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{{Featured article}}{{Infobox former country
|today=the Triumvirate of Ceyreto
| title = Vanadia
|motto=Bydand|capital=Tìrean Ùra
|largest_settlement=Elvmhor Anbhajn (ruined)
|leader_name1=Dearac Ehl I
|leader_title2=Last ruler
|leader_name2=Sigeric Ehlsonn I
|flag_caption=Vanadian national flag
|alt_flag=Vanadian Flag
'''Vanadia''' is a culture originating on the continent of Adelaar, it is a widespread culture and it's people have inhabited multiple continents. The Vanadian's are one of the many culture groups of Aldic peoples, an ethnic group that originates from the continent the Vanadians know as Aldland but many call Artachi. The Vanadians have inhabited many nations, originally it was a principality of Rhumlaantd and after it's fall Vanadia became a constituency of the Triumvirate of Ceyreto. Vanadians also inhabited other nations such as the Commonwealth of Blackthorn and the second iteration of Sunderboren.

== History ==

=== Aldland/Artachi ===
The Vanadians originated from a continent they know as Aldland, which is believed to be modern Artachi. However, due to Vanadian history mostly being comprised of folklore, it is unknown for certain where they originate from. The original culture on Aldland were known to the Vanadians as Aldlanders and are the progenitors of many other cultures around Alathra. It is said the Aldlanders came over from the ice fields when they started to melt at the end of the ice age.

=== Maetalamh/Adelaar ===
Sometime in their history, many groups of Aldlanders were forced to leave the continent due to a tyrannical ruler known as Đuribhinn who had taken over all of Aldland. Many groups fled and formed many different cultures, one of these groups was what became the Vanadians. They were led by a great warrior who was thought to be a demi-god known as Dearac Ehl. He and his followers founded the city of Elvmhor Anbhajn in the continent of [[Adelaar]].

The Vanadians stayed on Maetalamh for a considerable amount of time, but fled to Kuthara after the disappearance and collapse of the Rhumlaantd. Whilst a part of Rhumlaantd, they were one of the key principalities, with the Vanadians keeping a close relationship with the region of Aakhan.

=== Kuthara ===
After the collapse of Rhumlaantd, Jarl Sigeric Ehlsonn lead his people to Kuthara. They landed north of [[Kalikhan]], then a small settlement, and south of Wrensbath. The moment they arrived, the Vanadians built a tall stave church and constructed their town around it. It is said that a druid blessed the ground and a tree grew in it's place, growing fast, and by the end of the week it towered over many of the houses. The Jarl, Sigeric Ehlsonn, buried his axe into the tree and it gained magical properties.

After their return, Vanadians experienced immediate trouble. The nearby lands were in a territory dispute with a group of undead pirates known as the Dreadhorde. This caused Vanadia to work with the local towns of Wrensbath and Kalikhan, debating on how they should deal with the problem and decided that they should approach the nation of Valtara for protection. This lead to a meeting between Lord Gem of Valtara and Adriaan of Vinçois, who eventually came to a deal in which Valtara, Vinçois and the new region of Vanadia would go on to form the Triumvirate of Ceyreto. The nation was made up of three regions including Vanadia. Under Vanadia were the cities of Tìrean Ùra, Wrensbath and Kalikhan. Jarl Sigeric Ehlsonn of Vanadia was chosen as the Triumvir for the region.

The arrival of the Vanadians in Kuthara started a shift in their culture. It was an oppurtunity for them to shake off any of the Rhumish influence they had in their language and culture. They also converted from their version of [[Agdarrism]] and returned to their old religion of [[Talmhaoradh]].

== Culture ==

=== Language ===
The language the Vanadians spoke was known as Aldnach, a language that dated back to the early Aldlanders and hadn't changed much even with the cultural influences around them.

=== Mythology ===
A lot of Vanadian history was preserved in the form of myth and folklore. This is because until their departure from Aldland, no written records exist, or at least any written work they made has since been destroyed. Most of their history has been passed on by word of mouth.

==== Flight from Aldland ====
Long ago the Vanadians lived on the continent then known as Aldland, many cultures similar to the Vanadians lived and thrived on this continent. At the time it was mostly an agricultural society that lived off of grains and fish, the Aldlanders were great fishermen due to their ability to make great seafaring boats and the abundance of rivers, fjords and ocean around Aldland.

