BornCentral Kingdom - Olgard
ResidenceIsenhiem's body
  • [Null] - The Tyrant of Flesh (father)
  • Princess Rebecca (mother)

Ra'thra is a undead demi-god who possess Isenhiem. He is the child of a dark god known as the Tyrant of Flesh.


First appearance

Ra'thra first showed himself in Haven after a large flesh tentacle grew out from the lake. Due to actions from Rynnth, Ra'thra lost control for a while until further showing himself to others.

Actions in Alathra

While he first showed himself in Haven, his actions were going on for a lot longer. He first came to Alathra when Isenhiem killed himself and started to influence his actions. While it is hard to tell apart Isenhiem's actions from Ra'thra's, he was known for being the one to grow the tentacles. When Ra'thra was in control of Isenhiem's body he managed to attack and nearly kill Remora when she tried to help. He also ended up fighting Theodmer which resulted in Theodmer being cursed with lycanthropy.

Life before Alathra

Ra'thra was born in Olgard. His father was a life god and the Tyrant of Flesh and his mother was the sister to the king at that time (Isenhiem's father). However after his mother was found out to have been in love with the said god she was burned alive and Ra'thra barely escaped.

As he grew up he gained a hatred for the Royal family. And as he turned 137 he found out that the heir to the Throne was born, Isenhiem.

During his time in hiding he created an organisation to combat the Royal family and they worshipped the Tyrant of Flesh as their main god. However, after some leaked information about them they were attacked and destroyed. Ra'thra was tracked down and after a fight he was killed.


Due to his current nature, Ra'thra's appearance is undetermined, however it is said that he takes the form of a near human like creature with uneven proportions and skin covered in scar tissue and tumors within dreams. However he can be currently be identified when Isenhiem's eyes are purple.