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Inevitably, Pultria and Icesteel's advances on the continent of Koganon drew the ire of the anti-colonialist leader of Kogongu, Vasya. On June 30th, the normally pacifistic leader threatened to declare war on the expansionist nations, stating: "The Kogongi people are not violent, it is true. But we have been moved to violence."
Emperor AlphaSpade countered Vasya by pointing out herKogongu's recent annexation of Bal Duran, a sacred mountain to the northwest of Kais Kogong. Vasya responded by rationalizing that the annexationreclaiming of a nearbyholy areasite was vastly different from Pultria "crossing the world in order to expand their borders." Beyond that, Vasya was living in exile at the time of said annexation. After this searing indictment, even Grandpa_Boob, an outspoken supporter of Pultria and Icesteel, admitted, "Vasya_ out here spitting bars."
Soon, the mesa city-state of New Reno followed suit and declared war on Pultria, pledging to support Kogongu as well as Brittania Bay.


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