In the year of the Rhumish calendar 134VG, Aldland was ruled over by a tyrannical Jarl known as Đuribhinn. Đuribhinn was a paranoid and fearful man, he had come to power after his father Theydn ‘the Forge’ died suddenly. Đuribhinn always believed that his father was poisoned by his Thegns, and that they had wanted to control him during his early years of rule. This led the young Jarl to have all of the old king’s Thegns executed in public. Đuribhinn established early what sort of ruler he was going to be.

Đuribhinn grew to be a mean and oppressive Jarl who punished his subjects severely and rarely thought of their health. Famines were common and executions were regular, the people were unhappy.

There was a great band of warriors on Aldland known as the Band of Ald, who saw the terrors going on within their realm. They were led by two great warriors, Faramir Icebreaker and a demi-god named Dearac Ehlsonn. Dearac was supposed to be the son of the chief Deity known as Ehl. It was said that he would return in times of crisis to the Vanadian people, it is unknown whether he is an immortal man or some form of spirit on earth.

In response to the oppression of the Aldlanders, Faramir and Dearac led their band of warriors to confront Đuribhinn. Đuribhinn defied them and told them to leave or else they would face his wrath, the band refused for all they knew he was powerless. But Đuribhinn had something up his sleeve, a powerful artefact that sent lightning through the entire warband, they were all immediately subdued. Faramir attempted to fight back but he was gravely wounded by the tyrant Jarl. Đuribhinn promised not to kill them as long as they left Aldland and never came back. Faramir and Dearac agreed, as even they could not fight this power. However they had a plan, they hid many of the Aldlanders in their boats as they fled, taking nearly half of the population with them. Those that stayed behind either did not want to leave or were loyal to the Tyrant. They fled to greater lands early in the morning, under the shade of night.

The journey was hard and they faced many storms, but they eventually landed in what we now know as Vanadia. Other groups split off and formed other towns and nations around the continent we now know as Maetalamh.

==== Forging of the Mhor Øks ====
In the mountains of Aldland there lived a famous smith who forged weapons for warriors all around the land. It was said the cold mountain air helped harden the blade and made them stronger. During the conflicts within Aldland the great warrior Dearac Ehl needed a new axe. He, like most other warriors, made a pilgrimage up into the Jindril mountains and requested an axe from the smith. Being told by Ehl himself that his son needed a new axe, the smith had already forged one for him. Dearac took the axe and continued up the mountain, as he reached the summit he saw a tree growing out of the tip of the mountain. In Aldic tradition he buried the axe into the bark of the tree, it was at this moment the axe was blessed by Talamh with magical properties. The axe has been passed down through the Ehlsonn family and is currently owned by Sigeric Ehlsonn.

=== Religion ===
The Vanadian Faith, known as Talmhaoradh, is a polytheistic religion, it is has many gods all whom have different roles. These gods are;

* Talamhor - the Mother: She who birthed us into the world, and loves us for we are her children. She who created the world and all of it's plants and creatures. Patron of mothers.
* Ehl - the Father: He who raised us and taught us how to live in the world, and takes pride in his children. He who fights to protect us and watches over us all. Patron of warriors.
* Seladh - the guide: He who guides us in the world, and brings us to safe lands. Patron of sailors.
* Panicija - the healer: She who heals our wounds.
* Tuidh - the knowledgable: He who gave us the capacity for intelligience.
* Matbøta - Goddess of animals: She who controls the hunt.
* Irknir - God of smiths and engineers: He who keeps up the walls.
* Hunirif - Goddess of love: He who creates the bond of love and family.

Most of the gods are not actually gods but instead mortals who became diefied in life by their actions to help the early Aldlanders during the end of the ice age. The only god who was not ever present on earth is Talamhor, she is the main god in the Vanadian religion and is said to have created the earth itself.

The Vanadian Faith is not generally considered a religion by most Vanadians, but instead a form of ancestor worship. Due to this many Vanadians practice other faiths such as Sengarianism or Agdarrism.

