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{{Archive|status=done|religion}}{{Infobox religion|icon=SunSolariaSun.png|area=Western [[Archive:Arith|Arith]], South and Central [[Archive:Gaushan|Gaushan]], [[Archive:Ashina|Ashina]]|ministers_type=Ecclesiarchs|number_of_followers=35>200|separated_from=[[Archive:Ceiltean Druidism|Ceiltean Druidism]]|founded_place=Solar Pyrrhus|founded_date=19th March 2022|founder=Melevor II|headquarters=Solar Pyrrhus|language=High Pyrrhian, Low Pyrrhian|leader_name=Melevor II|name=The Solar Ecclesiarchy of Erses|leader_title=Solar Emperor|governance=Ecclesiarchat|theology=Solarian theology|polity=Ecclesiarchy|scripture=The Solar Codex|main_classification=Solarian|caption=The great Solis,seal of the symbolSolar of ErsesEcclesiarchy|image=SunEcclesiarchy.png|native_name=Ecclesia Solari Erses|ministers=HenderechHendrech, [[Archive:Drakkalon Metellus|Drakkalon Metellus]], Mithras I, Aldrich I}}
The '''Solar Ecclesiarchy of Erses''' (High Pyrrhian: ''Ecclesia Solari Erses''), also known as the '''Ecclesiarchy''' or '''Solaris''', is a large religion with 35over 150 practitioners, being the state enforced religion of the theocratic monarchy of the [[SolarArchive:Holy Solarian Empire|Holy Solarian PyrrhiaEmpire]], the religions birthplace being the homeland of the [[Archive:Pyrrhians|Pyrrhians]] at the core of the Empire, as well as the theocratic monarchies of Eldia and Elyria. The Ecclesiarchy is headed by the Solar Emperor of Terra (also called King of Kings), who has always traditionally been the head of state of the High Kingdom of Ceiltea, the subsequent [[Archive:Union of Collectivist Council Republics|Union of Collectivist Council Republics]] the [[Archive:Solar Empire of Arith|Solar Empire of Arith]] (commonly referred to as Solaris) and now the [[SolarArchive:Holy Solarian Empire|Holy Solarian PyrrhiaEmpire]]. The King of Kings additionally holds the titles of Solar Emperor and Voice Erses. They are the formal and effective head of the Faith, and reside in the Solar (holy)Imperial capital of Solar Pyrrhus, close to the Solar City of Armenelos.
The Solar Ecclesiarchy teaches that the Solar Emperor comes from the bloodline of Erses, the sole God of the Faith, and thus is given a divine mandate from the heavens. The hierarchy of the Ecclesiarchy is built upon various Ecclesiarchs who are handpicked by the Solar Emperor to run important temples and shrines, cities or offices such as the Solar Inquisition. Lower than the Ecclesiarchs is the Proper Priesthood which consists of all priests given a parish or temple to attend to of lesser importance than those of the Ecclesiarchs. Lower than the Proper Priesthood is the Lesser Priesthoods, who serve mainly as scribes and bureaucrats in the doctrinal, administrative and inquisitorial offices of the Ecclesiarchy. Lesser or Proper Priests in training are titled Acolytes, and attend training atin the Solar City of Armeneloscathedrals.
The Solar Ecclesiarchy is monotheistic, in direct comparison to it's predecessor religion, [[Archive:Ceiltean Druidism|Ceiltean Druidism]], which was polytheistic. The old Grand Order of Druids had a pantheon split between the Higher Thrones and the Lower Thrones, with the major gods sitting on the Higher Thrones and minor gods sitting on the Lesser Thrones, though Erses remained the primary god of the pantheon. With the Great Reformation undertaken by Melevor II, who made direct communication and was commanded by Erses to reform the outdated and defunct Grand Order both doctrinally and historically in what Erses called the "Great Error". Through Erses, Melevor II compiled the Solar Codex, an easy to read and understand collection of revised Solar texts, which fitted with the corrected history which Erses had bestowed knowledge on Melevor II of. The former gods of the Ardaithe pantheon were miscommunicated as being gods themselves, when in reality they are fragments of Erses' soul charged with specific patronages of elements or skills, and so have been placed down to a lower level as "Patron Spirits".
Worship by followers of the Ecclesiarchy is held both in private and public. Privately, the vast majority of Pyrrhians pray often, when they get up in the morning, before eating and before they sleep. Publicly there is daily church services, which is again in contrast to the former [[Archive:Ceiltean Druidism|Ceiltean Faith]], which strictly limited the Faith to being performed outside in standing stones and to be done mostly privately. The reversal of this tradition has led to the emergence of churches, chapels and cathedrals across the new [[SolarArchive:Holy Solarian Empire|Holy ofSolarian ArithEmpire]], and a drive to spread the Faith internationally.
== Erses ==
[[File:Solaris Erses.png|thumb|Solaris Erses depicted appearing in a forest near Solar Pyrrhus out of his normal colossal size]]
Erses is the sole God of the Solar Ecclesiarchy, differentiating from the old ways of [[Ceiltean Druidism]], which worshipped the now "Patron Spirits" of Erses. Erses is often referred to with many different epithets, titles and attached names, such as: Solar Elk, Great Lord, Solar Father, Great Elk, Sun God, or God. Solaris Erses is the greatest being in all of Existence, creator and father of all things, who divided his spirit into different fragments which each have different patronages either of elements, life or skills.
=== Solaris Erses ===
Erses is the sole God of the Solar Ecclesiarchy. Erses is mostly commonly referred to as "Lord" or "the Solaris" within the Codex Solaris, but also rarely referred to among the laymen with many different epithets, titles and attached names, such as: Solar Elk, Great Lord, Solar Father, Great Elk, Sun God, or God. Solaris Erses is the greatest being in all of Existence, creator and father of all things, and is known as the "Solaris" - '''the father of light and of life.'''
Solaris Erses
When Erses takes physical form, it is most often in the shape of an Elk, of pure white fur and golden sunlight mane, and for which all other Elk would be shaped in His image as the first life-forms ever created by Erses, and thus treated with reverence, respect and with piety in the Faith. Solaris Erses created the Exaltatus as His angels and enforcers of His will, they represent different aspects of His personality and "who would help Him govern His Empire". Erses fathered Íor Cestar, a human male, with the woman Pyrrianora, creating the Imperial Dynasty of Cestar, which rules the [[Archive:Holy Solarian Empire|Holy Solarian Empire]] to this day as shepherds and guides for humanity under Erses.
=== Patron Spirits ===
=== Exaltatus ===
The Patron Spirits are fragments of Solaris Erses' spirit and in total are 10 spirits called the Exaltatus. The Patron Spirits are divided into two categories: the Solar Cohort, and the Solar Entourage, with the Cohort being the more powerful of the categories and referred to as Solaris Erses' direct family, the most powerful among them being Ymis, Solar Consort, with whom Solaris Erses sired three children. Ymis and the children of Solaris Erses, Edarr, Udros and Rhadohir, are believed to be the most powerful of all the spirits and second only to Solaris Erses himself, though they pale in comparison to His might and power.
==== The Solar Cohort ====
The spirits of the Solar Cohort are the more powerful of the, in total, 10 Exaltatus. Among them sits Ymis, Solar Consort and Mother Nature, with whom Solaris Erses fathered three children, and who are the parents to all the other of the spirits of the Solar Cohort. It is thought that the reason the children of Erses and Ymis are members of the Solar Cohort is because of their immense powers and capabilities inherited from their parents' combined powers.
===== Ymis, Queen-Solar Consort =====
Ymis is a major Spirit, and the wife of Solaris Erses. She is attributed the title of Mother Nature for her role in the creation of the other major Patron Spirits, their children, those who sit in the Solar Cohort. Ymis is the Patron Spirit of healing, home, and nature, often being looked towards for family members, healing during war and being the patroness of marriages. Ymis' appearance is that of a humanoid looking tree with emerald green leaves, similar to that of an Ent, who are credited as being offspring of Ymis and Erses.
===== Edarr =====
Edarr is a major Spirit, and a son of Solaris Erses. He is the Spirit of war and combat, and entrusted with the role of delivering fallen warriors to the open-air court of Solaris Erses in the Realm of Aetherium. Edarr is often look twoards before battle by warriors and generals alike, praying for victory, strength in battle and an honourable death. Edarr takes the terrestrial form of a Ram with fiery wool and bloodied eyes.
