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updated history
(updated history)
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Kogongu is the Native homeland of the Kogongi people. They were hunter gatherers who occupied the North end of the continent. Following first contact with Aquendavia, they slowly became a somewhat agricultural society.
Many Kogongi were captured by Lothridge armies and journeyed east, where they were madeforced to study at the towers of philosophy in order to assimilate to Aquendavian ideas. Instead, the religion of Naism, made up of old Kogongi legends and philosophies mixed with the experiences of those who studied at the towers, was formed.
Following the death of Naia, Vasya went into hiding in her homeland.
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In the days leading up to the war, Vasya met with Jupiterdude, another prominent religious figure to discuss the war, describing a prophetic dream she had, wherein a mouth devoured the entire world, and her along with it.
When Dizzeave was captured and enslaved by Lothridge, Vasya and Hargreevs journeyed to Lothridge to negotiate the release of Dizzeave, who was a neutral party. However, Kogongi and Acquendavian philosophies were so different that the two could not hope to reason with each other. Vasya admitted to having cast [[Grandpa_boob]]'s [[Virtue Rhetoric]] into the pit because she believed it to be incendiary and problematic. Grandpa_Boob responded by stabbing Vasya, who had no armor.<blockquote>''"The pursuit of power is fruitless, and cannot lead to anything but suffering"''
====''"The pursuit of power is fruitless, and cannot lead to anything but suffering"
''<sub>-Vasya and Grandpa_Boob, shortly before Vasya's death</sub>''</blockquote>Realizing the war was inevitable, Hargreevs joined the Ashina Alliance in order to support her friends in Ashina. Vasya remained out of the fight, but gifted Ashina with one of three saplings imbued with the blessing of Namari, an ancient Kogongi priest. On the day of the battle, Vasya and Peridune of [[Bennessere]] set up a fully stocked medical tent to provide for soldiers on both sides of the war, believing that all deserved to be healed.
"WHAT????''<sub>Vasya and Grandpa_Boob, shortly before Vasya's death</sub>====
Realizing the war was inevitable, Hargreevs joined the Ashina Alliance in order to support her friends in Ashina. Vasya remained out of the fight, but gifted Ashina with one of three saplings imbued with the blessing of Namari, an ancient Kogongi priest. On the day of the battle, Vasya and Peridune of [[Bennessere]] set up a fully stocked medical tent to provide for soldiers on both sides of the war, believing that all deserved to be healed.
After the war, when Grandpa_Boob went on a murder spree following his exile for going on a murder spree in the name of Emperor KnightofNotch, Vasya attempted to reason him, intending to take him to Kais Kogong for rehabilitation, but was killed again in a blind rage.
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Vasya responded to this by gifting alexpotter03 with a fifth shulker that contained a stack of food, a mending book, several emeralds and a diamond block, saying "Now that you have this, you will not need to steal anymore". Satisfied, she left. Hargreevs on the other hand, was not satisfied with this and went to Bal-Duran, demanding the shulkers and killing him repeatedly. This became a point of contention between Vasya and Hargreevs. One always chose peace, the other often chose violence.
=== Reconnecting with Voyagez ===
Following the brutal colonization at the hands of Lothridge, many Kogongi fled north, where they established the town of [[Voyagez]]. Though their culture had changed and evolved, they wished to connect with their ancestral roots, and so they requested to join Kogongu, which welcomed them with open arms.
=== Interactions with the PIB and Vasya's Exile ===
''Main Article: [[Ashina-Kingdom of God War]], [[Vasya]]''
The [[Pact of the Immortal Blood]] was an assignation guild that killed targets for pay. On June 13th, 2021, after completing a hit on [[Shepsicle]], an attempt was made to assassinate Hargreevs. EpicMasterVic arrived at Kogongu, invisible and attacked Hargreevs. Between Hargreevs and Vasya, the attacker was easily subdued. They carried a note indicating that King RaptorJ6 of [[Senza-Nome]] had paid for the hits on Hargreevs and Shepsicle.
[[File:2021-06-13 13.37.24.png|thumb|The meeting to discuss the KOG conspiracy. From left to right: KnightOfNotch, Vasya, Shepsicle, ImmaNotScope, Hargreevs. Taken by Vasya.]]
A meeting was held in the Singing Squid Inn between Vasya, Hargreevs, and the Ashinian elite, including KnightOfNotch, Immanotscope and Shepsicle. The Ashinians were convinced that Raptor was working with the [[Kingdom of God]] to kill them. Vasya advocated for other theories, suggesting Raptor could have easily been claimed, also believing Grandpa_Boob of [[Lothridge]] to be involved. Her concerns were dismissed. Months later, a note was found by [[Dizzeave]] confirming that Raptor and the KoG were not even involved.
In early July, Vasya was attacked by PIB assassin VonDaConMan. She died, but received a note warning her that she was still being hunted. She fled into the wild, and spent the following weeks living in caves. During this time, she lost all of her gear in lava, including her Elytra. She also wrote a number of books, including a 40 page journal, [[The Kaido|Before the Fall Part 1]], and Deeper. She eventually returned to Kais Kogong, after attempting to reason with the PIB and being killed.
=== The Pultria Crisis ===
The imperialistic Nation of Pultria was seeking out new territory for industry, power and slaves. After conquering the nation of Synbio, They turned their eye to Koganon. Chickenprism declared their intent to invade and conquer the town of Petroselinum. The Kogongi, having survived colonization before, refused to let their continent be conquered again. And so, for the first time in history, they declared war. Kogongu was backed by the Icesteel empire, the FCA, and several other small nations. They successfully repelled the Pultrian forces, and the Kogongi returned to the great library for negotiations. However, The FCA had other plans. They attacked the Pultrian capital, violently slaughtering the inhabitants. This put quite a damper on negotiations. Vasya had hoped to prevent her continent from ever being colonized by Pultria, and regain books stolen from the library, but instead protected only Petroselinum and her country.
=== Expansion and Growth ===
After their own nation was destroyed, the inhabitants of Synbio fled to Kogongu, where they formed the town of Anchridge. This marked the beginning of the Kogongi Golden age. New members began flooding to Kogongu in hopes of building a beautiful, peaceful nation. This included StarsTraveler (Pix), Lixionit, and Sillie_Millie. The town of Kais Kogong was expanded, and the arch of freedom was built. Shortly after, Kogongu formed the Koganon compact.
The Koganon Compact is a document uniting the southern continent. It states that the nations and towns there will work to support each other, and if any foreign nations attempt to colonize, the continent will join together to repel them. All new towns and nations formed on the continent will be supported.
===The Secession of Wahat===
