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Archive:Pitru Punstraia: Difference between revisions

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* During his time in Alathra, Pitru was fluent in 3 languages (Arcadian, Kogongi, Dwarvish)
* Pitru's family, the Punstraia, is one of many clans of the faith of Mufijo. Other notable clans from Pitru's home realm of Yuvantiya include the Etrec, Vrestó, Dirmaxi, and Biqeš
* While in Alathra, Pitru was a horse wrangler, owning 4 horses, all of which he passed down to his former servant Dr. Hugosombi
* In the words of his own player: "Pitru is from Peter Griffin, Ermení is from Armenia because I saw it in the news that day, and Punstraia translates to something like elephant man in Arcadian"


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