
From Alathra Wiki

Raises there flag at the eastern central coast of [[Prsata|Prastall. To sails, rebuilds, revives, and survives under the insignia of trident and wave. The "'Riptides'are united faction established by four remnants; Helios, Bloodragers, Jackson Brotherhood, and Krakens. Being part of the nation "'Queendom of Stone, some calls as successor of 'Eternium' after it citizens abandoned the town and vanished from existence with no traces where they are now.

After long a sailed to find new homes. Riptides discovered then claimed Eternium at years 14AC. They build civilization on the island in secrecy, due weaken from civil war of leadership. But under Viscount Brooklyn leadership, she manage help the faction lives well in modern time and bring good progression.

Four Remnants

Geography & Outposts

Economy Buisness