=== Related Cultures ===
Aldic cultures inhabit many different areas across the globe, even before the Vanadians arrived in Kuthara Aldic peoples lived in the areas of Själenland and it is even thought that the Kalikhs are originally Aldic. It is also thought that a few Aldic peoples landed in Omis sometime in the last 400 years, living in the settlement of Solevant Soros, however it is thought these people are extinct. One of the surviving examples of other Aldic cultures are the Jotnarian Vikings, many of whom are direct descendants of Vanadians.

== Settlements ==

=== Elvmhor Anbhajn ===
Elvmhor was the first established settlement of the Vanadians, it was formed after the Aldlanders landed in the continent of Maetalamh. It was a fairly large city with a large population, it housed the Vanadian fleet and was a center for commerce and trade as well as having a large fishing industry. Its name directly translates to "big river on the mountain". It contained heavy Rhumish influence in its architecture while still maintaining the Aldic style.

=== Tìrean Ùra ===
Tìrean Ùra, meaning ''new lands'', was the first Vanadian settlement in Kuthara after they fled Maetalamh. It was the capital of the Triumvirate of Ceyreto and the seat of power for Vanadia. Its first building was a stave church which the Vanadians used as their first act of dedication to their gods after converting back to the old religion.

=== Vhithafen ===
Vhithaven was one of the Rhumish settlements within old Vanadia. It was ruled over by Candac var Graefon who disappeared into obscurity after the Rhumish leadership vanished in the mountain of Gnibelhaym, and the collapse of the Rhumish realm. It is thought he was killed in some of the rioting that happened at the time, although his body was never found. Vhithafen was named so after it's walls and buildings made up of diorite and calcite from the local quarries. It was one of the first sights many sailors would see when they sailed into Rhumlaantd, as the walls would glisten in the sunlight.

=== Kalikhan & Wrensbath ===
Whilst not culturally Vanadian, Kalikhan and Wrensbath were situated in the constituency of Vanadia during the existence of the Triumvirate of Ceyreto. In the short time these cities were in Vanadia, they gained little cultural influence from their rulers.

=== Taobh Locha ===
Taobh Locha was the last Vanadian town led by Jarl Sigeric Ehlsonn as a static settlement. It was a member of the Commonwealth of Blackthorn and to this day still falls under it's claims. Whilst the structures of the town still exist, it remains empty and unpopulated.

=== Turlann ===
Turlann was a member of the Kingdom of Sunderboren, it functioned as a military camp for the Army of Vanadia. Upon the fall of the nation, this camp was abandoned.
[[Category:Former nations]]

Latest revision as of 08:39, 26 April 2024

Vanadia is a culture originating on the continent of Adelaar, it is a widespread culture and it's people have inhabited multiple continents. The Vanadian's are one of the many culture groups of Aldic peoples, an ethnic group that originates from the continent the Vanadians know as Aldland but many call Artachi. The Vanadians have inhabited many nations, originally it was a principality of Rhumlaantd and after it's fall Vanadia became a constituency of the Triumvirate of Ceyreto. Vanadians also inhabited other nations such as the Commonwealth of Blackthorn and the second iteration of Sunderboren.

Vanadian Flag
Motto: Bydand
CapitalTìrean Ùra
Largest city Elvmhor Anbhajn (ruined)
Official languages Aldnach
 •  Founder Dearac Ehl I
 •  Last ruler Sigeric Ehlsonn I



The Vanadians originated from a continent they know as Aldland, which is believed to be modern Artachi. However, due to Vanadian history mostly being comprised of folklore, it is unknown for certain where they originate from. The original culture on Aldland were known to the Vanadians as Aldlanders and are the progenitors of many other cultures around Alathra. It is said the Aldlanders came over from the ice fields when they started to melt at the end of the ice age.


Sometime in their history, many groups of Aldlanders were forced to leave the continent due to a tyrannical ruler known as Đuribhinn who had taken over all of Aldland. Many groups fled and formed many different cultures, one of these groups was what became the Vanadians. They were led by a great warrior who was thought to be a demi-god known as Dearac Ehl. He and his followers founded the city of Elvmhor Anbhajn in the continent of Adelaar.

The Vanadians stayed on Maetalamh for a considerable amount of time, but fled to Kuthara after the disappearance and collapse of the Rhumlaantd. Whilst a part of Rhumlaantd, they were one of the key principalities, with the Vanadians keeping a close relationship with the region of Aakhan.


