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===<big>Obtaining the Twysted Fang</big>===
<big>The continent of [[Ashina]] was what he believed to be the perfect place to start, Twyst knew this since at the time of his period of temporary rule over both the continent and its nation he had heard of untouched materials within the caves walls that littered the lands. It only took a few days of mining and a few more of successfully smelting to acquire the amount of diamonds he needed, this was not enough however since regular weapons used this same exact material. Mixing in different durable materials with the diamonds would be the plan in order to achieve the properties such an item needed. Yet again he had heard rumours of a new level of rock and gems that lay hidden beneath what was originally believed to be the deepest one could mine, and so Twyst travelled to the Far Eastern continent of Prospit which was under Ashina, the same place that began this quest. After several months of exhausting and excruciating mining in the hardest rock layer deep deep below [[Prospit|Prospit’s]] surface a crack of white stone was seen through the rough hard deepslate after the last hack of his pickaxe. Further in Twyst noticed the colour of mystical purple that had surrounded him as if it was gently engulfing anything that entered. This beauty would be the amethyst geode that would supply him with all the shards needed to mend into the scythe, it would also act as a calming agent to his psyche as it is believed this gem helps those manage their fear and anger and the said weapon he was about to create would undoubtedly contain all unimaginable negative emotions. Finally the last and most important content would be the pure coal that was collected during a meteorite exposition, luckily for him he collected one before they suddenly stopped pouring from the skies one day, this pure coal would replace the process of needing to add the estimated 10 netherite ingots as a single piece of pure coal was 10 times stronger. The journey back to the bunker of P.I.B was relaxing as the hardest parts were done but in its entirety, the mission was not done yet. Twyst put all the materials together on a smooth blackstone table and looked at his old ally and good friend Stixelot in the eye, all he muttered was “you know what to do”. The longest 4 days of his life was constant clanging, clinging, heat and smelting, this had passed until eventually the weapon, the solution to his biggest and most troublesome hurdle had been created. The scythe that would grant the ability to match his physical capabilities in combat and even capture and store the despair of his victims seconds before their death as it was fuelled by Twyst’s pure malice and was only balanced out by the amethyst shards that were forged into the blade. He would call this item “Twysted Fang” and it would be the key that opened the door which blocked him from further success on assassinations and fights alike.</big>
== <big>Personal Beliefs</big> ==
<big>Politics tend to bore Twyst greatly, he finds anything to be fine as long as decisions made are fast and with minimal argument. He also lacks morals and even more so after joining P.I.B, with only a certain few he truly cares for or finds tolerable enough to respect and never harm.</big>
=== <big><u>Personal opinions on notable people</u></big> ===
=== <small>Glider Fraemani of Arcadia</small> ===
<big>“Sir Glider Fraemani, it was you who sheltered me in my early days and gifted me with the chance to stand up on my own two feet in this new world. Everytime I look at you… you remind me of an old and trusted friend I used to have, even if it’s very vivid I see himself within you and for that I will always be on your side even if things look rough. I swear I will never go against you.”</big>
=== <small>Aurelius of Haven</small> ===
<big>“A man of true dedication and impressive physical structure. I remember encountering him once assuming he was a statue within the town’s beautiful architecture, so I was surprised to next see him move and talk to the locals. Aurelius is both impressive as a warrior as he is a leader, for one thing I do not care whether you choose the path to good or bad but my appreciation to witness your efforts on getting there have caught my interest, which has also earned my respect.”</big>
=== <small>KnightofNotch and Iman Scope</small> ===
<big>“Elder Notch and Iman Scope, you both had entered my lives at the perfect moment, I thought at first you were searching for someone like me but in reality I was hit with the fact that I was indeed the one searching for someone like you. Your wisdom and knowledge both opened up new doors in my journey, especially the unique breathing tricks and meditation exercises that’s assisted me in beating the rage which commonly builds up inside me. I owe you both.”</big>
=== <big><u>Personal Code</u></big> ===
<big>After the failed assassination of Melevor, Twyst had developed a new code of respecting those that on their own successfully manage to escape his attempts on their life, even though it is a failed hit he will not attempt another unless the client pays for another hit.</big>
=== <u>The search for a reason</u> ===
<big>Twyst has always believed he lacked a true purpose in the world of Alathra, his attempt to accomplish great things or surpass people or things has shown no sign in giving him the answers, and so he is constantly on the move and challenging himself looking for those same answers. One day hopefully finding them..</big>


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