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Melphor Fynnsea-Danl: Difference between revisions

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== History ==
== CHILDHOOD:Childhood ==
Melphor was brought into the world without parents to care for her, sent to an adoption agency once she was able to be taken care of. Her father had died during a work accident while her mother was proven to be an alcoholic and therefore, unable to take care of a young child. She stayed in different agencies during her early childhood years and was adopted at the age of five into the Barnes family.
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One day, from a sudden impulse to travel, Mel packed her things, said goodbye to her friendly home in Axolia, and dashed into Lake Idrolia, where she swam for miles. During her swim however, she was impaled by a drowned's trident, causing her to bleed out and perish in the lake.
== RESURRECTION:Resurrection ==
Melphor woke up, her back pained her horribly but her mind was too foggy to pay much mind to it. She could barely remember what she was doing the night before. Her mind was still jumbled and she could barely even stand up to investigate her new surroundings. She could tell she wasn’t in Axolia anymore but was more intrigued by the sudden lightness of her body. As she surveyed further, she ran into a few people, one to note being Ines Nicosia. Ines sat her down and told her the story of The Scarred Hallow, supposedly the town of lost souls that died in tragedy or far too young. But then why was she here? Ines then told Mel that sad truth that she indeed was dead, but given a second chance. So many emotions whirled around Mel but in the next few weeks to come, remembering exactly how she died wasn’t the only thing she had to worry about…
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A few days after these events, Mel and Vartilian agreed to go together on a trip to a place called ‘The Void’. Mel had heard stories but just thought of it as a fable. But if that was where the Morrowroot was that could cure Dino’s illness, then she would do anything to obtain it. Vartilian went in selflessly, leaving Mel with the boat to sleep and eat there for several days, awaiting his return with the ancient medical plant. Once Vartilian came back, despite the missing limb and multiple harsh wounds, he was able to get home with her safely, giving the plant to Dino for him to eat. Dino ate it and has been feeling better ever since, no new news has come up concerning the disease he once had.
== A Deal With The Devil: ==
The Scarred Hallow was calm for about a month before things started to happen again. Mel had had many dreams showing what her life was before death but these current dreams were different. Whenever she was in them, it was pitch black, and she felt like something was watching her, studying her motions and how she thought. No, it couldn't be… could it?


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