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== '''Early Life''' ==
As a child, Nora lived a calm life with her parents. When she reached sixteen, she moved out of home and worked as a farmhand in an orchard. sheShe worked long days in exchange for food, shelter, and pocket money for clothes. When Nora was eighteen she said goodbye to the farmers who had been close friends to her for years and traveled to Prospit in search of fertile land to start her own farm.
== '''Modern Day''' ==
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In addition, she believes to give hospitality to all that come to her door regardless of their beliefs.
='''Short Stories From the Past'''=
=='''A morning in Lisiertel'''==
As Nora woke up she could feel the cold inside her little room. She sat up and saw a thin layer of frost on the window. Nora laid back down and wrapped herself in her warm pelts, not yet wanting to face the day's challenges. After trying, and failing, to fall asleep again, Nora got back up. Nora got dressed and wiped the frost on the window away to reveal a perfect layer of snow on the ground. She put a cloth against the window and headed to the front door, where she grabbed her sheepskin coat, and walked to the little store in town.
“Milo! I hope the snow wasn't too bad.” Nora said as she walked into the little store.
Milo responded, a little startled, “Oh hey Nora, the snow was fine. How was the walk?”
“It gets shorter every day,” Nora replied cheerfully. “Anyways, I was told bread and eggs were coming in today…”
“You were told right, they came just before the snow last night,” Milo said while lifting up a crate of eggs and a small box with bread. “So how much did you want?”
“I’ll take a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread,” Nora replied, “Do you have butter too?”
Milo replied “Yeah we have a little butter,” Milo went under the counter and grabbed a small block of butter “That’ll be 15.73$”
Nora took out the bills and loose change from her pocket, after counting, she didn't have enough for the butter. “You can put back the butter.”
Milo, after seeing her count the change, says “I'll cover whatever else you owe”
“No it's really okay, I think we have butter somewhere,” Nora said defiantly.
Milo replied, holding his ground. “Just take it, it’s 73 cents, and it's not even that much butter. No one will care, or notice it's gone”
“Fine, but are you sure it won't be used elsewhere?” Nora questioned
“Confident,” Milo said flatly.
After hearing that Nora snatched up the butter, eggs, and loaf of bread, and swiftly rushed out of the little store. “Thanks Milo! You’re the best.” Nora half yelled as she ran out.
Nora headed home, put up her coat, and set down what she had gotten from the store. Nora sat down next to the dwindling fire on the hearth. She took off the cloth wrap around her hands and made herself a small breakfast while waiting for her parents to get up.


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