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A town in the Eastern Icesteel Province of Koganon, and the home of the Newt culture and people.

Newt Culture

The Newt, or Newtonian, culture developed from a common goal of the people of Draknewt to help each other and benefit all. Always developing, Newts share and advocate for three main goals: helping all be happy and healthy, educating all to as high of a degree as possible, and advocating justice for all those in need.

These goals produce two major byproducts: literature and study. Literature is written for all sorts of scenarios and emotions, from love to terror; and study is a remedy to the issues Newts face, using sciences and logic to resolve all sorts of problems.

Because of the passion for literature and study, it has been rumored that a university is planned for construction alongside a large expansion of Draknewt, though this has not been confirmed.

This culture also inspires quiet spaces for study, so cafes, libraries, small shops, and similar buildings are constructed for such purposes in Draknewt. The national beverage is coffee for the same reason.

Newt Politics and Policy

With a constitution in progress, Newts have agreed upon several main moral positions. Those being: Newts support a local government that supports its people and ensures housing, food, and work for all of its people; no discrimination occur within their territory; and no violence occur within their territory. Outside of this, Newts hold political neutrality as a central principle, however can be emotional in reaction to perceived atrocities.

Newt Resources

Because of Draknewt's geographic location near the ocean and between two rivers, there have been discovered certain resources not found in other areas, and the rarest amongst these in Newtonian sand.

Newtonian sand is found only in the sand off of the Eastern Icesteel province, and is nearly purely silica and quartz, which, when smelted, gives Newtonian glass a distinct white color. This glass resulting from this sand is significantly stronger than most other sands for its purity and high quartz concentration. The suspected reason why this sand is so pure is because of the two rivers of the Icesteel province carrying minerals from upstream down, and the cold temperature depositing many of the impurities in the riverbed.