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'''Melphor Xin Fynnsea''', (previously '''Melphor Xin Barnes'''), is a cyan [[Axolian]] with pink hair and fins, blue eyes, and covered in freckles from head to toe. She has multiple discolored scars (all varying in size) that appear white on her skin from lashings and continuous regeneration of her limbs wearing out her body. Her hair goes down to her back, being straight and adorned with either warped roots or roses. Mel is partially blind in her left eye, damaged by lack of care and complications of injury to it. She has long but neat nails that seem to always have a red hue to it… wonder whythem. Her tail is regularly used as a means to get someone’s attention, slamming it on the ground to make a loud, echo-y sound. Mel wears a red tunic with an off-white, puffy undershirt and copper -colored jewelry. She has red, velvety pants that puff out from her white combat boots.
== FRIENDSHistory ==
=== NAME(S)Childhood ===
Melphor was brought into the world without parents to care for her, sent to an adoption agency once she was able to be taken care of. Her father had died during a work accident while her mother was proven to be an alcoholic and therefore, unable to take care of a young child. She stayed in different agencies during her early childhood years and was aboutadopted five whenever a family came by to see her. They were nice and they seemed like they meant well, what more could Mel ask for in a family? So after a few days, they finalizedat the adoptionage andof Melphor five was officially a part ofinto the Barnes family.
Melphor grew a close relation with her adoptive brother, Andras, who was a few years older than her but she didn't mind. She however didn't enjoy her father as much as she hoped. To Mel, it seemed like she was adopted purely to be a puppet to perform as a member in the merchant indudtryindustry. Of course, that made her resentful, especially whenever her mother left her father, losing all hope in him as a caring person and loyal boyfriend (they weren't married, just had kids together)partner. But she couldn't do anything about it, and ended up living her whole teenage life in thattheir household, even after Andras moved out to live someplace else. She completely refused multiple times that she would gotransitioning into the merchant business at her father's requests, which twistedmade theher favoritismfather tolook Andras,more whokeenly noton only was her father’s biological sonAndras, but also,who had accepted his offer in said industry. Proving this further, whenever her father eventually died, Andras got a big portion of thehis will. Mel realized after several years, she wouldn't be wanting this family anymore, not like she did when she was a child. It wasn't even a family, just a shell of a greedy, group of people.
Melphor Xin Barnes
Shortly after, Mel tookran offaway afterfrom packingher host family, not even bothering to go to her father's funeral. She made her way to the Southeastern continent[[Prsata]] via the Alathran ports and settled in a tribal town where countless other Axolians resided, named Axolia. This town made her feel at home, and she stayed herethere for many years, gaining close relationships with multiple people, including those of world-wide respect the nation of [[Idrolia]]. Her years there led her to gain quite the reputation in Axolia. but she didn't particularly use it toYet her advantage. Hermind was mind set on enjoying life, and messing around with friends, who she now knew as her new family. (Way better than the Barnes family in her opinion.)
Melphor Xin Fynnsea
One day, from a sudden impulse to travel, Mel packed her things, said goodbye to her friendly home in Axolia, and dashed into Lake Idrolia, where she swam for miles.
(Melphor refuses to call herself a part of the ‘Barnes’ family officially
During her swim however, she was impaled by a drowned's trident, causing her to bleed out and perish in the lake.
=== Resurrection ===
because of how much mental trauma they caused her.)
Melphor woke up, her back pained her horribly but her mind was too foggy to pay much mind to it. She could barely remember what she was doing the night before… getting drunk… sleeping… and…?before. Her mind was still jumbled and she could barely even stand up to investigate her new surroundings. She could tell she wasn’t in Axolia anymore but was more intrigued by the sudden lightness of her body. As she surveyed further, she ran into a few people, one to note being Ines Nicosia. Ines sat her down and told her the story of The Scarred Hallow, supposedly the town of lost souls that died in tragedy or far too young. But then why was she here? Ines then told Mel that sad truth that she indeed was dead, but given a second chance. So many emotions whirled around Mel but in the next few weeks to come, remembering exactly how she died wasn’t the only thing she had to worry about…
Mel: A nickname used by anyone, and it is considered
alarming or strange if one who is her friend, uses her actual first name.
Wavecrash: A tribal nickname used during her time in Axolia.
She hasn’t heard the name in forever, since she died.
She/He/They, ETC.
Melphor is a cyan [[Axolian]] with pink hair and fins, blue eyes, and covered in freckles from head to toe. She has multiple discolored scars (all varying in size) that appear white on her skin from lashings and continuous regeneration of her limbs wearing out her body. Her hair goes down to her back, being straight and adorned with either warped roots or roses. Mel is partially blind in her left eye, damaged by lack of care and complications of injury to it. She has long but neat nails that seem to always have a red hue to it… wonder why. Her tail is regularly used as a means to get someone’s attention, slamming it on the ground to make a loud, echo-y sound. Mel wears a red tunic with an off-white, puffy undershirt and copper colored jewelry. She has red, velvety pants that puff out from her white combat boots.
