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The Pater Carnis Arc started when Isenhiem returned to [[NoTown|Nowhere]] and hid away for sometime before being fully possessed by Ra'thra. Eventually he started to build the main temple and started to recruit members. He eventually got a quick following and soon left Nowhere for [[the Temple of Pater Carnis]]. By this point Theodmer had died and Aurelius had been cursed with the Cure of the Impure.
The Pater Carnis Arc started when Isenhiem returned to [[NoTown|Nowhere]] and hid away for sometime before being fully possessed by Ra'thra. Eventually he started to build the main temple and started to recruit members. He eventually got a quick following and soon left Nowhere for [[the Temple of Pater Carnis]]. By this point Theodmer had died and Aurelius had been cursed with the Cure of the Impure.

Ra'thra would eventually gain a following of people and had built the entire temple by himself.

===The deal with Sparkus===
After finding out Sparkus' relation with TheDominion he saught him out. Eventually he found Sparkus and they talked a bit about TheDominion and what had occurred to Sparkus. Sparkus would go onto showing Ra'thra his work and Ra'thra was interested. He eventually made a deal with him to help build something. Ever since then a strange structure is being constructed on an island.

===The deal with Jotunstan===
Ra'thra had also heard of strange occurings with Kangy and Syzmo. He arrived at Jotunstan and was able to meet with them. He filled them in on what he knew about the void and then they did the same, both sides having similar theories and stories. They then decide to look at the Codex Abyssus for more information.

===The second encounter at Haven===
The first part of the story ends at [[Haven]] as Ra'thra, for some unknown reason at the time, went to Haven. He was noticed by some people as he seemed to be spying on Aurelius and others. Eventually they had a small stand off but something went wrong and caused Isenhiem to temporarily take back control. This allowed the people of Haven to take a quick look at him. Isenhiem was able to fill them in on some information about how to break the curse and why Ra'thra was cursing people. However, Isenhiem tells Aurelius not to break the curse but Aurelius ignores the warning. As a final attempt to stop Ra'thra Isenhiem used his flaming sword and stabbed himself. This failed in its purpose ad it caused Isenhiem to die but allowed Ra'thra full control over Isenhiem's body. Ra'thra then quickly escaped.

==The middle==
After Ra'thra escaped Haven and became stronger due to it he started to gather more followers. It was at this point several powers noticed his actions but did nothing to stop them.

===The meeting with Ruby===
Ra'thra returned to Haven hidden and saw Fluffy and Ruby talking to each other. He introduced himself to Ruby while scaring Fluffy. Fluffy then left to do what Fluffy does and left Ra'thra and Ruby together. Ra'thra was interested in recruiting Ruby and showed her his power. Ruby said she would consider it and they both left.

===The death of Hellsna===
Hellsna had arrived at the Temple of Pater Carnis try and stop Ra'thra. However this resulted in Ra'thra killing the goddess with the dagger of promises and extracting the first of six items, A vile of pure darkness.

===The Codex Abyssus===
As following through with the plan, Ra'thra met up with Glider in Arcadia and asked to see the Codex Abyssus. He obliged and showed him the book. Ra'thra read the book and got useful insight into the nature of the void. Glider then questioned him on why he wanted to see it, but Ra'thra said it wasn't any of his business. To this, Glider started to push Ra'thra on what he was planning. Ra'thra left him with a warning of the future.

===The deal with Devox===
With wanting to keep everything in motion, Ra'thra visited the Library to try and find the contract demon, [[Devox Runehert|Devox]]. He had heard faint rumours of the connection between the two and decided to find out himself, however when meeting with [[Angela]] she told him to leave and not seek out the demon. So, wanting to make a deal, Ra'thra sent out a message to Devox using magic and a deformed bird.
After some time the message was received by the demon who was interested in making a deal. She then sent a message to Angela saying what she wanted her to do.
A messenger arrived at the Library from [[The Temple of Pater Carnis|The temple of Pater Carnis]] and made negotiations with Angela. Eventually the deal was made and they both returned to normal work.

===Silvia vs Pater Carnis===
During the deal, slight tensions had arisen. The Temple that Ra'thra built was on Silvian holy ground and Tar didn't like this. After some messages back and forth, the Silvians declared war on the Temple. However this caused the FCA to be in a bad light of the world and was arguably a catalyst to the hate towards the FCA.
A day before the fight, Ra'thra went to go find something and left Orthigo in charge.
Under the leadership of Orthigo, the temple attempted to fight back but were ultimately slaughtered. After this defeat Ra'thra returned. He knew that they didn't stand a chance of winning but stated;
"They couldn't win anyway. The land they fought for was no longer holy."
After this the temple began to repair and finish building. Eventually the main parts of the temple were finished and work on lower sections began.

===The growth===
The area around the temple stated to change as plant life began to die and be replaced with flesh.
The Temple joined Invictus and made the Temple of Pater Carnis its main religion.
Several new people joined the religion and churches were being built all over the world.

===A message from Devox===
After some time of waiting, Angela arrived at the Temple with a message for Ra'thra. It stated that she made a deal with Arctan with the Curse of Seeing. However, she also told him what she was going to do with the curse of Gold. After receiving the message, Ra'thra and Angela spoke a bit. Soon Angela left leaving Ra'thra on his own.

===The project===
Ra'thra had now set his sights on two other items he needed. The first was condensed starlight and the second was a device capable of making ideas. The latter was tasked to Specz Arcane. With this he went to meet with Specz who agreed to making the device. Ra'thra left him with some blueprints and Specz got to work.

===The beginning of the end===
After meeting with Specz, Ra'thra returned to Haven to finally retrieve the thing he wanted. However he encountered Aurelius on his way. Aurelius stood in his way and questioned Ra'thra. Eventually things escalated and Aurelius attacked Ra'thra. At first it seemed Aurelius was going to win but Ra'thra summoned two flesh tendrils and attacked Aurelius. Aurelius, unable to handle the two tendrils, wad easily beaten. However Ra'thra didn't want to kill Aurelius, instead he taunted him. This caused Aurelius to attack again only to be floored again.
Seeing Aurelius in this state, Ra'thra started to taunt Aurelius and go into a monologue. However this caused Ra'thra to be distracted and hit in the head by a shovel and knocked out by Bakki who was approaching him from behind. Llull also came and helped the two take Ra'thra into Haven. It was then Aurelius revealed part of what effected him, the curse of the Impure. After going into Haven, a storm arrived. They all waited for Lucius to arrive.

- more to come