Archive:Pater Carnis Arc

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The Pater Carnis Arc is an ongoing story involving lots of the major characters in Alathra. It is called the Pater Carnis Arc due to it centrally focusing on the Temple of Pater Carnis and Ra'thra.


Before we start this delve into the story we must first look at some context. As several storylines are involved we must look at them.

Isenhiem Arc

Before Ra'thra was played by GrimTheRedWolf he played a character called Isenhiem. The Isenhiem Arc started when he was brought back to life when he killed himself. However this causes Ra'thra's soul to follow him and hid for sometime until showing himself. (More detail can be seen on both character pages.)


TheDominion was a character event that causes some interesting things to happen. However it ended when Theodmer killed TheDominion. However the effects of this character are still in place and are used in joint with Sparkus in the Arc.

The Void Arc

The Void Arc is an ongoing story involving the experiments of Kangy. Most notably when he opens a hole in bedrock and strange things started to occur. Both he and Syzmo play a role in the story.


Lydoneia plays a major role as it seems most of the stories conflict occurs in that nation, especially in Haven.


During a possession period, Ra'thra cursed Theodmer with the Cure of Night. This would later become a vital part of the story.

The beginning

The Pater Carnis Arc started when Isenhiem returned to Nowhere and hid away for sometime before being fully possessed by Ra'thra. Eventually he started to build the main temple and started to recruit members. He eventually got a quick following and soon left Nowhere for the Temple of Pater Carnis. By this point Theodmer had died and Aurelius had been cursed with the Cure of the Impure.