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Gem Valtara (also known as the Man In The Maze) is a human male most known for being the Defacto leader in the [[Triumvirate of Ceyreto]], leading the [[Kingdom of Valtara]] in the absence of King Robert, and his involvement with the Loyalists in the [[Valtaran Civil War]].
== Appearance ==
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=== Valtaran Civil War ===
Gem was trained by his father to lead armies at an early age, making his first appearance on the battlefield at 14. Originally, he was sent solely to battles where victory was guaranteed, but as time went on Gem was given the opportunity to show his prowess in combat and strategy.
=== Post-Valtaran Civil War ===
=== Rebuilding Valtara ===
Upon the reunification of Valtara, Gem was immediately placed as Hand of the King by King Robert. With this, he was burdened with becoming the unwilling leader of Valtara in his brother's stead, who saw better fit to spend his time drinking and partying rather than running his nation. Gem humbly led the rebuilding efforts of their once great nation, remaking Valtara into the sole dominant force on the continent of Ceyreto and one of the strongest nations in the world.
=== The Triumvirate Ofof Ceyreto ===
Gem became one of the founders of the Triumvirate of Ceyreto when 5 towns (one now lost in name) including Wrensbath, Tirean Ura, Zhar-Dorahl, and Kalikhan approached Valtara about joining the nation. Gem informed his friend and ally, Addrian von Attasio, of the predicament, and he put forth the idea of their two nations, Valtara and Vinçois, should merge along with the 5 towns. Robert was a drunken wreck at the time and had given Gem the go ahead on this plan, despite Gem's reluctance. Though upon his brother's vow of sobering up and finally taking responsibility for his nation, Gem signed onto the agreement, foolishly one might say. And thus, Ceyreto was born as a nation, accelerating to the largest and strongest nation in the world. Its wealth was abundant, and its dominance certain. Having assumed that Robert would take the reins any day now, Gem sat on the back burner as Addrian would become the forefront of the Triumvirate. It would remain this way for many months until after the banquet that celebrated the new nation's founding, mysteriously the entire nation of Vinçois had become derelict with no trace of its former inhabitants. With the Triumvirate lacking leadership and Robert having gone back on his vow, Gem found himself once again thrust into a role he has no desire to play. To his credit, he played it well. As well as he could anyway. Under him Ceyreto prospered...until it didn't. Slowly, Valtarans had voiced their displeasure with the current system, until finally, they broke away and declared war under the new name of the Kingdom of Zydel.
=== Exile ===
Within days of the war against Zydel being declared, Gem was confronted by his cousin, Benicio Valtara, and his bodyguard. Gem was accused of seizing power from Robert and forsaking the oath he had taken to give up the throne. Gem put forth no struggle and willingly let himeslf be arrested in the coup that became known as [[The Black March]] and was sentenced to exile into [[The Black Maze]], where he remains to this day.
=== Current Day ===
Line 88 ⟶ 85:
"He is a bastard"
"He caused the civil war."
"I heard he likes gold."
"I think he's broke. He gives away all his money."
"I heard he can get you anything, no matter what you ask for."
"I've been told he was a better ruler than any other Valtaran"
Line 102 ⟶ 99:
"Isn't he the grandson of a god?"
"I heard that he's the owner of that one sword relic."
"He's a ghost! I swear I can see him wherever I go!"
Line 108 ⟶ 105:
"He's a god! Never before has a mortal been seen with his qualities!"
"He's just a man. Some nitwits idolize him, but he's just as flawed as the rest of us."
"He's a guru. No one else matches him in any human endeavor."