After the collapse of Rhumlaantd, Jarl Sigeric Ehlsonn lead his people to Kuthara. They landed north of Kalikhan, then a small settlement, and south of Wrensbath. The moment they arrived, the Vanadians built a tall stave church and constructed their town around it. It is said that a druid blessed the ground and a tree grew in it's place, growing fast, and by the end of the week it towered over many of the houses. The Jarl, Sigeric Ehlsonn, buried his axe into the tree and it gained magical properties.

After their return, Vanadians experienced immediate trouble. The nearby lands were in a territory dispute with a group of undead pirates known as the Dreadhorde. This caused Vanadia to work with the local towns of Wrensbath and Kalikhan, debating on how they should deal with the problem and decided that they should approach the nation of Valtara for protection. This lead to a meeting between Lord Gem of Valtara and Adriaan of Vinçois, who eventually came to a deal in which Valtara, Vinçois and the new region of Vanadia would go on to form the Triumvirate of Ceyreto. The nation was made up of three regions including Vanadia. Under Vanadia were the cities of Tìrean Ùra, Wrensbath and Kalikhan. Jarl Sigeric Ehlsonn of Vanadia was chosen as the Triumvir for the region.

The arrival of the Vanadians in Kuthara started a shift in their culture. It was an oppurtunity for them to shake off any of the Rhumish influence they had in their language and culture. They also converted from their version of Agdarrism and returned to their old religion of Talmhaoradh.



The language the Vanadians spoke was known as Aldnach, a language that dated back to the early Aldlanders and hadn't changed much even with the cultural influences around them.


A lot of Vanadian history was preserved in the form of myth and folklore. This is because until their departure from Aldland, no written records exist, or at least any written work they made has since been destroyed. Most of their history has been passed on by word of mouth.

Flight from Aldland

Long ago the Vanadians lived on the continent then known as Aldland, many cultures similar to the Vanadians lived and thrived on this continent. At the time it was mostly an agricultural society that lived off of grains and fish, the Aldlanders were great fishermen due to their ability to make great seafaring boats and the abundance of rivers, fjords and ocean around Aldland.

In the year of the Rhumish calendar 134VG, Aldland was ruled over by a tyrannical Jarl known as Đuribhinn. Đuribhinn was a paranoid and fearful man, he had come to power after his father Theydn ‘the Forge’ died suddenly. Đuribhinn always believed that his father was poisoned by his Thegns, and that they had wanted to control him during his early years of rule. This led the young Jarl to have all of the old king’s Thegns executed in public. Đuribhinn established early what sort of ruler he was going to be.

Đuribhinn grew to be a mean and oppressive Jarl who punished his subjects severely and rarely thought of their health. Famines were common and executions were regular, the people were unhappy.

There was a great band of warriors on Aldland known as the Band of Ald, who saw the terrors going on within their realm. They were led by two great warriors, Faramir Icebreaker and a demi-god named Dearac Ehlsonn. Dearac was supposed to be the son of the chief Deity known as Ehl. It was said that he would return in times of crisis to the Vanadian people, it is unknown whether he is an immortal man or some form of spirit on earth.

In response to the oppression of the Aldlanders, Faramir and Dearac led their band of warriors to confront Đuribhinn. Đuribhinn defied them and told them to leave or else they would face his wrath, the band refused for all they knew he was powerless. But Đuribhinn had something up his sleeve, a powerful artefact that sent lightning through the entire warband, they were all immediately subdued. Faramir attempted to fight back but he was gravely wounded by the tyrant Jarl. Đuribhinn promised not to kill them as long as they left Aldland and never came back. Faramir and Dearac agreed, as even they could not fight this power. However they had a plan, they hid many of the Aldlanders in their boats as they fled, taking nearly half of the population with them. Those that stayed behind either did not want to leave or were loyal to the Tyrant. They fled to greater lands early in the morning, under the shade of night.

The journey was hard and they faced many storms, but they eventually landed in what we now know as Vanadia. Other groups split off and formed other towns and nations around the continent we now know as Maetalamh.