===== Udros =====
[[File:Udros.jpg|thumb|Udros attacking a fleet of ships off the coast of Ceiltea, who have angered him]]
Udros is a major Spirit, and a son of Solaris Erses. He is the Spirit of the oceans and fish, whose domain is entirely the seas and the weather surrounding them. Udros is looked towards both by fishers and by sailors before either casting their rod or setting sail respectively. Falling on the bad side of the giant Octopus-like creature which Udros takes as his terrestrial form, and has reportedly appeared rising from the oceans during long voyages near Pyrrhian waters has never ended well.
===== Rhadohir =====
[[File:Rhadohir.jpg|thumb|Rhadohir entangling a pour soul in her webs before bringing them to Infernium]]
Rhadohir is a major Spirit, and the only daughter of Solaris Erses. She is the Spirit of the underworld (Infernium), death and darkness and is entrusted with inflicting curses and retrieving the souls of those who die under dishonourable circumstances or commit great crimes against her Father. Rhadohir takes the form of a great spider, manifesting as the worlds' most terrifying creature in goliath size, often spinning her webs around those who she is bringing back to Infernium with her. The spiders which roam the world are thought to be offspring of Rhadohir. Rhadohir is an outcast of the Solar Cohort due to her dark nature in direct contrast to her Father, though there have been some rare cults, particularly those centred around death and assassination which worship the monstrous spider.
==== The Solar Entourage ====
The spirits of the Solar Entourage are the less powerful of the, in total, 10 Exaltatus. These Spirits, while being fragments of Erses, are not direct descendants Erses and Ymis. They serve them faithfully in the occupation of elemental and skill-centric patronage.
===== Arasil =====
Arasil is a minor Spirit. He is the Spirit of travel, transport, trade and sport, protecting those who use the roads and granting stamina to those participating in sports. Arasil serves as the patron of both travelling merchants and athletes, not only for protection and patronage both on the road and during sporting events, but also for success in business. Arasil takes the terrestrial form of a Horse, which represents the stamina, speed and travel that he is patron of.
===== Thygohr =====
Thygohr is a minor Spirit. He is the Spirit of flight and flying creatures, lord of all birds, he is skilled in espionage and scouting. Thygohr serves as the patorn of those flying with an elytra, and those assigned to scouting duties in armies. Thygohr takes the terrestrial form of a Falcon, which is most known for it's keen eyesight from far distances.
===== Raenar =====
Raenar is a minor Spirit. She is the Spirit of food, scavaging and hunting, mistress of the wild hunt. Raenar serves as the patron of hunters who are seeking food for their families. The only forbidden creature to hunt is the Elk, in reverence and respect to the Solar Elk Solaris Erses, doing so will inflict great misfortune and curses. Raenar takes the terrestrial form of a Wolf, which represents the hunt, which some believe she does on cold and windy nights as the wind howls and the hunting party moves across the sky.
===== Rhireus =====
Rhireus is a minor Spirit. He is the Spirit of knowledge and wisdom, patron of many different institutions of education in the [[Archive:Solar Empire of Arith|Solar Empire of Arith]]. Rhireus is the patron of many academics and aspiring students, alongside scientists and other researchers who seek his gifts of knowledge and guidance. The Great Old ones of the Swamp, who live in [[Archive:Mudtown|Mudtown]], are believed to be minor spirits with the patronage of Rhireus for their great knowledge and wisdom. Rhireus takes the terrestrial form of an Owl, representing his knowledge and success.
===== Gyorr =====
Gyorr is a minor Spirit. He is the Spirit of the forge and metals, acting as the patron to many blacksmiths and soldier who use his abilities to ensure that their metals arestrong and do not break in the face of combat. Many blacksmiths have created great weaponry and armour under the blessings and guidance of Gyorr, and so it is tradition to have a large statue of the god facing an anvil for good luck. Gyorr takes the terrestrial form of a Monkey, representing his craftiness and skill with his hands.
===== Akbris =====
Akbris is a minor Spirit. She is the Spirit of culture, festivals and celebration, and is also in control of the darker aspects of these such as vice and addiction. Akbris is the patron of a large portion of the Pyrrhian population who are consumers of large amounts of alcohol and have many festivals and celebrations throughout the year. Akbris takes the terrestrial form of a Bee, representing the Spring, joy and celebration through honey.
== Devourer ==
=== Devourer ===
[[File:The void.jpg|thumb|The Devourer, eternal enemy of all Existence]]
The Devourer is the an entity or force of nature which opposed Solaris Erses prior to the advent of light or the creation of Existence. For an inconceivable length of time the Devourer and Solaris Erses struggled between one another: one's nature to create, and the other's to consume. Eventually the Devourer was defeated by Solaris Erses, ushering in the Age of Ancients, the time when the first forms of life and the Four Realms were created by Erses, as the Devourer hid itself away recuperating strength.
The Devourer would return shortly after the Four Realms of Existence were connected with golden sunlight threads and the Exaltatus were created, feeling strong enough to once again pose a threat against Solaris Erses and the now Exaltatus. To rival these new Solar beings, though it was in the Devourer's nature to consume and not create, the entity is rational and calculated, and so created it's own beings to combat the Exaltatus, these would become the Degradatus. Continuing the War for Existence against the forces of Existence, the Devourer would eventually lose after it's Degradatus failed to capture the Flame of Creation, and ultimately were destroyed by the Exaltatus.
Following the War, the Devourer was banished beyond the walls of reality, sent to an endless void of darkness and nothingness, to perpetually be weakened through the lack of consumption and of mass in outside the walls of reality. The Devourer would continue to attempt to undermine the reign of Solaris Erses from beyond the walls of reality, corrupting lifeforms, particularly humans, and manipulating them against Solaris Erses, convincing them to worship false idols and to abandon their faith in Him. In response to this, the Cestar Line was created by Solaris Erses to set the world right, and to restore the rightful rule of Himself over His creations.
It is prophesied that following the millennia-long Age of Peace, the Devourer's influence will have spread subtly and widely enough to manipulate and influence a large minority of lifeforms on Terra, until a "Great Blasphemy" occurs, after which many wars between the Faithful and the Corrupted will follow, until the Corrupted finally commit their greatest transgression, mass sacrifice to the Devourer, strengthening it until it is able to breach the walls of reality. It is after this that the second War for Existence will occur, also referred to as the "Great Consumption", as the Degradatus would be rebirthed and the Consumption seen in the first War for Existence would be miniscule in comparison. The climax of the Great Consumption would be at the remains of Terra, around the Kiln of Creation in the "Proelium Proleliorum" - or "Battle of Battles" - in which the forces of the Devourer, and the Devourer itself would be destroyed and ironically consumed by the Flame of Creation, alongside all of Existence, leading to the rebirth.
=== Degradatus ===
[[File:Degradatus.png|thumb|A single Degradatus approaching Terra prior to the Proelium Proleliorum]]
The Degradatus were, and will be, abominable creatures and the spawn of the Devourer. They were first created during the first War for Existence, and were the main combatants against Solaris Erses and His Exaltatus. Taking hideous forms as colossal creatures with large tentacles, many teeth, and just as many eyes, they would float through the two of the four Realms of Existence, Materium and Antierium, consuming large clumps of mass and material.
The Degradatus are directly responsible for the current state of Antierium - also known as "the End" -, consuming a majority of the material and mass in the Realm, leaving it as the disparate islands it is today. Along with this, they are also directly responsible for the creation and separation of mass in Materium, creating what is known as "Space", or area between two masses - or "Planets" -.
It is prophesied that alongside the Devourer, the Degradatus will be rebirthed during the Great Consumption, and will continue consuming mass and material on behalf of their master. Their ultimate destruction will come alongside the Devourer at the Proelium Proleliorum, at the hands of Solaris Erses and the Flame of Creation, which will entirely destroy the creatures through burning.
