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Revision as of 20:22, 28 January 2024 by Moklypse (talk | contribs) (Additional info about Dajer Council.)



Not much is remembered of the days before Dajeristan was settled, it is speculated that its people were outcasts and refugees from various tribes.


Dajeristan was a small town made up of followers of the Dajer, their god, and was a town of devout worship. Dajeristan was eventually absorbed into the Imperian Empire, followed by the Draconis Imperium, but after a period of time broke free and became a free city again. Eventually Dajeristan would itself fall in time, after many residents had abandoned it.

But Dajeristan would be reborn again some time later by MetroDaKing, and resettled by two of it's former inhabitants, NotoriousBLT and Falker Frost.

The mayor would then look to the city of Véizen Ásúon Age, to join them, and become part of what is now known as the nation of Gogúan Ásúon Ngola.

After a time, members of the nation had opted to temporarily remove Metro as mayor of Dajeristan, and place Falker Frost, the town's Librarian, as the new mayor.

After an influx of new residents, Dajeristan is now classed as a City, and it now has a Council which discuss issues concerning Dajeristan.


Dajeristan is located on the upper central portion of the Prsata continent, nestled along the river running south-to-north in the great plains.


Dajeristan being located in the great plains, is a naturally easy place to navigate and maneuver. Travel is done mostly by horse or foot.


Dajeristan is known for being accepting of all peoples, but claims Dajeri as its primary ethnic group.


The dominant culture of Dajeristan is Dajeri

Common Practice

It is customary to remove ones headwear upon entering someone's home, or a temple.

It is customary to offer bread to visitors of your home. But not so for frequent visitors.

It is customary to offer shelter to those without.


Though founded as a town worshipping Dajer, Dajeristan currently has no standing religion.


Dajeristan was founded as a Theocracy, but was moved to a Autocracy later in time. The current mayor is moving Dajeristan to become a Technocracy. The governing body is the Council of Dajeristan, which has the most highly positioned members of Dajer society.


Currently Dajeristan does not export or import any goods.

Foreign Relations

Currently Dajeristan being apart of Gogúan Ásúon Ngola, follows their lead when it comes to foreign relations, but Dajeristani people tend to be neutral toward foreign nations and states.