, since Avele’s murder. Something seemed off but she couldn’t place it. Still confused but not wanting to wait to go home, she practically dragged Ines back to The Scarred Hallow.
Not even two days later, Melphor was visited by Waylin, who she hadn’t seen since the prior incident before Avele’s murder. Waylin asked her to accompany him on a trip to Mythosia, saying something about how Aenora could help her and her… devil on her shoulder. Mel, though reluctant, eventually went with him and they arrived via boat, walking until they came into the same room where the funeral had been held. As soon as she entered, it was like something was watching her, she felt this feeling often (because it was true) but it was stronger. In the middle of the room was a back-facing Aenora, who at the sight that she had guests, officially introduced herself to them. Aenora revealed that she was a demoness, one that was undercover and specifically here to lure both Waylin and Melphor to her. But before she explained why, Waylin interrupted to ask her to help Mel, who was reluctant to tell this… person, what she was experiencing. Eventually she did, (thoughthrough careful consideration) and signed a contract, word-bound, to give her a small fraction of power in order to mentally ‘shoo’ Oxitotl away. She fainted but inside her mind, she was verbally fighting with them, winning by a mile. Though the win was quite simple. Oxitotl practically surrendered, not thinking it practical or worth their time to try and win Melphor over to their side again.
Melphor woke up, soon stabilized enough to stand as she now waited for Waylin to tell Aenora what he needed. Answers. On the ride here, Waylin had told Mel that his father was alive, which was quite the shock to her. She had known that he was dead, and was soon filled in through flashbacks that she in fact barely knew anything about Vartilian’s past. Aenora went along with it and got him to ‘open his mind’, letting them and a few others who had wandered into the sphere of memories see what he was keeping.
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The days following these events were slow and boring. She, Aenora, and Waylin had gained the uncanny ability the talk telepathically while staring at eachother. Aenora used this power often but this time, had a request for Mel. She wanted Mel to summon Elias to Mythosia in order to do something. Mel had learned not to question the likes of Aenora and complied, regretting it as she found out why he was needed. Aenora knew of Elias' magical abilities and although he was trying to help Melphor with her 'demon', he apparently needed to be punished for disturbing the likes of two deities and their work. Aenora took Elias' abilities as punishment and sent him on his way. Mel couldn't take it and left before she did something, avoiding the betrayed eyes of Elias as she left. How could this be... good?
Those next few days were like torture to Melphor. She tossed and turned in bed with the fact that Elias would hate her now, that she shouldn't have even signed the contract with Aenora. However cruel not being able to sleep sounds, Mel was quite used to regularly not sleeping for at least 1-2 days. Melphor had decided to not leave The Scarred Hallow until she could figure out what to do, hopeful to get some clue that would help better her friendship with Elias, and Waylin, who had been strangely silent those past few days. Mel wanted a day to herself but that swiftly was proven to be out of the question as she walked out of her house with Ines to find guests. Guests she had not seen before. After a small conversation, one that peaked Mel's interest at the newcomer's expression to one of her species' being here. Axolians were most common in Axolia, Piscis, and the surrounding areas, and The Scarred Hallow wasn't the most water-friendly settlement, she could understand their confusion. The guests introduced themselves as people of Laplace, a town Mel had yet to hear about but not much information was passed between quite opposite continents. They all sat down in Hallow's common space, exchanging stories. Mel was eager to hear what they had to say but it seemed as though they just wanted a few good stories with new friends. Melphor at this time had forgetten about her troubles with Aenora and Elias. Well, until she heard a yell from upstairs calling her name. She knew that voice all too well, but the new anger was unsettling. Melphor and Elias argued back and fourth about who's fault it was that his abilities had been taken away, but Mel couldn't help but put the blame on Aenora instead. She was the one that technically took his powers, why was he getting mad at her? She didn't know. After a long and heated conversation, Elias eventually left after Mel attempted to promise to him that she would get his powers back, someway or another.
Melphor needed a trip. A trip to get away from it all. She would go to Lunaria to visit with Zoe but something pulled her to Laplace, or more specifically, Axolia. She hadn't been since well... she died. And only one of her close friends from her time when she was alive knew she even died. Mel without prior knowledge of Hallow or Ines, left without a second thought. She carefully picked her way to Laplace, the trip taking about half the day of in it of itself.
[WIP] had to go do chores, I'll fix this later, I promise. :]
== Aliases ==


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