== Realms ==
Following the defeat of the Devourer at the hands of Solaris Erses and his creation of light, Erses would go on to create Existence and the four Realms of Existence. First creating the Aetherium as a Realm devoted to Himself and His light, Solaris Erses would go on to create the Materium - our Realm of Existence-, Antiterium - which would become "the End" -, and Infernium - or "the Nether" -. To connect them together, Solaris Erses plucked pieces of his golden mane of sunlight and tied the Realms together through threads of this purest light, making ways to travel between them in the form of different portals.
=== Aetherium ===
The Aetherium was the first Realm to be created, and intended as the home of Solaris Erses, as a place to oversee the coming life in the other Realms. The Aetherium is described in the Solar Codex as " a realm of lush rolling green hills, great green forests, where light always filled the blessed blue skies", which "in the centre of the realm rested a lake with an island in the middle upon which was the open-aired court of the Solar Elk".
Aetherium is home to the first forms of the life, the great Aetherium Elks - large, white-haired counterparts of their Ceiltean Elk descendants -, from which he would take his material form, always appearing as a large, white Elk with a mane of pure golden sunlight. The Realm would forever remain day, as the Sun filled the bright blue skies with even greater light than in Materium, shining down on the green plains, forests and hills which covered the Realm with a quilt of green. While lakes and rivers would be common throughout Aetherium, the largest would be at the centre of the Realm from which Solaris Erses would take court and preside over the fallen heroes of the Faithful.
A large island, surrounded by an even larger lake would be entirely inaccessible to those who inhabited the Realm after their death, only those who had been deemed worthy of great deeds in their lives, or were direct descendants of Solaris Erses himself were permitted to walk upon the waters of the lake, and to cross over into the Court of the Sun. The island would be relatively flat, though filled with tables and seats, and overflowing with food and drink, from which wine would flow from fountains and feasts would never end. In the middle of the island would rest a white and glowing Elk, adorning a crown of pure sunlight, Solaris Erses himself, with whom he would surround himself with the former Kings of the Cestar Dynasty.
The rest of the Realm would be widely inhabited by spirits of Faithful followers of Solaris, living in peace and harmony in the nature of Aetherium without the burdens of survival, always being warm, and constantly fed both by the fruits of the great trees, and the pure waters of the rivers and lakes. The Realm would be entirely at peace, in a constant state of joyous celebration and calm.
=== Materium ===
The Materium is the Realm that Terra and all other stars, worlds, galaxies and universes preside in. It is intended as the Realm closest to Solaris Erses and the permanent residence of most of life which has the potential to ascend to Aetherium. Solarian scholars of the stars predict that there may potentially be much life beyond Terra, but that to attempt flight beyond the constraints of Terra without the explicit command of Solaris Erses is a great heresy, as it would bring potentially unworthy close to His Sun. Materium is mostly unexplained and only aspects observed on Terra can be described by Solarian scholars, however, the field of Astrology is gaining more and more attention from the Solar Ecclesiarchy, as many scholars at the bottom of the hierarchy believe that many answers that the Ecclesiarchy seeks may be found in observation of the stars and planets.
Materium is home to many forms of life, though currently only known on Terra including many different types of animals, humans, elves, dwarves and other mammalian people. Prior to the first War for Existence, Materium was lacking in space, the Realm being entirely filled with mass and material, though was consumed by the Degradatus which created the large areas between masses which inevitably became planets, stars, galaxies and universes. Many natural phenomena have been observed and discovered on Terra, though it is unclear whether these phenomena repeat throughout the rest of Materium, or are solely restricted to Terra itself, as these phenomena and events continue to be discovered and unfurl.
Solarian scholars, particularly the High Lord Ecclesiarch Henderech have discovered the remains of ancient civilisations wiped out before the beginning of the current cycle of civilisation and have theorised the cause of extermination of these civilisations by the Fusing of Realms, whereby Materium and Infernium were aligned in the heavens for a period of up to 200 years, thus allowing demons to escape and explaining the current state of the world with an infestation of monsters during both day and night. A shorter Fusing event occurred during the start of the beginning of the reign of [[Archive:Melevor II|Melevor II]], when for a few days super-charged demons called "Infernals" broke through gates across Terra and were subsequently hunted by the Solar Ecclesiarchy.
=== Antierium ===
The Antierium is the Realm that is known today as the "End", characterised by it's lack of material and form apart from the spaced out islands and the indigenous Endermen. Prior to the War for Existence the Antierium was a sprawling Realm with abundant landmass, though consumption by the Degradatus acting as proxy for the Devourer consumed large chunks of the Realm leaving nothing but void. The Realm has a strange permanent light in it, which is believed to be bestowed by Solaris Erses on the Realm for undergoing such horrors by the Degradatus. There are ruins scattered across Antierium suggesting that there was once an advanced race of Endermen living within it. During the Fusing of the Realms it is believed that Antierium was severely overpopulated with Endermen who then migrated to Materium along with other monsters from Infernium which many today now call "mobs".
=== Infernium ===
The Infernium is the most dangerous Realm known to the Ecclesiarchy, known commonly as the "Nether". It is characterised by overabundance of hostile life, large lakes of lava and red soil. Infernium is the Realm which serves as the domain of the Patron Spirit of the underworld, Rhadohir, and as a Realm where heretics and those who do not abide by the Commandments or Code of Virtues are sent as punishment in the afterlife, as compared to Aetherium. It is believed that the dark place where the souls of these people are bound to for eternity is deep beneath the already explored areas of Infernium, tied together by Rhadohir's dark webs. It is also believed that Infernium is the origin point for many of the monsters in the Materium today, during an event known as the Fusing of Realms four-hundred years ago, when for two-hundred years the Realms of Infernium, Antierium and Materium collided, allowing for many of the "mobs" known in the overworld today to cross from their original Realm of origin to the Realm of men. The Fusing of the Realms has occurred a number of more times to a less significant degree, lasting only a few days, though wreaking havoc upon the Materium with the introduction of the "Infernals" - even stronger monsters than the ones introduced to Materium four-hundred years ago, though it is believed most of these beasts have been slain by the hands of the Faithful and Infernal Slayers.
== The Solar Codex ==
The Solar Codex is a series of writings divided into three different books. The Codex was written by [[Archive:Melevor II|Melevor II]] during the Great Reformation, around 12th March 2022. Following the decline of religion in [[Archive:Union of Collectivist Council Republics|Union of Collectivist Council Republics]], [[Archive:Melevor II|Melevor II]] alongside various other individuals including [[Archive:Drakkalon Metellus|Drakkalon Metellus]] Henderech created a faction of the [[Archive:Ceiltean Druidism|Grand Order of the Druidis]], named the Sect of the True Flame. The Sect would go on to make contact with Erses through pyromancy and the summoning with the spilling of MurascaillbachCestar blood onto flames. The Solar Elk laid out his commandments for the restructuring of the outdated Grand Order, and commanded the Sect to establish a new Church, following the new teachings of the Great Elk.
=== Book I: Genesis ===
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The book of Genesis begins with a description of the events which brought about the creation of Existence. Prior to the creation of material, two spirits floated through the endless nothingness: Solaris Erses and Magna Devorator (also known as the Devourer). While it was in Erses' nature to create and to build, it was in the Devourer's nature to destroy and to consume. The two entities would engage in brutal combat for an inconceivable length of time, before the downfall of the Devourer following Erses' creation of light and flame, something the Devourer would come to hate above all things.
Solaris Erses would go on, after the defeat of the Devourer, to create the four Realms of Existence: Aetherium, Materium, Antierium and Infernium. The Aetherium was the first Realm to be created, as the home of Solaris Erses, and as a place to oversee all life in the other Realms. The Aetherium is described as " a realm of lush rolling green hills, great green forests, where light always filled the blessed blue skies", which "in the centre of the realm rested a lake with an island in the middle upon which was the open-aired court of the Solar Elk". In Aetherium Solaris Erses would go on to create the first forms of life, the Aetherium Elks - large, white-haired counterparts of their Ceiltean Elk descendants -, from which he would take his material form, always appearing as a large, white Elk with a mane of pure golden sunlight. After populating Aetherium with Elks, Solaris Erses would go on to create Materium, the Realm of Existence which all planets, galaxies and universes reside. Antierium (also known as "the End"), originally a vibrant Realm which - like Aetherium - there was no darkness, though through the War of Existence would become the current state it is today, and Infernium (also known as "the Nether") which was created as a Realm of punishment for those who went against the dominion of Solaris Erses.