Melphor was brought into the world without parents to care for her, sent to an adoption agency once she was able to be taken care of. Her father had died during a work accident while her mother was proven to be an alcoholic and therefore, unable to take care of a young child. She stayed in different agencies during her early childhood years and was about five whenever a family came by to see her. They were nice and they seemed like they meant well, what more could Mel ask for in a family? So after a few days, they finalized the adoption and Melphor  was officially a part of the Barnes family.
Melphor grew a close relation with her adoptive brother, Andras, who was a few years older than her but she didn't mind. She however didn't enjoy her father as much as she hoped. To Mel, it seemed like she was adopted purely to be a puppet to perform as a member in the merchant indudtry. Of course, that made her resentful, especially whenever her mother left her father, losing all hope in him as a caring person and loyal boyfriend (they weren't married, just had kids together). But she couldn't do anything about it, and ended up living her whole teenage life in that household, even after Andras moved out to live someplace else. She completely refused multiple times that she would go into the merchant business at her father's requests, which twisted the favoritism to Andras, who not only was her father’s biological son, but also, had accepted his offer in said industry. Proving this further, whenever her father eventually died, Andras got a big portion of the will. Mel realized after several years, she wouldn't be wanting this family anymore, not like she did when she was a child. It wasn't even a family, just a shell of a greedy, group of people.
Mel took off after packing, not even bothering to go to her father's funeral. She made her way to the Southeastern continent via the Alathran ports and settled in a tribal town where countless other Axolians resided, Axolia. This town made her feel at home, and she stayed here for many years, gaining close relationships with multiple people, including those of world-wide respect the nation of [[Idrolia]]. Her years there led her to gain quite the reputation in Axolia but she didn't particularly use it to her advantage. Her was mind set on enjoying life, and messing around with friends, who she now knew as her new family. (Way better than the Barnes family in her opinion.)
Though one day, Melohor started thinking about her objective in life. To her knowledge, she didn't have one. She decided she would go off on her own, perhaps meet new people, travel around the realms. A few days later, she packed her things, said goodbye to her friendly home in Axolia, and dashed into Lake Idrolia, where she swam for miles. Well... it could've been longer if she hadn't been stopped.
Mel felt a stabbing pain in her back as she swam in the water, getting away from the island she had begun to call home. It was late and dark, she was quite tired, but she could remember distinctly, a stab from a drowned's trident. Her senses faded and her vision became blurry, slowly sinking to the bottom and hitting it with a soft thud.
She died.
Melphor woke up, her back pained her horribly but her mind was too foggy to pay much mind to it. She could barely remember what she was doing the night before… getting drunk… sleeping… and…? Her mind was still jumbled and she could barely even stand up to investigate her new surroundings. She could tell she wasn’t in Axolia anymore but was more intrigued by the sudden lightness of her body. As she surveyed further, she ran into a few people, one to note being Ines Nicosia. Ines sat her down and told her the story of The Scarred Hallow, supposedly the town of lost souls that died in tragedy or far too young. But then why was she here? Ines then told Mel that sad truth that she indeed was dead, but given a second chance. So many emotions whirled around Mel but in the next few weeks to come, remembering exactly how she died wasn’t the only thing she had to worry about…
Mel had stayed multiple weeks in The Scarred Hallow by now, and had gotten quite comfortable. She built her house, had met a few more people, and had even started gaining back her regular personality. During those early weeks, she didn’t feel like herself, because she didn’t even know who she was. But her memories of her time before death kept trailing back to her in dreams, and one that haunted her for the rest of her life. Although happiness doesn’t last forever and that was certainly proven whenever she was informed that the nation of The Kingdom of Guldhir and The Knights of Rot Wud were at war. Mel, like stated earlier, wasn’t much of a fighter, and so this worried her. Besides, her culture went completely against war, entirely.
Ines made the impulsive decision to ‘kidnap’ a friendly person of Guldhir, theywho called themselves Rit. Mel took a while to warm up to them, oblivious of the fact that they were anything more than a ‘guest’ to The Scarred Hallow, but they ended up becoming good friends. Until…Until Guldhir barged into the castle and demanded that everyone there be detained and taken to court at that very moment.
Mel was put in a cage with Ines, both trying to comfort each other as they waited for what was to come. Guldhir was an old-fashioned ‘king’ based royalty, which made Mel question just exactly what was going to happen to them. Eventually, it was her turn to speak and she spoke truthfully. She had not been a part of the committee that abducted Rit and therefore knew very little, still, she somehow was sentenced just as bad as someone who was there. Mel earned twenty-five lashings, and watched in horror as Ines’ right hand was cut off. Mel, during that time, had found Andras in the crowd and while caught off guard, clearly wasn’t thinking anything against him, only wanting him to save her. Which he didn’t. This only made her hatred grow, only glossed over whenever she talked to her nephew, Andras’ son, Dino. Dino was a shed of light in the world, and it made Mel start to think of what her purpose was. She didn’t have an answer.
