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(Added some more to the town history, adding even more soon to bring it up to date)
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== The Horizon League ==
Some time after taking control of Nabilzahir and the sultanate, Mega decided to join Devox and Pultria in the formation of the Horizon league, a nation spanning from savage crow to most of New Anglia, excluding a small portion in the north. Following this, Nabilzahir experienced rapid growth and accelerated the towns player count above 20, bringing development to the once barren land, though it was not to last. Less than 2 weeks after the nation was founded, an individual who was called AddingAUsername joined the nation, and quickly launched a coup. His actions led to the nation's split into the Manchester Empire, Liverpool Empire, and Pultria respectively.
== The Nabil Golden Age ==
Following this split from the Horizon League, Nabilzahir experienced a golden age, reaching both large player counts and national borders, coming to control much of southern New Anglia. The nation would eventually come to aid the newly formed [[Fossores Republic]], helping them expand and negotiate a deal with Sunset Bay over a recent conflict. In addition, the two nations worked together on many projects, including the continental canals, though sadly this cooperation was not to last.
== Fossoreian Betrayal ==
Following the two nations cooperation, the Manchester Empire unknowingly obtained a town that had split from fossores, called Beograd Na Moru. Fossores shortly after reached out offering a buyout of the town, which Mega accepted, however this was merely a lie presented to the people of the Empire. Shortly after, Fossores declared war, providing illegitimate reasons and invaded the nation, with Megadalon forming a last stand in Nabilzahir against more than 10 players, though he was eventually defeated.
== Occupation ==
Nabilzahir, following the war, was occupied by Fossores throughout the duration of the Great War, with Mega making repeated small gains in its attempted liberation. Following the great war, the town entered massive stagnation under the occupation of Fossores, with the nation eventually returning the land to it's rightful owner, Mega.


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