Solaris Erses tied these Realms together through threads of the purest light, making ways to travel between them in the form of different portals. To help govern his new dominions, Erses fractured his great soul into different parts, which grew to have their own personalities and patronages, such as Ymis, Edarr, Rhadohir, Akbris and Gyorr, though these fragments would combine back into Solaris Erses when needed. While Solaris Erses' power is dispensed through all he had created, the Devourer spent his time outside Existence licking his wounds, and regaining strength and creating an army of entities known as Degradatus (or Díghrádaithe), which are described as "detestable creatures of horrific proportion and shape, which were tasked with consumption of Existence and feeding the Devourer".
Line 47 ⟶ 117:
War would break out between the forces of Erses, known as the Exaltatus (also known as the Ardaithe), and the Degradatus following the Devourer's beginning consumption of Antierium, the event which would turn the skies of the Realm dark, and produce the significant lack of material in the Realm. Being beaten back at Antierium by the Exaltatus and Solaris Erses, who introduced the endless light of the Realm - which despite a visual source, continues to glow all over the Realm - and forcing the Dergadatus to flee. A Degradatus offensive in Materium would severely scar the Realm, like Antierium, but to a lesser extent. The purpose of Degradatus offensives in Materium was to find and to consume the "Flame of Creation"(or the "Last Light"), a tool which allowed Solaris Erses to create form, and Realms. To protect the Flame he hid it on a piece of land which would inevitably become the planet Terra (or Earth), which he had favoured due to it's beautiful landscape. The Degradatus only got more erratic as it seemed another offensive had failed, and their objective was not complete. With this defeat and the dwindling of their powers as they were turned back once more, being unable to consume the strong fires and lava that flowed through Infernium, and being unable to breach the high walls of Aetherium. Countering, the Exaltatus would push excessively against the dreadful creatures, destroying them with bolts of light and with flames, eventually annihilating all of them. The War was concluded with the banishing of the Devourer from all space around Existence, and a wall being built around reality, which the Devourer was forced to live outside of, perpetually weakened. The consumption of large parts of Materium and Antierium have created the Realms as they are known today, the masses of form that floated through the consumed space of Materium were transformed into planets, galaxies and universes, while the very little masses of material floating through Antierium were left as islands.
Returning to the Flame of Creation on Terra, Solaris Erses consumed most of the flame to combine it's powers within himself, leaving only a small fragment of the Flame, to be safeguarded in a newly created complex on the planet, the Kiln of the Flame, from which Solaris Erses would create all life on Terra, including all animals, beasts, humans and other races of humanoids. Yet, from beyond the walls of reality the Devourer continued to influence activities throughout Existence, manipulating and turning humanity against it's master, corrupting many who turned their backs on the gods, worshipping various different idols and Devourer-inspired beings. This corruption of their creation horrified Erses, and so it was decided that a line of prophets, directly in contact with Him, must be created of his own blood to guide the faithful in the ways he commands, and to wage bloody wars against the corrupted. Thus was created the regal line of MurascaillbachCestar, ending the Age of Ancients, and beginning the Age of Heroes.
This final section of history concludes the first book of the Solar Codex, which is followed by the book of Correctio, which focuses on the Great Reformation and the commandments of Solaris Erses to [[Archive:Melevor II|Melevor II]] for the reformation of Grand Order into the Ecclesiarchy.
=== Book II: Correctio ===
The book of Correctio explains the commandments of Solaris Erses to Melevor II for the foundation of the Ecclesiarchy, as well as traditions, virtues and values which the Ecclesiarchy must uphold.
The book starts with a description of the events surrounding the Great Reformation, including the dwindling of religion under the [[Archive:Union of Collectivist Council Republics|Union]] of his [[Archive:Melevor|father]], the foundation of the Sect of the True Flame and establishing contact with Solaris Erses. The book goes on to proclaim the commandments of Erses to Melevor II as such:
'''I. Reform the Grand Order under Mine own watchful eyes, bring Mine flock closer together under the union of Mine light.''' (Reform the Grand Order from it's old ways, modernising and centralising it under a new hierarchy)
Line 62 ⟶ 132:
'''III. Honour thy ancestors, and thy heroes, the greatest among men.''' (Honour your ancestors and heroes, for they are the greatest of your people and staunch warriors of Erses)
'''IV. Behold nay further in the ways of the past, but forwards onto the ways of the Flame.''' (Do not look to the ways of the past, or of [[Archive:Ceiltean Druidism|Druidism]], but to the ways of the Flame, and these commandments)
'''V. Rich, thy culture shalt be, and richer thy virtues, honour, strength and wisdom foremost.''' (The culture of your people shall be rich, and their virtues richer: honour, strength and wisdom being the greatest of these virtues)
Line 72 ⟶ 142:
'''VIII. Love nature and the animals I hath bestowed upon thee, seek them no harm, but live in harmony.''' (Do not destroy nature or kill animals unless necessary, protect nature and live in harmony with it)
'''IX. Be wary of pretenders, I shalt speak to none but thee on matters of my flock, divine son of my line.''' (Be wary of those who claim that they can have received orders by Solaris Erses regarding the reformation of the Church, for He only speaks to the divine blood of MurascaillbachCestar)
'''X. Divine son of Mine sons, thou inherit all of Terra in thy hands, return this world to Me, expel the corruption and fulfil thy duties.''' (Speaking to [[Archive:Melevor II|Melevor II]]: you inherit the world, purify it and expel the corruption of the Devourer, bring about the millennia of peace under the Age of Peace)
Through the rest of the book each of these commandments is further described in detail, elaborating on the meanings behind each of them. A sizeable portion of the end of the second book is the Solarian Code of Virtues, which include:
Line 90 ⟶ 160:
* '''Faith''' (Above all be Faithful, loyal and devoted to your lords, the Solar Emperor and to Solaris Erses, Faith and piety is one of the greatest virtues and will be rewarded in Aetherium)
These virtues are upheld institutionally under the Exercitus Solaris - the [[Archive:Solar Empire of Arith|Solar Empire of Arith]]'s Solar Army - and by the Knights of Solaris (alongside the Code of Chivalry), as well as being enforced in the institutions of the Empire such as the Imperial Estate, the Consortium Solaris (and anywhere else in the presence of the Solar Emperor). The Code of Virtues is taught through stories of heroes in Solarian churches and temples, and so many devout followers attempt to uphold all of the Virtues throughout their lives.
=== Book III: Regeneratio ===
The book of Regeneratio describes the prophecy foretold to the line of MurascaillbachCestar by Solaris Erses before the Age of Heroes, including the millennia of peace under the Age of Peace, the Great Blasphemy, the Great Consumption and the Rebirth.
The book describes fully the Prophecy of Rebirth told to the line of Cestar and handed down through oral tradition starting with Íor Cestar. The prophecy starts after the faith has been restored fully on Terra, an Age of Peace, stability and growth will occur with all under the watchful and glorious heavens. Solaris Erses will reign supreme over land, sea and air, projecting His will through His vessel of the Cestar Dynasty. This Age of Peace will last for millennia until it is shattered by a Great Blasphemy by growing underground Devourer worship as He looks to create life elsewhere, believing Terra to be secured. This Blasphemy will cause many wars between the Faithful and the Corrupted, until the Corrupted finally commit their greatest transgression, mass sacrifice to the Devourer, strengthening it until it is able to breach the walls of reality.
== History ==
Rebirthed, the Degradatus would wreck chaos on all of Existence as the Devourer slowly consumed behind them, following their path towards Solaris Erses. Taking the form of even more hideous creatures of colossal size than they formerly had done, the Degradatus would consume entire galaxies slowly and one by one, growing stronger all the while. Solaris Erses would ride out to face them, causing further destruction as they clashed against one another repeatedly, destroying galaxies, systems and planets alike as Solaris Erses would take his form as the Solar Elk of colossal size, and pierce many Degradatus with his strong antlers, blinding them with his light.
