Statues of Alathra (Made by Neknu)

From Alathra Wiki

Thank you all for choosing me to win the statue building contest of 2023 with 18 points! love you all!

This page is my list of statues that I have made over my time on the server. Each picture will be with shaders and in the description will have the town that the statue was built in.

The first image is of the Statue of Peace and Protection located in Mythosia. This statue costed 500 stacks of stone bricks.

The second image is of the Statue of Authority and Resurrection located in Fort Khirom. This statue costed about 300 stacks of stone bricks as well as some cobblestone here and there.

The third image is of the Statue of the Fae located in Laufeia. This statue costed 1135 stacks of stone bricks. This statue holds the title for the largest statue in Alathra.