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Archive:Arcadian Altanate: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Glider.png|left|thumb|239x239px|Glider I, Altan of Arcadia since January 1, 2022]]
[[File:Raistron.png|thumb|220x220px243x243px|Aurvengr of Bal Duran, Prime Minister of Arcadia since January 12, 2022]]
The Altanate is theocratic state, organized as a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The Altan, a position akin to a prince-bishop or caliph, is the supreme religious and executive authority in the nation, acting as head of state. The Altan's powers are heavily limited, and is bounded by the Arcadian Constitution to act as a near figurehead monarch. Despite this, the Altan still retains heavy influence in state affairs, as well as some vestiges of real power in governance. The Altan also must approve elected Prime Ministers and bills passed by the Senate. If either is vetoed, the Senate may convene and override the Altan with a 5/6 majority vote. In addition, the Altan may act on state matetrs with royal edicts, which do not require senatorial approval, but may be dismissed by the Holy Senate with a 5/6 majority vote. The Altan also must be from a Mufijo Clan. The position of Altan is currently occupied by Glider Fraemani (Game_Glider_SKG), who has held the title since the abdication of the first Altan of Arcadia, Pitru Punstraia (IAmTheSenate13), on January 1, 2022.
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Arcadia was originally an oligarchic and absolute monarchy under the Altan and his first two subjects: the Mumbas. This period, known as the Mumbocratic Era, was characterized by several features, chief among them being the lack of democratic institutions due to the small population in the Altanate. Other features of this era included the warlike nature of the Altanate; most clearly shown in its short participation in the Great Alathran War, an infrastructure and land area deficiency, and a heavy focus on transcribing religious texts.
In September of 2021, demands for democratization from Mumba/High Ambassador Glider and the growing population of the Altanate led to the first political reforms since the founding of the Arcadia. In this Senatorial Era, over the course of the month, a group of prominent citizens from towns all over the Altanate were appointed by the Altan as the first democratic institution in Arcadia's history: the Holy Senate. The Holy Senate was tasked with creating bills, debating and discussing, and ultimately voting on whether to approve the motion/bill. The Altan had his powers drastically diminished, although he still remained as the executive and had the power to make alliances, represent the nation abroad, and veto laws sent to him by the Senate. The senate could then override this veto if they saw fit with a 3/4 majority. [[File:Senateexteriorwahat.png|thumb|The exterior of the ArcadianHoly senateSenate building.]]
This first Senate, however, proved to be quite bloated and inefficient, prompting an administrative and governmental reform in late September - early October. This next period became known as the Provincial Era, with Arcadia being divided into several provinces, each of which would elect one senator to represent them in the Holy Senate and have a governor appointed by the Altan. The Senate would retain many of its previous powers, but would also have the ability to elect a prime minister. This prime minister would serve as a secondary executive, indirectly elected by the people. The prime minister originally served for a term of only two weeks, but upon the announcement of the election of the Second Session of the Holy Senate on October 11, 2021, the Altan declared that the next session of the Senate would have a duration of 1 month. The first elections to this new, more efficient Senate took place in early October. In a high-stakes senate vote of 2-1, leader of the Arcadian Reform Party, [[ClanofwadaC30]], became the first Prime Minister of Arcadia.


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