The Great Consumption, as it would be called, would reign for an age, as Solaris Erses, His Exaltatus and the Degradatus would be trapped in a stalemate. Terra would be destroyed many times over by consistent natural disasters, wars and eventually the arrival of the Degradatus, though the Flame of Creation would remain safe and concealed inside the Kiln of Creation, protected the most from Degradatus and Devourer influence. Growing desperate, and not wanting to lose once more, the Degradatus would launch a full-scale assault against the Kiln of Creation with legions of corrupted humanoids, Devourer-like creatures and other corrupted lifeforms facing the full forces of the Exaltatus, those faithful remaining humans and the beasts of Erses. This would result in the most colossal battle in the history of Existence, the Proelium Proleliorum (or the Battle of Battles). While inside the Kiln the Solaris Erses would commit to using the Flame of Creation against the Devourer in a final attempt to push the balance in favour fo the forces of Existence.
Employing the Flame of Creation, Erses would burn the mammoth-sized hordes of the Devourer, plunging into the heart of the accursed entity which was overhead watching the battle happen. Suddenly, the Devourer and the heavens would burst into flame, the Flame of Creation would consume all of the Devourer, and all of Existence, destroying all but the forces of the Exaltatus. Existence would be rebirthed in His vision, cleansed of the Devourer and his corrupted influences, as Solaris Erses and their faithful looked upon their new Existence they would begin to create majestic music which would fill the new Existence with trees, plants, animals, elements and sound.
== Saints ==
=== Pre-historySaint Robbert the Martyr ===
=== Saint Chickenprism the Merciful ===
Chickenprism was a former Elyrian lord, conqueror, and mercenary who had an illustrious career militarily. Despite his reputation as a ruthless conqueror and depraved knight of old, two events stand out in the life of St. Chickenprism:
Onto the people of Erses, the Pyrrhians, Chickenprism showed nothing but mercy. During the strife and tribulations of the First Great War, Chickenprism visited the original city of Pyrrhus with the original goal of engaging in combat with the local Pyrrhian peoples, however upon his arrival and witnessing of the ancient city and it's works, particularly paintings created by the King of Kings, Melevor First of his name, he decided on the path of mercy. Sparing the children of Erses, blessed Chickenprism took up a love of the fine arts, and all was well.
Another event that exemplifies the true nature of blessed Chickenprism is when he drove out the moneylenders and colonists from the temples and markets of Jodaya. Chickenprism seemed to have been divinely inspired and slew many that day in what would later be coined as a massacre by heretics, which is viewed as a cleansing among Solarians and the citizens of Jodaya. Chickenprism made sure as to not slay any Elyrians or Eldians that day, being a longtime friend to both peoples. It is said that as he lay in the pool of his own blood in the sand, he whispered out,
''“I commend my soul to you Solar Father, may Gyorr temper my soul as he tempered my blade before this day…”''
St. Chickenprism’s feast day is January 20th
=== Saint Irithil the Protector ===
Saint Irithil, also known as Lady Irithil, is the Patron Saint of Irithil, a city named in her honour.
Irithil was an Elven woman who led and founded the settlement which would later become the city of Irithil and the beacon of Moria. It is said that Irithil prayed to Solaris Erses for strength and guidance in leading her people, and devoted herself truly to His teachings, and was blessed by the Solar Father with strength physically and emotionally, as her soul was reinforced with His strength.
The Lady went on to grow wings, which she is often depicted with today, and is a true sign of her piety. It is said that her spirit still guards and blesses the city which is named in her honour with prosperity and longevity
Lady Irithil was canonized by the Ecclesiarchy after the sudden and surprise conversion and baptism of Lixionit V of North Moria at the Accenderatus in Solar Pyrrhus. Lixionit claimed he had a dream where he witnessed the events of Saint Irithil's life and had set sail for Pyrrhus to find the truth. Following his petition to canonize his city's patron, the Ecclesiarchat convened and decided upon it as Lixionit had proved his piety and righteousness before the Lord by getting baptised publicly.
=== Saint Skrumpus the Charitable ===
Saint Skrumpus, also known as Father Skrumpus, is the Patron Saint of Brumalia, one of the two large Solarian holidays celebrated in commemoration of the victory of Erses over the Devourer. It is said that Skrumpus was an early Ashinan worshipper of Erses who started giving gifts in his home town on the festival of Brumalia, and has since started gift-giving to the world. It is said that Father Skrumpus prayed to Solaris Erses for speed and agility, so that he could place presents under the Brumatrees of all towns and houses, and which was granted to spread joy and cheer among Erses' people. Skrumpus' gift-giving tradition in Ashina has since exploded all across the Solarian world as a new Faith-wide tradition, and even beyond.
=== Saint Ermias the Peaceful ===
Saint Ermias was a soldier that fought during the Great Alathran War, defending the Federation of Arith - now the Free Cities.
After seeing many of the soldiers he fought alongside either die or leave the military forces, Ermias was deprived of any hope he had left. The night before the siege of Savage Crow, five beautiful angels visited the soldiers campsite. Stopping by every soldiers' tent, they asked if they were able to represent all five of the Lords Virtues. However none of the remaining soldiers could display all five.
As the angels stopped by the last tent, Ermias stepped out and was shocked by their beauty. Ermias was the only soldier to show fulfilment of all five Virtues, responding positively to the Angels' questions.
During the day of the siege of Savage Crow, the day of Brumalia, Ermias was tasked with leading a ship against one of the Elyrians ships. After the Elyrian soldiers managed to board the Federation's ship, Ermias remembered the angels visit. Knowing he is under protection of them, he jumped in between both sides' fighting soldiers, convincing the remaining Federation soldiers to drop their weapons and to show faith in the Lord Solaris Erses on this holy day in remembrance of Erses, and Saint Skrumpus.
As both sides agreed to stop the ruthless fighting, they dragged their ship by the anchor onto a nearby island. Ermias and the Federation soldiers agreed to follow the Elyrians back to their nation, the Elyrians swearing to protect Ermias with their lives. For this reason, Ermias has been canonised as a Solarian Saint as Ermias the Peaceful, for bringing the sweet release of peace onto these two warring, and usually hostile peoples.
== History ==
The history of the Ecclesiarchy stretches long before it's official establishment, originally starting as the Grand Order of the Druids, which prior to the arrival of Íor Cestar in Alathra from Pyrrianor, the population of the world was divided through the influence of the Devourer, worshipping false idols and moving further from Solaris Erses' vision. For many millennia the story of the foundation of the Grand Order of Druids was passed down through oral tradition, and only recently being codified under [[Archive:Melevor|Melevor]] in the Druidic Annals only shortly before the takeover by the Sect of the True Flame.
=== Pre-history ===
==== Pyrrianor ====
For thousands of years the people of Pyrrianor lived in their island home far to the west of Alathra under the wise guidance of their King, Íor Cestar, son of Erses and progenitor of the Cestar line. At this time the Pyrrhians still had control over the Gift of Erses, allowing them to grow up to seven feet tall and live hundreds of years. The greatest among these was Íor, who lived 2300 years in total, losing most of the effect of the gift in the migration of his people from Pyrrianor to Alathra after the catastrophic, and still yet unexplained sinking of their island. Worship on Pyrrianor was much based around decentralised and unorganised sun worship, with one of the very few occasions of centralised worship on the Summer Solstice, when the King would ascend the highest peak of the island, a mountain which stood in the middle of it, and pray to Erses in a temple at the top before descending and feasting with his subjects. With the migration of the Pyrrhians into Alathra worship became slightly more organised, with even more gifts being bestowed on the Pyrrhian people by Erses, such as the revelation of the location of the Kiln of Creation and the jewels and gold used to create the [[Archive:The Solar Crown|Solar Crown]].
==== The Age of Heroes and the Age of Nature ====
The details on the foundation of the Grand Order and the context behind it is wrapped in mystery, speculation and lost history, as the story had traditionally been passed down through the King's Tome, an ancient Pyrrhian book which had been lost during the Age of Subjugation, and so for hundreds of years the story has only been told orally and has lost some of it's key components. According to the Druidic Annals - the holy texts of the now defunct Grand Order - the story begins with the migration of the Pyrrhians into Alathra, and the swearing of Íor of his Oath. Following this Íor built a following of faithful warrior-druids, beginning the Age of Heroes.
