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Tamarint is a member of the Najamat people, an ethnoreligious group originated from the south of New Anglia. According to Najamat customs, Tamarint is their only name and surnames are not used. Tamarint is a second generation Najamat, after the ethnic group came into existence after an eclectic group of wandering nomads discovered the sacred Beyda pantheon together.

Tamarint was born and raised in the settlement of Najma. They grew up while the settlement was still young and the Najamat lived in make shift dwellings on the banks of the Asg and Akb rivers. However, now many changes are occurring during Tamarint's lifetime.

Tamarint, like some of the Najamat, is exceedingly tall at well over seven feet. As the Najamat only banded together a few generations ago, not all traits of the people are uniform. Tamarint shares qualities only found in his family's lineage, such as bright red hair and bronze colored eyes.

Tamarint, like most Najamat, respect and acknowledge all four gods of the pantheon but choose to become a follower of one of these four. Tamarint is a follower of Kanya, an agricultural goddess.

As time went on and Tamarint matured, the elders of Najma passed on the leadership of the settlement to them. After turning 21, Tamarint turned from a simple sugarcane farmer in the village to a leader dedicated to advancing Najma.

Born Najma, Southern New Anglian Desert
Age 23
Residence Najma
Ethnicity Najamat
Nationality Eshellite (Eshelle/Eshellic Confederation)
Other names Progressor
Occupation Governor
Height 7'6

Notable Activities

Construction of the city of Najma

Tamarint takes the leadership of Najma seriously and has now begun a massive overhaul of Najma from a village into an urban center. They will be constructing four districts dedicated to each one of the Beyda pantheon's gods. The population of Najma is still tiny in comparison to many settlements in the world, but Tamarint hopes to create an attractive city that beckons to everyone, including the Najamat.

Formation of the Eshellic Confederation

The Najamat people were largely disconnected and unaware of the politics of the continent they called home before Tamarint's involvement with Eshelle. It was so unknown and isolated to its peers, it had not even joined the Fossores Republic before its collapse. After word of the collapse of Fossores Republic reached Tamarint, they understood the importance of becoming more connected to the outside world. Tamarint is now the governor of the Khanjar province in Eshelle with Najma as its seat.