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Dino had moved back into The Scarred Hallow and was acting quite strange, like his disease made him unable to respond properly, or maybe it was just him being a teenager. Mel, Andras, and Ines were eating dinner at the table whenever they met Waylin Vartilian, who they soon found out to be King Jon’s, the king of Guldhir, son. Mel took intrigue into this, not for malicious intent but it was surely new, King Jon didn’t seem like he’d be a good father. But that was quickly taken away whenever she was giving him a tour and noticed something out of the corner of her eye, a pale woman holding a bowl of a golden substance. Mel knew that shimmer, it was blood of Dino, otherwise his species known as a gold blood. Immediately, Mel and this person, who soon was identified as Bloma, ran and eventually caught up to each other. Melphor had a desire to hurt her, or anyone really. It was new but Mel didn’t question it then, this woman did hurt her nephew after all.
After a long conversation of back and fourth (threats and not) between her and Bloma, Mel turned her head when she heard a thud. Dino was unconscious on the ground, Ines over him, like they had done something, and Andras was looking at them like they saw a ghost (Yes, that was meant to be a joke). She rushed to Dino while Andras and Ines had gone upstairs, either to talk or fight or something but Mel wasn’t worried about that, she just wanted to know if Dino’s life had really stopped right then. Vartilian ended up using his somewhat magical inheritance and attempted to heal Dino and whatever was the matter with him, which worked from the time being but later, they would realize they’d have to go through a lot more to get him through this disease. Though before that, once Andras got back from beating some sense into Ines, quite literally, Mel got onto him severely for leaving Dino’s side whenever he was vulnerable and might even die right then. She didn’t believe that for what he did, still cared about Dino, genuinely getting angry at Andras, and not because of her own personal family issues.
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A few days after these events, Mel and Vartilian agreed to go together on a trip to a place called ‘The Void’. Mel had heard stories but just thought of it as a fable. But if that was where the Morrowroot was that could cure Dino’s illness, then she would do anything to obtain it. Vartilian went in selflessly, leaving Mel with the boat to sleep and eat there for several days, awaiting his return with the ancient medical plant. Once Vartilian came back, despite the missing limb and multiple harsh wounds, he was able to get home with her safely, giving the plant to Dino for him to eat. Dino ate it and has been feeling better ever since, no new news has come up concerning the disease he once had.
=== A DEALdeal WITHwith THEthe DEVILdevil ===
The Scarred Hallow was calm for about a month before things started to happen again. Mel had had many dreams showing what her life was before death but these current dreams were different. Whenever she was in them, it was pitch black, and she felt like something was watching her, studying her motions and how she thought. No, it couldn't be… could it?
Line 93 ⟶ 57:
Elias took Mel home after a while of saying his goodbyes to everyone there, discounting his father due to what he tried to do to Mel. They were silent the whole way back, until they came to the castle. Prior to the odd aura, they were talking about a suppressant for Oxitotl’s actions and influence, and Mel needed it as fast as he could manage. The two agreed to what they both needed out of this dream catcher that would hopefully tear down Oxitotl from the inside, making them weaker and therefore unable to bear any effect to Mel’s mind. Now, all she has to do is wait...
=== DEMIGODSDemigods INin DISGUISEdisguise ===
A few weeks went by and everything was quiet. Well, that was until Melphor received a letter from an unknown person addressed from Mythosia, a compact settlement in the small island squeezed in the middle of the opposite continents. Its vague contents were scattered and hard to read but Mel could understand what it was trying to say. Avele had died mysteriously, supposedly murdered, but the murderer had yet to be identified. Mel informed Ines of this odd letter and its contents before they both set off to Mythosia, where the funeral would be held. They attended the funeral which came and went, though Mel noted that she had to avoid her brother, Andras, who had somehow found himself there as well. And she did, quite well, not talking to him at all during that whole interaction. She did however find and briefly talk with the letter-sender, Aenora, who was now the mayor of Mythosia, since Avele’s murder. Something seemed off but she couldn’t place it. Still confused but not wanting to wait to go home, she practically dragged Ines back to The Scarred Hallow.
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Melphor went on a day-long trip around the continents, and even met a new species and settlement that had placed themselves near the dormant volcano on the southwestern continent. She met Zoe, who she seemed to click with quite quickly. She could tell they'd be good friends. But she eventually had to go, and made her way back to The Scarred Hallow. She’d have a lot of explaining to do for her absence but that was the last of her worries, just wanting to curl up in a bed and sleep them away.
== Relations ==
=== Biological family ===
* Mother: Jocelynn Ann Fynndown
* Father: Samuel Aryn Deepsea
=== ADOPTIVEAdoptive FAMILYfamily ===
* Mother: Bethanie Anise Anderson
* Father: James Elliot Barnes
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* Child: Rio Bingi Barnes
=== CLOSEClose FRIENDSfriends ===
* Ines Isenburg
* Elias Grimoire
* Waylin Vartilian
* Kim Khimry
=== Friends ===
* Kallen Boomson
* Zoe De La Luna
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