The Age of Heroes was a series of long and protracted wars by the warrior-druids of Íor Cestar and the pagans of Western Arith. Though lasting for upwards of 200 years, the series of wars was finally won by the Pyrrhians with the annihilation of the pagan temple which stood on the banks of the Saile river, modern day a part of the [[Archive:Solar Empire of Arith|Ceiltean Crownlands in Solaris]]. Though by this time Íor was dead by 75 years, his son was the first to truly settle in the lands and reign over peaceful territories.
The druids and Pyrrhians lived a very peaceful lifestyle, living in nature under a loose Confederation headed by the chief of the Cestar Clan. Under this Age of Nature shrines and standing stones to Erses thrived, appearing all over Western Arith as a result of Druidic wandering and nomad lifestyles. This would end with the rise of the [[Archive:Free Cities of Alathra|Free Cities of Alathra]], whose harsh policies against bandits would drive the money-making thieves into the relatively unsettled and nomadic West of Arith and into direct confrontation with the Pyrrhains
==== The Age of Subjugation ====
War reigned against the bandits and warlords for many decades, but more kept coming into Western Arith, leading to the total subjugation of the Pyrrhians. The natives would be enslaved by their new bandit overlords, forced into endless mining across the iron and gold rich region. The Pyrrhians lived a basic subsistence, with the majority of food, housing and other basic necessities being hoarded by the bandits, who become warlords and began fighting amongst one another.
While the suffering of the Pyrrhians was immense, it would only get worse as the Four Piglins (Pestilence, War, Famine and Death) struck the region igniting a 15 year-long series of events which included multiple famines, droughts, bandit conflict and widespread plague scourging the lands. During this time much of the Pyrrhian population perished either due to hunger, sickness or death at the hands of bandit warlords who fought throughout the lands for dominance. The so-called "15 Years of Death" was thought to be a plight inflicted by Ymis and Rhadohir on the bandits as a punishment for the maltreatment of the Pyrrhians, though had the unintended consequence of killing many of the Pyrrhians, who were thought to be immune to the sickness. The catastrophic event ended only after the organisation of a widespread rebellion by the Pyrrhians spearheaded by [[Archive:Melevor|Melevor]] and the establishment of the city of [[Archive:Pyrrhus|Pyrrhus]].
==== The Age of Liberation ====
When the High Kingdom of Ceiltea was created following the downfall of Pyrrhus, religion took centre stage in the new Kingdom, and inspired by the works of other religions throughout the world [[Archive:Melevor|Melevor]] endeavoured to modernise and revive the very ancient, and dispersed, Grand Order. This was done through the codification of the mythos of the Order, which was long forbidden knowledge for outsiders and even non-Druids through the Druidic Annals. The Annals firmly seated the Grand Conclave at the Liathdruim, south of [[Archive:Melevorgrad|Melevorgrad]], and cemented both the positions of King of Kings and Archdruid.
While the codification was still underway, the January Revolution occurred in Ceiltea, bringing about the creation of the [[Archive:Union of Collectivist Council Republics|Union of Collectivist Council Republics]], and while the religion was still upheld by the majority of the Ceiltean population, it became part of the background of everyday life in the Union. The ideology of National Collectivism took the place of religion in the society, which had become secular under the Collectivist Charter, though many religious rituals continued to take place with [[Archive:Melevor|Melevor]]'s attendance. The Druids became sure of the gods' wish for Melevor to rule when the Great Old Ones of the Swamp, [[Archive:Mudtown|Mudtown]], who are believed to be spirits in the service of Rhireus and thus knowledgeable, visited the Folkscapital and bestowed upon the Eternal Leader the crossbow of Boogooyaga.
=== Great Reformation ===
Towards the latter half of the reign of [[Archive:Melevor|Melevor I]], a new religious revival movement came in the form of the Sect of the True Flame. The teachings of the Sect, founded by Melevor I's son, Melevor II, would later become the foundations for the Solar Ecclesiarchy and the reformation of the Order into the Ecclesiarchy, a process which is called the "Great Reformation". The series of events which became the Great Reformation would start with a small number of clergy rallying around Melevor II, who as the heir apparent to the then socialist [[Archive:Union of Collectivist Council Republics|Union of Collectivist Council Republics]], supported the revival of the Faith, and was researching ways for direct communication between himself and Solaris Erses.
=== Great Sacrilege and Second Crusade against Pater Carnis ===
Line 108 ⟶ 245:
=== Ascendance and Solar Hegemony ===
== Hierarchy ==
The hierarchy of the Solar Ecclesiarchy is rather simple and linear, however, there are many positions and titles obtainable within the Ecclesiarchy within four clearly defined divisions: the Acolytes, Lesser Priesthood, Proper Priesthood and the Ecclesiarchat.
=== The Solar Emperor, King of Kings, Voice of Erses ===
The Solar Emperor is the male descendant of Íor Cestar and directly descended from Solaris Erses. The Solar Emperor is additionally afforded the titles of King of Kings and Voice of Erses, as he is described by the Solar Codex as the greatest among men, and the vessel through which Solaris Erses communicates with His Faithful. The Solar Emperor acts as both the head of the Solarian religion internationally, and as the head of state of the [[Archive:Holy Solarian Empire|Holy Solarian Empire]] which is viewed by the Ecclesiarchy as the headquarters of the church, and the most sacred land in the world.
=== Ecclesiarchat ===
The Ecclesiarchat is the collective council which consists of all Ecclesiarchs in the Faith. Ecclesiarchs are religious heads of major temples and lead over the Solarian religious populations of entire countries .Ecclesiarchs oversee a cathedral directly as well as the wider area known as an Eclessiarchic. Within an Eclessiarchic there are multiple Parishes who have a priest and who answer to the authority of the Ecclesiarch. The Ecclesiarch performs all the ceremonies that a Priest would but also special ceremonies that a Priest wouldn’t. The Ecclesiarch are sometimes given additional titles by the Voice of Erses in helping the Church with activities such as coordinating building, archiving or organising festivals. Ecclesiarchs are appointed by the Voice of Erses and they only answer to him.
There are three ''Ecclesiarch High Lords'', who are the most senior of the Ecclesiarch and tend to be Ecclesiarchs within the [[Archive:Holy Solarian Empire|Holy Solarian Empire]]. These individuals head Ecclesiarchy-wide institutions such as the ''Inquisition'', the Ecclesiarchy's ''Administratus'' and the faith-spreading ''Nuntius''.
==== Ecclesiarch High Lord of Solar Administration ====
The Ecclesiarch High Lord of Administration is seen as the highest of the High Lords, as they oversee the administration of the Ecclesiarchy and the introduction of new priests. The High Lord is a member of the [[Archive:Holy Solarian Empire|Holy Solarian Empire]]'s Imperial Council as the Imperial Chaplain. They rule over the Ecclesiarchy's ''Administratus'', the core organising body of the church.
==== Ecclesiarch High Lord of Solar Inquisition ====
The Ecclesiarch High Lord of Inquisition is the overseer of the enforcement and protection units of the Ecclesiarchy, as well as the police of the [[Archive:Holy Solarian Empire|Holy Solarian Empire]]. The Inquisition special branch seeks to hunt heresy and foreign worship within Solarian countries, while the common branch deals with regular crimes.
==== Ecclesiarch High Lord of Solar Message ====
The Ecclesiarch High Lord of Message oversees the faith-spreading ''Nuntius'' body of the Ecclesiarchy, aimed at conversion of individuals, towns and nations across the world.
=== Proper Priesthood ===
==== Patriarch ====
==== Archpriest ====
==== Priest ====
=== Lesser Priesthood ===
==== Monk ====
=== Acolytes ===
Line 123 ⟶ 300:
== Holy Sites ==
There are various holy sites throughout Solarian Faith, most prominently the Kiln of Creation in the Basilica of Accenderatus in Solar Pyrrhus.
=== Kiln of Creation, ArmenelosAccenderatus ===
[[File:Kiln1.png|thumb|The supposed appearance Kiln of Creation]]
The location of the Kiln of Creation, the holiest of places on Terra, was lost alongside the King's Tome during the Age of Subjugation. It is believed that following the Pyrrhian exodus to Alathra, the gift of knowledge of it's location was bestowed upon the Pyrrhian people as a gift, and thus where Íor Cestar forged the [[Archive:The Solar Crown|Solar Crown]].
