Steinnheimr: Difference between revisions

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When the nation was first being formed, the only sign of its only town existing was a small cave, with doors in the front. Over time, more buildings were made, with some falling in ruin as well. Once the town of ItzSusan was taken over, Admiral Jörgens Arkivjarh of Steinnheimr was given mayorship of the town. However, the admiral went missing, and with nobody to run the town, another person by the name of Cheese took ownership of the town.
Soon after Cheese had been given the admiral's town, the ex-general of Steinheimr, JoeySir, made his own town in the northern region. After the creation of JoeySir's town, expansion went quiet for a while, before the kittens (Kittenberg) joined the server.
== The Impact of Kittenberg on Steinheimr ==
While steinheimr was doing well and growing, a town member of "The Kittens" showed up upon land of steinheimr. It was unclear if this wonderer was passive or agressive, so they were shot down on top of a ship in steinheimr's area.
[[Category:Former nations]]