Forging of the Mhor Øks

In the mountains of Aldland there lived a famous smith who forged weapons for warriors all around the land. It was said the cold mountain air helped harden the blade and made them stronger. During the conflicts within Aldland the great warrior Dearac Ehl needed a new axe. He, like most other warriors, made a pilgrimage up into the Jindril mountains and requested an axe from the smith. Being told by Ehl himself that his son needed a new axe, the smith had already forged one for him. Dearac took the axe and continued up the mountain, as he reached the summit he saw a tree growing out of the tip of the mountain. In Aldic tradition he buried the axe into the bark of the tree, it was at this moment the axe was blessed by Talamh with magical properties. The axe has been passed down through the Ehlsonn family and is currently owned by Sigeric Ehlsonn.


The Vanadian Faith, known as Talmhaoradh, is a polytheistic religion, it is has many gods all whom have different roles. These gods are;

  • Talamhor - the Mother: She who birthed us into the world, and loves us for we are her children. She who created the world and all of it's plants and creatures. Patron of mothers.
  • Ehl - the Father: He who raised us and taught us how to live in the world, and takes pride in his children. He who fights to protect us and watches over us all. Patron of warriors.
  • Seladh - the guide: He who guides us in the world, and brings us to safe lands. Patron of sailors.
  • Panicija - the healer: She who heals our wounds.
  • Tuidh - the knowledgable: He who gave us the capacity for intelligience.
  • Matbøta - Goddess of animals: She who controls the hunt.
  • Irknir - God of smiths and engineers: He who keeps up the walls.
  • Hunirif - Goddess of love: He who creates the bond of love and family.

Most of the gods are not actually gods but instead mortals who became diefied in life by their actions to help the early Aldlanders during the end of the ice age. The only god who was not ever present on earth is Talamhor, she is the main god in the Vanadian religion and is said to have created the earth itself.

The Vanadian Faith is not generally considered a religion by most Vanadians, but instead a form of ancestor worship. Due to this many Vanadians practice other faiths such as Sengarianism or Agdarrism.

Related Cultures

Aldic cultures inhabit many different areas across the globe, even before the Vanadians arrived in Kuthara Aldic peoples lived in the areas of Själenland and it is even thought that the Kalikhs are originally Aldic. It is also thought that a few Aldic peoples landed in Omis sometime in the last 400 years, living in the settlement of Solevant Soros, however it is thought these people are extinct. One of the surviving examples of other Aldic cultures are the Jotnarian Vikings, many of whom are direct descendants of Vanadians.


Elvmhor Anbhajn

Elvmhor was the first established settlement of the Vanadians, it was formed after the Aldlanders landed in the continent of Maetalamh. It was a fairly large city with a large population, it housed the Vanadian fleet and was a center for commerce and trade as well as having a large fishing industry. Its name directly translates to "big river on the mountain". It contained heavy Rhumish influence in its architecture while still maintaining the Aldic style.

Tìrean Ùra

Tìrean Ùra, meaning new lands, was the first Vanadian settlement in Kuthara after they fled Maetalamh. It was the capital of the Triumvirate of Ceyreto and the seat of power for Vanadia. Its first building was a stave church which the Vanadians used as their first act of dedication to their gods after converting back to the old religion.


Vhithaven was one of the Rhumish settlements within old Vanadia. It was ruled over by Candac var Graefon who disappeared into obscurity after the Rhumish leadership vanished in the mountain of Gnibelhaym, and the collapse of the Rhumish realm. It is thought he was killed in some of the rioting that happened at the time, although his body was never found. Vhithafen was named so after it's walls and buildings made up of diorite and calcite from the local quarries. It was one of the first sights many sailors would see when they sailed into Rhumlaantd, as the walls would glisten in the sunlight.

Kalikhan & Wrensbath

Whilst not culturally Vanadian, Kalikhan and Wrensbath were situated in the constituency of Vanadia during the existence of the Triumvirate of Ceyreto. In the short time these cities were in Vanadia, they gained little cultural influence from their rulers.

Taobh Locha

Taobh Locha was the last Vanadian town led by Jarl Sigeric Ehlsonn as a static settlement. It was a member of the Commonwealth of Blackthorn and to this day still falls under it's claims. Whilst the structures of the town still exist, it remains empty and unpopulated.


Turlann was a member of the Kingdom of Sunderboren, it functioned as a military camp for the Army of Vanadia. Upon the fall of the nation, this camp was abandoned.