After looking through ancient scrolls and the newly found King's Tome, it was discovered by the Solar Emperor [[Archive:Melevor II|Melevor II]] that the area on which the Imperical Capital of Solar Pyrrhus, was settled matcheS the description of the mythological "Cradle of Creation", where all life supposedly originated around the Kiln of Creation at the hands of Solaris Erses. This discovery was shared to no-one, as the Emperor seemingly started digging randomly in the field across the Salix where the Basilica is now located. Excavation efforts would continue to yield strange items and antiques, though eventually a strange structure would be found deep below the city, under many levels of dirt and stone.
After a full excavation a large structure was fully dug out made out of impenetrable bricks and block by a door which would not open. Investigations into the mysterious structure continues, but many rumours spreading both within the Ecclesiarchy's ranks and across the wider Faith speak of the structure in the shape of an ancient kiln, and many of the workers at the site swear that it is the mythic and sacred Kiln of Creation, house to the Flame of Creation and that the Flame, an ultimate tool of the creation of life is still sealed inside the ancient structure.
The Kiln is believed to be the place where Solaris Erses stored the Flame of Creation during the first War for Existence, away from the ever-consuming Degradatus and the Devourer, on Terra and returned to after the conclusion of the War, creating the first lifeforms in the area surrounding the Kiln the "Cradle". The Flame of Creation is a tool of immense power which was mostly devoured by Solaris Erses to enhance his creative powers, though a small part was left over and supposedly remains in the Kiln of Creation as a failsafe from the influence of the Devourer. It is also believed that the small emerald on the [[Archive:The Solar Crown|Solar Crown]], the "Stone of Terra" was a gift from the Patron Spirit Ymis and discovered underneath the Kiln and the Crown itself was subsequently forged at the Kiln itself by Íor Cestar.
The Kiln at the Accenderatus continues to be researched, and the even more mysterious words carved into the unbreakable door "'''MAGNI SVNT QVI SANGVINEM PORTANT'''" continue to be questioned by Solarian scholars, including those of the Solar Emperor who is highly intrigued at the carvings which may possibly be referring to his lineage.
The Basilica of the Accenderatus gained its name from the Kiln, as it is the High Pyrrhian verb "to kindle" (High Pyrrhian: ''Accendere'') and started constructed after the discovery of the Kiln. The exterior of the building has been completed, though the costly interior continues to be built by dedicated and religious builders.
=== Liathdruim, Solar Pyrrhus ===
Line 134 ⟶ 322:
=== SacredSavage ItemsCrow ===
== Sacred Items ==
The Faith has many sacred and Solar items which are regarded as gifts by Solaris Erses, and most of which were bestowed upon Cestar Kings. Many of these items now remain as part of the Imperial Regalia of the [[Archive:Solar Empire of Arith|Solar Empire of Arith]].
[[File:Solarcrown.png|thumb|The Solar Crown]]
=== Imperial Regalia ===
All of the parts of the Imperial Regalia are regarded as holy relics, each with different backgrounds and origins. They all now serve as the Crown Jewels of the [[Archive:Solar Empire of Arith|Solar Empire of Arith]], and are often in use by [[Archive:Melevor II|Melevor II]] during official state functions, prominently worn during his coronation and the establishment of the Solar Pyrrhian Empire, where three of the four parts of the regalia were present.
==== The Solar Crown ====
The Solar Crown, also known as the Imperial Crown of Pyrrhia, or the Imperial Crown of Arith, is a hoop crown with a characteristic octagonal shape, and is the coronation and Imperial crown of the [[Archive:Holy Solarian Empire|Holy Solarian Empire]], being the most commonly used part of the Imperial Regalia. Created approximately a thousand years ago during the mythic Pyrrhian "Age of Heroes", the crown has been used, and continues to be used in the coronation of the Cestar King of Kings, being used most recently to crown Melevor II as both King of Kings and Solar Emperor. The crown is revered as a sacred and holy item of the Faith, being believed to be forged by the progenitor of the Cestar Dynasty, and the son of Solaris Erses, Íor Cestar with pure sunlight from the golden sunlight mane of Erses himself encrusted into the Sun which tops the crown. A heraldic depiction of the crown is used on the Imperial coats of arms, badges, logos and various other insignia in the [[Archive:Holy Solarian Empire|Holy Solarian Empire]] to symbolise the Imperial authority of Melevor II.
==== TheAduriael, SwordLight of the SunWest ====
Aduriael is the ancient family heirloom of the Cestar Dynasty, forged by Íor Cestar in the age of Pyrrianor, but which was lost during the Age of Subjugation. Originally the sword was is used in ceremonies in the Pyrrhian Kingdom and often appeared alongside the King of Pyrrhia in his duties as both the Defender of the Faith and as Head of the Faith. Despite being thousands of years old, the sword remains as strong as it was the day it was forged, created from an unknown metal. Forged by the progenitor of the Cestar line, Íor, the Sword was the subject of many conflicts with pagans and barbarians following the Pyrrhian exodus to Alathra due to it's claimed power of spontaneously bursting into flame, which only those of the Cestar Dynasty could handle without being burned. The flames of the Sword were believed to be pulled directly from the Sun, and so their heat would simply slice through someone if the sword touched their flesh. Due to the sword being lost during the Age of Subjugation this rare spectacle has not been seen for hundreds of years, and so the idea that the Sword can do this has fallen into stories and mythology, while zealots within the newly founded Solar Ecclesiarchy believe that the Sword is destined to be found by the Solar Emperor.
==== The Orb of Erses ====
The Orb of Erses is a golden orb surmounted by a Solis symbol, and has been used as a symbol of the authority of the Imperial Dynasty since the descent of Íor Cestar from Aetherium. The Solis represents Solaris Erses dominion over the orb of the world, literally held in the hand of His representative on Terra, the Cestar ruler. It is believed that the Orb itself was given by Solaris Erses to His son Íor as a promise and as a prophecy which remains important to Solarian Faith as a driving force for spreading: "'''Mine son, thou line shalt bring about the Age of Peace, a thousand year reign under the great Solis'''".
==== The Sacred Antler ====
The Sacred Antler is the most important and sacred part of the Imperial Regalia, and as a result is not seen often. The Antler is a piece of Solaris Erses' Antler which is believed to have been broken off during the War for Existence and crashed to Terra. The Antler was subsequently found by Pyrrhians and preserved under the watchful eyes of the the Grand Order of Druids. The Antler, large enough to be considered as a flag pole, has been carried in front of the Cestar Kings during wars and crusades in the distant past. The Antler remains, alongside with the other pieces of the Imperial Regalia, in the Palace of Kings in Solar Pyrrhus under Solarian Inquisitorial oversight in the most secure section of the Palace.
== PrayersCeremonies and HymnsMasses ==
=== Hymn of the CrusadersImperium ===
=== LanguagesBaptism ===
Baptism occurs when a new person or child wishes to join in covenant with the Solar Father and is a sign of their membership of the Solar Ecclesiarchy either as a Solarian Faithful or as a member of the clergy. Baptisms take place in Solarian churches around the blue flame pits, which usually stand in front of the pulpit. The celebrant - a member of the clergy (who must be a member of the Proper Priesthood or up) will approach the altar and whisper the following prayer:
"''Please make me worthy to partake of this most sacred ritual. Make mine hands worthy to hold thine Elixir, o Lord. Have mercy upon me, purify me, absolve me, and purge mine flesh with thine sacred flame so I may bring another unto thee''."
=== High Pyrrhian ===
They will then come down from the altar, and towards the blue flames, raising their arms to the sky in a sign of submission and praise of Erses, telling the the partaker "''Come forth! For thou art unworthy thus thy flesh must be cleansed!''", who will then move forward to the flame, almost touching it. The celebrant will then say to the partaker:
"''Thou hath learned much about the faith of the true God of true God, flame of flame, light of light, lover of mankind! Thou art learned! Yet thee are without depth! Into the great flame thee will step into, and unto the Lord thee will kneel! O’er thine head will grace pour into thine soul as water unto a pot! Thee will partake of the holy flame! Its hearty flame will quench thy soul! I believe, I believe, I believe!''"
The celebrant then makes a prostration, kissing the copy of the Solar Codex on the pulpit and readies the Elixir of the Sun - a potion created by the Ecclesiarchy on instruction of Solaris Erses which specifically stops burning or damage being done to the baptised party for a period of time - to be passed to the partaker. The celebrant and their assistant, often a member of the Lesser Priesthood will then speak again to the partaker: "''Make the true confession before thine Lord!''"
