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===The Great Trek===
Senate awoke in a field of low grass and sparse trees. He looked around, hopefully safe from his enemies at last, seeing a blue sky and beautiful nature of a new land: Alathra. The gods came to him once more and promised to uphold his current safety, but only if Senate could survive a punishment for his renouncing of his faith to save his own life. Pitru would undertakestay halfin athis yearrealm, Alathra, for the next 30 years. After serving this penance, as long as he respected the authority and will of wanderingthe throughgods athroughout landit, dangeroushe would be able to return to his home realm of Yuvantiya and unknownretire to the small farming life he had attempted to start up before his exile. Imbued with a will to survive, Senate set out into the wild lands of Alathra that now surrounded him, never to be the same again.
===Beginning a New Life===


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