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===Haven Storm===
LlullAt wokethe onebeginning morningof [[The Haven Storm]], Llull woke to the panic of [[Baaki of North Haven|Baaki]] arriving on [[Rynnth#WOK|Wok]]. [[Aurelius]] was being attacked by some strange entity and [[Baaki of North Haven|Baaki]] had come to look for Llull for his help. Llull had only interacted with [[Aurelius]] until now, and was loyal to the man who had found him stranded. The two boarded along with Ari and made their way to Haven. In a short swing of battle [[Aurelius]], [[Baaki of North Haven|Baaki]], and Llull overpowered [[Ra'thra]] and bound him until [[Lucius Ottavius|Lucius]] could investigate the possessed body. While waiting for [[Lucius Ottavius|Lucius]], Llull and [[Baaki of North Haven|Baaki]] exchanged words, both of them finding comfort in their joint suffering to amnesia.
[[File:Rendition of the Haven Storm.png|thumb|Rendition of the forces against Ra'thra at the Haven Storm]]
A large storm began forming over [[Haven]] and [[Ra'thra]] escaped from captivity. After a long stretch of battles and injuries, Llull along with [[Aurelius]], [[Remora]], [[Specz Arcanes|Specz]], [[Baaki of North Haven|Baaki]], and [[Lucius Ottavius|Lucius]] overpowered [[Ra'thra]] and converted his energy into marbles. These marbles would go on to help [[Republic Of Lydoneia|Lydoneia]] power various projects and their location are a tight kept secret between [[Specz Arcanes|Specz]], [[Remora]] and [[Aurelius]]. Following these events, [[Haven]] quickly rebuilt itself, but Llull had no time to breathe before [[Rynnth]] arrived in [[Haven]] and the events of [[the Haven Standoff]] occurred. During these events Llull's consciousness died and his short lifespan came to a close.
== Dreams ==


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