The partaker will then speak thusly: "''I believe and confess unto the ages of ages, there is one God; Solaris Erses. Wellspring of spirit and life, creator of creation, ruler of the universe. There is no other of his power, and there will never be nor has been. I believe in one baptism, of flame and fire, for the purging of evil and partaking in the holy covenant''" before making a prostration and bowing before the blue flame.
The partaker is then given the Elixir of the Sun, and the celebrant speaks: ''"I baptise thee, having authority from the one true and almighty God; Solaris Erses, as a testimony that you have entered into a covenant to serve Him."'' To which the partaker drinks the Elixir, stepping into the blue flame.
After a moment the celebrant speaks once more: "''Step from the flame unto a new life, step unto grace, render unto thy Lord! Praise be to Solaris Erses!''" as the partaker steps forward now baptised and in covnenat with Solaris Erses.
== Holy Days and Festivals ==
=== Low PyrrhianErsonalia ===
In the Summer Ersonalia is celebrated marking the Solarian festival of Creation. It is believed that the Universe was created in the days of the warm Summer. The festival is held on 21st June, the day of the Summer Solstice, as this is believed the day that Erses created humanity at the Kiln, over the next six days festivals and celebrations continue. Solarians celebrate the event with prayer, attendance at church and with large feasts held outside during the early afternoon into mid-day, and parties into the night alongside a ritual where the head of the house of Cestar prays at the feet of the Kiln itself, kissing the bowl which holds the Flame. Solarians often decorate their towns with bunting and with candles (or bowls of fire), holding events, especially games and other fun activities late into the night, and especially staying awake the whole night of the 20th, watching the Sun rise on the 21st as the holiest of days.
=== Brumalia ===
[[File:Brumalia.png|thumb|A traditional Brumarbor with golden leaves.]]
In the Winter Brumalia (also known as Bruma) is celebrated with great festive cheer, marking the triumph of Erses over the Devorator and Degradatus, the banishing of Winter, which will disappear over the next two months. The holiday is based upon both silent reflection of life by Solarians in church, and by festive celebration at home and in public. Each household holds a personal celebration called the “Last Hunt”, as many Humans believed that the cold and snow of the first Winter would kill them all off. The holiday season lasts throughout the entirety of December, but the main festival day is held on the 21st December, the Winter Solstice, as the day Erses banished the Degradatus and Devorator. Solarian houses and public spaces are decorated with a Brumarbor (Bruma tree) - a birch sometimes with the leaves painted gold to imitate a Arborluxorem - and decorated to commemorate the attempt to destroy nature on Terra, and the inevitable victory of Erses, and His impartment of Commandments on the bark of the Arborluxorem.
== Prayers and Hymns ==
=== CommonThe AlathranOath of Íor ===
The Oath of Íor is one of the most ancient Pyrrhians hymns, supposedly uttered by Íor Cestar upon his arrival on Arith with the Pyrrhian peoples after the sinking of the island of Pyrrianor. The Oath has been used solely by the line of Pyrrhian Kings and thus the Solar Emperors of Terra, including [[Archive:Melevor|Melevor]] and [[Archive:Melevor II|Melevor II]]. The Oath is one made to Solaris Erses that the ancestral line of Cestar will reside in their homeland until the days of the Great Consumption, when the world is renewed by song.
''"From the Great Island to Arithia I am come.''
''In this place I will abide, and my heirs,''
''unto the renewing of the world."''
''"Ab Islandia magna ad Arithiam ueni.''
''Hoc loco manebo et heredes mei;''
''in novitate mundi."''
=== Hymn of the Crusaders ===
The Hymn of the Crusaders is a song written by a Priest of the Sect of the True Flame prior to the formal foundation of the Ecclesiarchy during the Second Crusade against Pater Carnis, in which the Crusader Army of [[Archive:Ceiltean Druidism|Ceiltean Druidism]] mostly converted from the orthodox teachings of the Grand Order of Druids towards the teachings of the Sect of the True Flame, leading to the events of the Great Reformation. The Hymn was sung by Crusaders during their travel to the [[Archive:Temple of Pater Carnis|Temple of Pater Carnis]], and has continued to be used by armed wings of the Ecclesiarchy and sung in honour of the fallen Crusaders in special services.
''"Praise be to Him,''
''Praise be to our gracious Lord,''
''Let His light shine down upon us,''
''Let His light burn our foes,''
''May the guilty be judged,''
''May the innocent be spared,''
''Lord, bless our homeland,''
''Lord, bless our arms,''
''Seek not to plunder,''
''Seek not to steal,''
''Great ancestors, bring forth your homeland's zeal,''
''Oh, Holy Father, thy sacred will be done,''
''For now our homeland, will forever be one."''
=== The Prayer of Saint Robb the Martyr ===
The Prayer of Saint Robb the Martyr is a prayer written by King Zodd "Mithras" Angolmois in dedication to his half-brother, the martyred Saint Robb. Robbert was a young man and bastard son of the first Eldian leader to convert to the Solar Ecclesiarchy. Following counter-offensives by Stahlfaust during the Great Gaushan Wars period Robbert Angolmois' city of Snowport was sacked and looted by the Stahlfaustian armies which followed the religions of AIK and the Hole, seen as deeply heretical by the Ecclesiarchy. During the sacking of the city Robbert gave his life to defend from the heathen armies and was subsequently canonized by Solar Emperor [[Archive:Melevor II|Melevor II]].
''"Among a thousand peers you are our peer;''
''though you are not a peer, peer have you none oh dear Slime.''
''Vanquished yet unconquered were you oh St. Robb!''
''O happy souls, delivered and set free by your martyrdom,''
''Snowport lives another day.''
''Solar Eldia prevails.''
''Your heart flowed with noble blood and faithful zeal, your courage glowed in the face of dark invaders.''
''May all warrior hearts heap rites and honors on you and the bloody sites.''
''St. Robb, pray for us and defend us in this world and the next."''
=== The Prayer of Philoxenos "Let my prayer arise" ===
Philoxenos was the High Priest of the pagan Cult of Lothric, centred in Ashina, who converted after having an epiphany and sailing to Western [[Archive:Arith|Arith]], and the territories of the Solar Emperor of Terra - the [[Archive:Holy Solarian Empire|Holy Solarian Empire]]. After witnessing the glory and marvels of the church and pious nature of the Solarians in Arith Philoxenos converted to the Faith and sailed back to Ashina, dedicating his own church in honour of the Solar Father and Mother Nature. Philoxenos wrote a short dedication to the Solar Father at the beginning of his prayer: "''A prayer dedicated to Comfort of Comforters, the Solar Father, Erses''."
''"May mine prayer arise, may my prayer arise as sweet smelling smoke, let the aroma arise unto thy throne, let the aroma arise unto thee!''
''Let mine prayer be as sweet smelling sap burnt before thee, may this burning stand for my iniquity!''
''Let mine prayer pass o’er the bounds of abyssal cretins, let mine prayer pass into thine lap and unto thine heart!''
''May mine feet to hasten to worship! Allow mine heart to hasten to thee!''
''May mine knees to buckle in fear and trembling at thy wrath and jealousy!''
''May mine tears to be a stream of water for thy refreshment!''
''May mine kneeling to be a great sacrifice!"''
=== The Carissime Domine ===
The Carissime Domine (Common Alathran: ''Dearest Lord'') is a High Pyrrhian prayer which is one of the most common prayers spoken by Solarians and was written by Solar Emperor [[Archive:Melevor II|Melevor II]] during the time of the Great Reformation. The prayer, originally spoken in High Pyrrhian, has been translated to almost every language on Alathra, but is still prayed in High Pyrrhian in Solarian churches.
''"Dearest Lord, protect and guide us from this sacrilegious and primordial evil.''
''Protect your servants and existence from the Devourer, and lead us into Your light."''
''"Carissime Domine, ab hoc sacrilego ac primordiali malo nos tuearis et ducas.''
''Servos tuos protege et existentiam a Devoratore, et deduc nos in lucem tuam."''
== Language ==
=== CeilteanHigh Pyrrhian ===
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