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The Fae, not to be mistaken for fairies, are winged and horned creatures of myth. Fae are known as Forest Spirits by most faiths, and reside in clans led by elders. Fae are often untrusting and closed off to outsiders, but occasionally serve as guides to those they let into their fold. Their magic consists of lighter elements of plant and animal-based practices, and as such have a deep respect for nature, and duty to protect it.

A subspecies of the Fae are the Dark Fae. They are kin, but typically dwell in areas often untouched by the sun--such as caves, ravines, and rugged northern terrains where sunlight is far less common. Their wings and horns are similar to the Fae except almost always black, and their magic, while associated with animals, is more typically shown in the form of channeling into objects and through tonics, potions, and their Oracles. Dark Fae are known to be not only untrusting to outsiders but aggressive, and for this reason are typically not associated with their lighter counterparts.

Basic Information

Age Range: up to 600 Years.

Fae are creatures of varying heights and complexions, but always have some form of horns, pointed ears, sharpened fangs and large, bird-like wings. Their wings are often variations of feathered browns, whites and speckles, with wingspans that are at least twice that of their arms. Fae eye colors are most commonly ranges of light blues to purples, with variations depending on the sub-species they might fall under.

Dark Fae are a subspecies of the main branch. They typically resemble most of the traits of the main class, but their wings are almost always black or darker colors, along with curved horns of similar tint. This species in particular is known for its tribal tattoos, typically marking their clan - and unusually red eyes that make them easy to tell from their lighter counterparts.


Fae originate in clans of Forest Spirits, and are commonly mistaken for an Elven or fairy species. They follow gods specific to their clans, most notably the King of Dreams, Morphae, Goddess of Nature, Frae, and God of Stories, Laer. They have monthly festivities that follow the cycles of the moon, and are known for their feasts and bonfires.

Fae are guides and are often called upon by their gods to assist those who seek out the comfort of the forests they dwell in; but it takes a lot to earn this level of trust. Fae are naturally protective of both their ecosystems and culture, but are typically willing to teach those who show an interest.