Jörgens Arkivjarh

From Alathra Wiki
Revision as of 04:20, 2 March 2024 by Joxat (talk | contribs) (Establishing my character!! finishing up the last touches and retconning some stuff from the original character app which was very stinky and i dislike now.)
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Jörgens in his Admiral attire, wearing dull clothes and a thick fur drab.

Jörgens Arkivjarh of Bjørn is the former admiral of the nation of Steinheimr, he is 170cm tall, pale of skin, dark of hair and strong. Below the dense clothes, his body is dotted with tattoos. His face bears a great beard, and the skin on the back of his head has a half sun symbol tattooed into it.

Reputation and Personality

He's known little of in the low-lying bars of sailors and canteens worldwide, but known of nonetheless, after his travels conducted from 11 to 12 AC visiting most large ports in Terra and telling of his perils and tales.
