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===The Expansion Era (June 14-July 3)===
After the Ashina-Kingdom of God War, the FCA became more involved in Alathran politics, having gained recognition as a military power from the other nations. In addition, the FCA began to invest more energy into building international relations, especially with its new western neighbor, Synbio. The FCA would also dedicate itself to defending the autonomy of smaller nations against the larger, more aggressive nations, remembering its original intent to defend its members' independence against Ashina. However, this increased involvement would soon lead to backlash from the FCA's neighbors, most notably in the Pultria Crisis, which would cause a total reform of the FCA's government.
====The AUTP====
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====The Synbio Border Dispute====
On June 19, the FCA opened discussions with its new neighbor, Synbio, about their border claims. Because of Braudwell's proximity to Redwood and Khuamont, the proposed border was awkward, to say the least. However, the main point of contention between the two nations was the two villages located in the center of the Northern Continent, just east of the ruins of Xenoarcadia. Both the FCA and Synbio wanted control over the lucrative emerald trade with the natives of those two villages, but could not agreed upon which nation should claim which village. Ultimately, the FCA and Synbio decided to both leave the territory unoccupied, wishing to avoid unnecessary conflict.
====Turtle Conservation====
On June 23, HighTide created the first known turtle conservatory in Alathra, breeding turtles in order to help stabilize their population.
====The Northern Lighthouse Brewery====
On June 23, shortly after the rediscovery of alcohol in Alathra, several residents of HighTide partnered with King Shepsicle, a respected businessman from Ashina, to openopened one of the first breweries in Alathra, the Northern Lighthouse Brewery, named for the lighthouse in which they produced their alcohol. It proved to be a highly lucrative venture, bringing in customers from all across Alathra.
====Ewhington Joins====
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====The Pultria-Lost Wood Incident====
On June 28 at 12:55 AM CST, Gwen127 from the town of Lost Wind in Synbio posted a photo of graves created for the "victims of slavery" of Pultria that died under the rule of King chickenprism's, ruleruler of Pultria. However, because neither Gwen nor chickenprism clarified that the "slaves" were actually chickens, the other leaders of Alathra believed that the slaves were other players, causing a public outrage against chickenprism. As the day wore on, accusations flew with chickenprism charging Gwen127 with intentionally slandering Pultria and even sending death threats, though none of these claims were substantiated.
Nonetheless, these tensions came to a head when chickenprism declared war on Lost Wind at 1:15 AM CST. Soon enough, alliances were made, King Shepsicle of New Ashina City, King ImmaNotScope of Faron, and King Ripesack of Lothridge joining Pultria, and only Lord megadolon, the newly-crowned Lord of Iceburg, joining Lost Wood. As war loomed ever closer, the FCA remained neutral in the conflict, hoping to defend Lost Wind's autonomy but not wanting to risk war with the rest of Ashina or Pultria, which was one of their allies.
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Eventually, the two parties reached a compromise: King chickenprism would give up his claim of Lost Wind in exchange for being allowed to build an outpost on a nearby hill to the south. Likewise, Chancellor Cody would be allowed to build an outpost to the east of Savage Crow, the capital of Pultria. While neither side was truly satisfied with the compromise, it was enough to avoid open conflict.
==== Romanus Silva Joins ====
On July 1st 2021, Romanus Silva joined the FCA with watchoftartarus leading the town. Soon, Romanus Silva would become the largest city in Alathra, bolstering the FCA's military might in the days leading up to the Pultria Crisis and the War of the Assassins.
====The Petroselinum Conflict====
On June 29, Emperor AlphaSpade of the First Icesteel Empire declared his intent to annex the island nation of Petroselinum. Soon, King chickenprism subjugated AlphaSpade and the Icesteel Empire, continuing with AlphaSpade's plans to conquer Petroselinum.
By June 30, Kongongu, New Reno, and Brittania Bay had all declared war on Pultria. Because of its alliance with Pultria, the FCA was reluctant to declare war, but also wanted to defend Petroselinum's autonomy as it had with Lost Wind and Synbio. Ultimately, on June 30 at 3:18 PM, Chancellor Cody29797 issued an ultimatum to Pultria: cease its expansion or have the FCA break its alliance and declare war. King chickenprism chose the latter, and so the FCA declared war on Pultria.
The FCA led the alliance of Kogongu, New Reno, Brittania Bay, and Fare-Sesso which quickly crushed Pultria in the Battle of Petroselinum. However, during the battle, the FCA's army faced numerous disciplinary and communication issues, such as firing upon Pultria before the battle started and most notably sieging Savage Crow, the capital of Pultria, after the battle ended.
==== Romanus Silva Joins ====
On July 1st 2021, Romanus Silva joined the FCA with watchoftartarus leading the town. Soon, Romanus Silva would become the largest city in Alathra, bolstering the FCA's military might in the days leading up to the Pultria Crisis and the War of the Assassins.
===The New FCA (July 3-August 7)===


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