Archive:Republic of Lydoneia: Difference between revisions

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===Pre-Southern Union===
Lydoneia was originally an avoided area, as the wall of tundra surrounding the taiga was deemed impossible to cross. Eventually, at an unknown date, however, historical record shows that a group of people now called "Pre Lydoneians" eventually ventured in by sea from [[Lothridge]]. On this voyage, the Caelistis Isles wherewere also discovered, however no one settled on any of the islands due to the extreme cold. A generation after this discovery, however, the Pre-Lydoneians became a completely seperateseparate people from the Ashinians before them, and the area which is in the modern day ruinstown of Fort Roberts was forgotten. Some time later, a man by the name of Hat_Crab refounded Fort Roberts and built up the area as the new capital of his nation, [[The Southern Union|The Southern Union.]]
=== Establishment of the Southern Union===
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Although the capital of The Southern Union was Fort Roberts, it seemed as though the running of the nation was done from Hanau. Emperor Hat Crab also revoked voting rights in the national assembly from Kithe and Iskandar, leaving not only the people upset with Crab, but also the bureaucrats angry with him as well. Then, on July 18th, 2021, the leaders of Hanau (Aethelmod) and Haven ([[Aurelius of Haven]]) threw a coup to overthrow Emperor Crab. The coup was peaceful and successful and some new changes were made. 1. The Southern Union would become a Republic. 2. Emperor Crab would be able to still be a general, but step down as emperor. 3. The capital of the country was changed to Hanau. 4. The nations name would be changed to the Republic of Lydoneia. 5. All towns would get say in the national assembly, and 6. Aethelmod would become prime minister (Although this was more of a symbolic position). Crab would eventually quit the server soon after, and was not involved with Lydoneian policies ever again (as of January 2022 but thats not likely to change)
==== Terms ====
1. The Southern Union would become a Republic.
2. Emperor Crab would be able to still be a general, but step down as emperor.
3. The capital of the country was changed to Hanau. 4. The nations name would be changed to the Republic of Lydoneia.
5. All towns would get say in the national assembly, and
6. Aethelmod would become prime minister (Although this was more of a symbolic position).
Crab would eventually quit the server soon after, and was not involved with Lydoneian policies ever again (as of March 2022, but that's not likely to change).
===Establishment of the Republic===
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===Leadership Troubles===
The new republic seemed to be going through a breeze, with population and economy steadily increasing, however, the prime minister, Aethelmod went missing and was inactive from the server for weeks. Aurelius took de-facto charge of the nation, which seemed to be on the path to war with the Elyrians. Aethelmod eventually did return, not in server, but discord, and was critical of Aurelius new foreign policy, going from a neutral nation to aligning itself with the newly formed Entente. The two leaders bickered and both had their reasons for either not joining the upcoming war, or staying out of it. However the decision was eventually made to formally join the Entente on August 18th along with the Arcadian Altanate, which severely damaged relations between Aurelius and Aethelmod. Soon after, Aethelmod would exit the nation to form his own town, Albia. Aethelmod and Aurelius eventually improved relations soon after.
===The Alathran War===
The Republic joined the Alathran Entente, an alliance against Elyria, on August 18th after a meeting with Arcadian officials, who would join the alliance the next day. Lydoneian troops would mostly serve at the Siege of Peachfield where they and other coalition troops were defeated mostly due to the irregularity of the Coalition high command. The coalition troops seemed to never be able to attack with more thenthan 50% strength and for most of the war, coalition troops were defending areas not under attack, or just hanging out in petersburg due to not having recieved any instructions on what to do.. After a ring of battles lost in the initial stages of the great war, and with a lot of equipment lost, Lydoneia was given the option by Elyria to withdraw from the war with no punishment except having to swear fealty to them. Although the war was technically a stalemate, with Elyria being unable to land a decisive blow to the remaining Federation of Arith, the war ended with the Federation accepting many of Elyrias demands.
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Lydoneia is led under a Ruling-Elected Democracy. The leader (Minister) is elected by a nationwide vote, and thanthen leads until he/she is removed by the House or resigns.
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Lydoneia is a big exporter of spruce wood, wool, concrete, wine, and miscellaneous crops such as berries, potatoes, pumpkins, and wheat. Lydoneia also has gotten a surplus of stone due to the construction of the [[Wesdurn-Kazem]] and has been exporting it. Fish is also a big export, however as of January fishing has become less and less common throughout Lydoneia as the large farm in Haven Vinum was constructed, giving Lydoneians a surplus of Bread, carrots, and potatoes. Lydoneia has also recently been exporting tons of netherite, the strongest material in alathraAlathra in the form of tools, armor, and weapons.
=== Imports===
